Reckless through another world

Chapter 443 The Ghost Inn in Zhengyang Mansion

Chapter 443 The Ghost Inn in Zhengyang Mansion

"Is this Zhengyang Mansion?" Chen Mo looked at the two gods who were wearing fast uniforms and asked.

As he spoke, he rubbed his neck. The impact just now was so violent that it hit his neck.

After all, Chen Mo was thrown from the sea of ​​sky. Chen Mo was nervous and prepared to use Ghost Domain, but the effect was not bad, at least he landed alive.

"Are you?" Silver Seal God Catcher asked cautiously.

"I'm Chen Xianzhi, red-clothed at the court column level. As for the title, you can find it in your mansion. Is this Zhengyang Mansion?" Chen Mo frowned slightly. Why are these two people so naive? He is not a scary character.

But this is what Chen Mo thought. In the eyes of the two gods, Chen Mo was a suspicious and terrifying character, and he was crushed by fear and coercion like a mountain.After the three-eyed Yan Luo was promoted to the three-star supreme, the fear and coercion became stronger.

"Yes, yes, this is Zhengyang Mansion." Silver Seal quickly replied.

"Sure enough, it's fast and accurate, and it's exciting enough." Chen Mo nodded slightly, and looked up at the sky. The sky was so light blue that he couldn't see clearly. The shuttle fell from the sky.That's right, none of the flying speeds of the aircraft fell fast enough.

"Boss Han, I got the inspiration from the coming of the demon." Chen Mo walked to the side of the shuttle, and pulled out the shuttle from the pit like a carrot. Although the surface of the shuttle had burnt marks , but not serious.

There was a lot of deformation at the place where it collided with the ground. Although there was a huge impact, it still did not cause damage to the interior.

Because this technology is still in the early stage of use, if you want to fly back, you need to go to the big city to have the device that provides the shuttle to fly back, at least it must be a big city at the continental level.

Chen Mo put away the shooting shuttle behind him and put it in the mustard bag.

"Let's go, I'm here to solve the ghost inn for you, let's talk while walking." Chen Mo walked over.

"It's so cold!"

"It still feels terrible. Is this the Tingzhu class?"

"It should be." The two whispered, but they couldn't help shivering. Chen Mo was too scary now, like a walking ghost, and he didn't dare to be looked at directly.

Chen Mo was slightly stunned, and also noticed this kind of problem, and then put away all the fear and coercion on his body.

"Chen, hurry up, please, our Chief Detective has been waiting for a long time." Detective Yinyin and another civilian policeman breathed a sigh of relief. Although they also have evil spirits, their evil spirits are too weak. Not to mention the one with the silver seal, it is just a tasteless one, and although the one with the silver seal is still acceptable, in Chen Mo's opinion, it is still not good.

"Okay." Chen Mo followed the two into the city.

The city of Fucheng is not small at all, and it is very ingeniously divided. The architectural styles of the various places are also the same. Chen Mo entered the city and found that although it was affected by the ghost inn, the prosperity in it has not weakened much.

Under the guidance of these two god arresters, Chen Mo soon saw the chief arrester in red from Zhengyang Mansion. He was a middle-aged man who looked a little thin. The pressure is not bad, but against Chen Mo, it seems a bit insignificant.

The area around the ghost inn has been cordoned off, so there are only people from Shenchamen and Zhenyisi left around, and there are no other pedestrians and idlers.

"You are the king of hell, Chen Xianzhi. I have admired you for a long time. I am Liu Zhengyi, the red-clothed chief arrester of Zhengyang Mansion." Liu Zhengyi greeted him, and said with cupped fists. As the chief arrester at the Zhu level, he dared not neglect even more.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Chen Mo cupped his hands and said.

"I don't know how the situation is now?" Chen Mo didn't have too much politeness, but asked straight to the point.

"It's not very good. We have two gold seal officers trapped in it. Although they can still communicate, the other party can't get out, and we dare not go in. There are people who entered by mistake, and it's probably already a disaster." Liu Zhengyi She shook her head slightly, with sadness between her brows.

Originally, there was a shortage of manpower in various places, and suddenly there were two missing arresters, and the suppression of evil spirits in the entire Zhengyang Mansion dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is the ghost inn?" Chen Mo raised his head and looked at a solitary inn isolated by the cordon. It looked a bit gloomy. It looks like a three-story building, but it doesn't fit in with the surrounding buildings.

"Yes, that's it. Originally, there was another family here, but with the appearance of the ghost inn, this family should be more ominous." Liu Zhengyi nodded and said.

"Moreover, every day at midnight, ghosts would come out of the ghost inn, making people panic now. If some powerful ghosts come out, we have no ability to resist." Liu Zhengyi felt quite helpless, it was simply It's like a large-scale asylum for evil spirits, and there will be ghosts running out at night.

If it weren't for the fact that all the ghosts who came out were weak ghosts, maybe the entire Zhengyang Mansion would become a ghostly ghost.

"Huh?" Chen Mo let out a sigh, looking at the window on the inn.

"What's the matter?" Liu Zhengyi hastily followed Chen Mo's gaze, but there seemed to be nothing but pitch blackness.

"I seemed to see a scarlet eye just now, so let me see what the hell it is." The button on Chen Mo's forehead opened with a click, and the huge scarlet ghost eye rolled back and forth, the pupils were split Bloody, even Chen Mo's eyes were already stained red with scarlet, and then he looked at the ghost inn.

Hearing what Chen Mo said, Liu Zhengyi quickly used his ghost energy, but he didn't seem to see anything, so he couldn't help but look at Chen Mo and asked, "Chen Tingzhu, did you see anything?"

"It's pretty quick to hide." Chen Mo searched, but didn't find the scarlet just now. Although he was a little uncomfortable, but if he could be found so easily, he wouldn't need to be caught by a Tingzhu-level god .

"With my token, I will locate them when I go in, and I will bring them out. As for whether I can suppress the entire ghost inn, I don't have a specific idea. I will do my best to obey the destiny." Chen Mo said that he was going to go in.

"Chen, the ghost inn usually only appears for ten days. After ten days, it will change its place. Now it's the second day, so there are only less than eight days left. If you can't do anything, please come to Chen." Come out quickly." Liu Zhengyi hurriedly reminded.

If even Chen Mo is involved, then this is considered too big, not only he can't accept it, but also Qin Tianjian can't accept it.

"Understood, I will come out within eight days." Chen Mo nodded.

Looking at the ruined inn in front of him, Chen Mo frowned slightly. The threats emanating from it made Chen Mo feel very uncomfortable, but even so, Chen Mo still planned to go in.

As the saying goes, if you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won't catch the tiger's cubs. If you don't enter, the two golden seals will not be rescued at all. Of course, the problem of ghosts running over must be solved.

(End of this chapter)

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