Reckless through another world

Chapter 444 Staying at the Inn

Chapter 444 Staying at the Inn
"Someone from God's Catchment Gate will enter the Ghost Inn. It seems that they have a lot of background." On the attic not far away, a man in a brocade robe and a hood who couldn't see what he looked like was muttering. , looked over.

"As long as he doesn't disturb our plan, they can do whatever they want." The other said in a cold voice, as if even the Tingzhu-level god catcher was nothing more than a chicken and a dog in their eyes, and would break at the touch of a finger. .

"I've been silent for 60 years, just for this big plan. How can I be influenced by others? Even if he goes in, it's just adding a dead bone." The man in brocade with the capital laughed.

People from Tianwaitian on this side stared at Chen Mo, while another group of people watched Tianwaitian on the other side.

"The idiots of Tianwaitian, the so-called centuries-old plan is just a whimsical idea. Only our Hades can lead Shenzhou to prosperity and strength, and only our Hades can lead the people to become stronger." The man in the gray robe sneered. , looking at Tianwaitian's Moxiu is like looking at some clowns.

"But this Chen Xianzhi should not be underestimated. It is said that the previous Hei Wuchang fell into his hands, and even Bai Wuchang couldn't do anything to him."

"King Qin Guangguang has always thought that the other party is a big problem, but he was suppressed by the high-level. After all, he is also a rookie in the human race, so he should not be suppressed." Another person from the underworld said.

"Hei Wuchang, that trash, actually lost such precious information. What he has produced now is only a semi-finished man-made evil ghost. When will we be able to truly reconcile humans and ghosts and create real evil ghosts!" The leader in black robe sighed.

"At night, we will also enter it. It is said that the evil spirit lives in it. I don't know if it is true or not." It seems that the leader of the underworld staff nodded slightly. One study directly regressed to nearly a decade's level.

Of course, they don't know that Hei Wuchang is still alive. Even if Bai Wuchang came, it was only tentative. They just want to see if Chen Mo has mastered more of their skills, and by the way confirm that Hei Wuchang is dead No.

If the news that Hei Wuchang is still alive is leaked out, maybe the whole Hades will do their best to trouble Chen Mo.

Of course, because there was no such news, they did not deal with Chen Mo in a big way. They even felt that it would be a waste of resources to find Chen Mo's troubles. Instead, they stopped harassing Chen Mo.

As for whether Qin Tianjian will deal with the underworld, Chen Mo thinks at least not now, otherwise, the underworld organization will not be allowed to mess around, such as the human experiment in Beiming City, and Qi Zuozhuang's embryo technology, and Lots of things he hadn't seen elsewhere.

Chen Mo wouldn't believe it if there was no Qin Tianjian's indulgence.However, for the current Chen Mo, his first task is to improve his combat power, and only the super combat power can stand firm.

"The devil boys from the sky?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, and he didn't need to observe carefully, the aura emitted by those devil cultivators could be noticed by Chen Mo, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you, I'll talk about it after I save someone .”

However, it was the same for Chen Mo if he didn't find out. If he dared to block the way, he would kick him away. If he had malicious intentions towards him, then he didn't have to leave.

After stepping into the inn, Chen Mo found that the inside and the outside were completely different. The inside was not dilapidated, on the contrary, it was very delicate, and it didn't look old at all. There was an old woman with a stooped figure sitting on the counter. , a kerosene lamp was burning on the counter.

When Chen Mo turned back, he suddenly found that although the door was still there, there was only deep darkness outside the door. Looking at it, it seemed that he wanted to fall into it. An inexplicable sense of horror burst out from the bottom of Chen Mo's heart. The cold hairs all over his body stood up.

"If I were you, I wouldn't keep looking outside." The hunched old woman's hoarse voice sounded, but she never raised her head, the scarf tightly wrapped her head, Chen Mo could only see Chin and mouth, and a little nose.

The skin is pale, and there are many wrinkles, which is the kind of loose appearance that can only be caused by oxidation and aging.

"Can talk, isn't it a ghost?" Chen Mo was a little startled, it seems that the other party is not a ghost, it looks a bit like a human, but a human can't exude such a strange aura.

"I want to find two people. I don't know if you know?" Chen Mo didn't worry too much, he didn't care if it was a person or a ghost, as long as he could answer his question, it was enough.

As for more irrelevant information?Chen Mo is here to save people and suppress evil spirits by the way, he is not interested in playing detective theory.

"Room 1409, put away your house number, don't come out at night, and don't open the door if you hear any noise in the room. If you're lucky, you might be able to get out after staying for a few days." Ricket The naked old woman handed Chen Mo a blood-stained door plate and a rusty iron key.

"The lantern is left to you, I wish you... come back alive."The old woman raised her head slightly to look at Chen Mo.

"he he he he he."

"What are you laughing at?" Chen Mo frowned slightly and shouted sharply at the same time, a strong ghostly aura evaporated from his body, and his eyes were immediately soaked in scarlet, setting off Chen Mo like an evil ghost in the black mist.

This piercing laughter was like someone laughing next to Chen Mo's ear, and seemed to want to get into Chen Mo's head.

"噢噐噐!" The ghost eyes in the body opened suddenly, turning irregularly, the sound of laughter stopped abruptly, as if someone pinched the neck of a calling duck, and there was no more sound .

The crooked old lady in front of Chen Mo's eyes had disappeared, leaving only a burning kerosene lamp on the counter, and a blood-stained door plate and key.

"It's strange enough." Chen Mo looked at the blood-stained door sign, and then picked it up. It seems that everyone who comes in will stay. Although Chen Mo is a brave man, he still has to abide by the rules of evil spirits. Yes, or you will die.

After picking up the nameplate on the table, Chen Mo walked to the stairs, looked up, but did not see the head, and the top was hazy, as if the stairs could not see the end.

"I've already come in, what room are the two of them in?" Chen Mo connected Liu Zhengyi outside the door.

"One of them is at 1405, and the other is at 1309, but they said that they can't go out now, and the door will only open at night." Liu Zhengyi sent a message to Chen Mo through the token of God's arrest.

"I see, I will take them out at night." Chen Mo nodded and hung up the voice transmission in his hand.

"Creak!" The footsteps stepped on the wooden stairs, making a harsh sound. It seemed that he couldn't bear Chen Mo's weight. Chen Mo walked from the first floor to the second floor. The numbers of the rooms on the second floor actually started with 01 .

"So, my 1409 should be on the fifteenth floor." Chen Mo frowned slightly, looking at the ghost inn with only three floors from the outside, but the inside is at least fifteen floors high.

"Click, click!" Chen Mo's footsteps stopped, he was sure that it wasn't his footsteps just now, so, there should be something... coming.

(End of this chapter)

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