Reckless through another world

Chapter 438 One shot to try the level 【Subscription】

Chapter 438 Let's take a shot to try the level 【Subscription】

Chen Mo followed up with a number of tests, but most of them were for collecting data. After all, there were too few samples that could be collected. However, apart from the samples of the evil spirits, Chen Mo's blood was also drawn in several tubes.

Moreover, skin tissue was also collected, and Chen Mo's recovery ability was even tested.

"Have you reached the fourth stage of ghost control?"

"I'm already in the fifth stage." Chen Mo responded.

"Then summon your evil spirit." Shangguan Ziyun moved his palm slightly, and a huge workbench appeared in front of her. She turned around and looked at Chen Mo.

"My ghost is very big." Chen Mo looked up at the ceiling, it seemed to be only five meters high, and the three-eyed Yama greeted him, could it be lying on the ground?
Shangguan Ziyun flipped his palm, "Boom!" The whole laboratory immediately rose up.

"Okay, now you can summon your demon."

Chen Mo called out in a low voice: "Three-eyed Yama."

"Phew!" The three-eyed Yan Luo crawled out of Chen Mo's body and stood behind Chen Mo. He was 15 meters tall, dressed in thick ghost armor, with scarlet ghost eyes and six strong arms, like a An enlarged version of Chen Mo.

The majestic fear and coercion emanated from the body of the three-eyed Yama, and a steaming ghostly aura surrounded him. This image alone gave people a strong sense of oppression.

After all, other people's ghosts are basically of a single species, but Chen Mo's ghost is a combination, which uses the three-eyed Yama as the benchmark, and then adds the characteristics of the ghost, although Chen Mo doesn't know what's going on. , but it’s enough to be strong, and the rest of the things can’t be considered until they are strong enough.

"I heard that you swept away a group of god catchers in the reserves. Although they haven't been specifically promoted, it's not bad. Maybe I didn't believe it before, but now that I see your evil ghost, I can probably believe it." Shangguan Zi Yun looked at Yama with three eyes appreciatively.

Completely different from his feelings towards Chen Mo, Shangguan Ziyun was more enthusiastic towards Sanmu Yanluo, as if Sanmu Yanluo was the main guest.

"The data in all aspects are very powerful. No wonder you can deal with thirty god catchers alone. If you can train and control them well, you might be able to be promoted to Ziyi soon, and catch gods is also expected." Shangguan Ziyun With a wave of his hand, a large pile of equipment gathered around the three-eyed Yama again.

"Boss, what exactly is a ghost?" Chen Mo asked.

Chen Mo is indeed very curious, what is the evil ghost, it can be so terrifying and powerful, it can even possess the body of a human being, grow, and finally be able to bear Chen Mo's control.

"What do you think?" Shangguan Ziyun glanced at Chen Mo with interest, then continued to manipulate the crystal in his hand, and countless mechanical arms stretched out to inspect the body of the three-eyed Yama.

"It may be a race, or it may be some kind of creation. After all, it can't be a god?" Chen Mo shook his head slightly. He didn't know the background of evil spirits in the previous games, but he thought it should be a certain race.

It's like Ultraman and the human body, except that this kind grows by eating its own host.

"Why can't it be a god?" Shangguan Ziyun glanced at Chen Mo with a smile, then waved his hand, and a surrounding crystal wall suddenly appeared around him, showing various evil spirits, including hanged ghosts and starving ghosts , plague ghost, fire ghost, water ghost, longevity ghost, coffin-drawing ghost, ghoul, sword ghost, sword ghost,...

There are even many ghosts that Chen Mo has never seen, and there are specific data studies.

"None of this tells me what they are. Of course, they may be gods, but calling them ghosts is the most accurate thing." Shangguan Ziyun looked around, then waved his hand, these research materials It's all gone too.

"They can become stronger through killing, absorb human blood, and even life. As for what their essence is, many of the great powers in Qin Tianjian are studying it, and I only master some Simple things are nothing." Shangguan Ziyun shook his head slightly.

"Okay, don't study this problem anymore, let's strengthen your evil spirit now." As he said, the mechanical arm in front of Shangguan Ziyun took out a needle tube with the length of a normal human forearm, and inside it was a syringe nearly fifteen centimeters long. Long golden liquid, also exudes a faint golden light.

Chen Mo frowned slightly, he didn't seem to have seen this thing before.

"Wait, what is this?" Seeing that the robotic arm was about to inject this thing into Sanmu Yanluo, Chen Mo hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't underestimate this small tube. This tube is worth 30 merits. It takes a long time to extract. This is the blood of the gods." Shangguan Ziyun explained with a smile.

"The blood of the gods?" Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, and then asked tentatively: "The blood of the old rulers?"

"What kind of gods are they? At most, they are more powerful, but the restrictions are more strange. The gods I am talking about are real gods, but they are from other planes and worlds." Shangguan Zi Yun obviously scoffed at the old rulers.

In her eyes, those guys who are called evil gods are just powerful monsters.

Of course, Chen Mo completely agrees with her statement. For the game world, even real gods are strange, not to mention those false gods, which are even more strange.

"Sure enough, there should be more advanced battlefields, even battlefields where you can fight with gods." Chen Mo murmured in his heart, he felt that this place should not be a battlefield, but more like a huge logistics supply station. Coming here, there are not many days left in the Shenzhou Continent until the end of the game.

"Then do you want to use it or not? This injection is worth 30 yuan. It's done here. If you don't use it, you can't take it with you. It will become invalid after the expiration date." Shangguan Ziyun asked Chen Mo with a glance.

Shangguan Ziyun didn't say much, just waited quietly, waiting for Chen Mo to make a decision.

After all, although Shangguan Ziyun understands this thing, Chen Mo does not understand it, so it is normal to hesitate.But if you want Shangguan Ziyun to explain to Chen Mo, it is not something that can be explained clearly in a few words.

"What, do I want to send a voice transmission to my chief arrester?" Chen Mo still planned to ask Chu Kuangge for his opinion first. After getting along for such a long time, Chen Mo obviously trusted Chu Kuangge even more.

"Who is your chief arrester?" Shangguan Ziyun asked.

"Chu Kuangge, Mr. Chu arrests."

"It turned out to be him, you can fight."

"Chief catcher, it's me, Chen Xianzhi, what, let me ask, does the blood of this god have any side effects?" Chen Mo didn't go around in circles, and with Chu Kuangge's current status as a catcher, he must know it too.

"The blood of the gods? It has no side effects. I have used it many times. That is the top reward. In the future, one injection will cost 30 meritorious deeds. It is a relatively quick way to improve your evil spirit's strength. Of course, don't use it too much. If you eat too much of good things, you will have a bad stomach.”

"Your evil spirit is too strong, but it is easy to backfire. It depends on your own strength."

"Then I'm relieved, thank you chief arrester."

After thanking Chu Kuangge, Chen Mo hung up the sound transmission, then looked at Shangguan Ziyun and said, "Come on, Chief Shangguan, give him a try."

(End of this chapter)

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