Reckless through another world

Chapter 445 The Scarlet Door

Chapter 445 The Scarlet Door
Chen Mo stopped quietly, listening to the footsteps in the corridor, "Batta, Batta." At first, it felt very light, as if he was afraid that Chen Mo would hear it, so he didn't move quickly.

And after Chen Mo stopped, the owner of the footsteps seemed to find that Chen Mo had discovered it, so its footsteps also became hurried.

As the footsteps became more and more urgent, finally, Chen Mo looked at a ghost around the corner. The ghost had a smile on its face, and there was no emotion in its eyes. up.

The laughter seemed to have a strange magical power that made Chen Mo feel in a trance, and he couldn't help but want to go to his side, and the laughter wanted to penetrate into Chen Mo's ears again.

However, with the release of ghost energy in Chen Mo's body, his footsteps stopped again.

After seeing Chen Mo, his steps also increased, "Boom, boom, boom!" The ghost's feet landed on the wooden floor and made a boom, and as the laughing ghost rushed over, Chen Mo was stunned for a moment , and then directly called the ghost domain.

"Ghost Realm!"

"噗!" Ghost Domain instantly enveloped Chen Mo, and as Chen Mo hid, the smiling ghost seemed to have lost his way again, but he didn't leave, but lingered here.


The laughter is still there, and there is no way to be separated by the ghost domain. Chen Mo frowned slightly. He doesn't like laughter. Even his own smile is just a grin, a silent smile, but after this The ghost obviously doesn't know about Chen Mo's problem.

And his instinct is to laugh. Laughter is enough to confuse passers-by, making passers-by who hear his laughter stop, and then be hunted by him.

The most annoying thing is that this laughter seems to want to penetrate into the human body like a parasite.

"Xiaoxiaoxiao, you are laughing at Nima!"

"Bang!" Chen Mo's fist came out of the ghost domain, his ghostly aura unfolded, his arm turned into a ghost's hand, his skin turned into a ghost's armor, and he punched the laughing ghost in the face.

But obviously, the strength of this laughing ghost is not weak, it just staggered a bit, although the laughter stopped abruptly, but one of his arms was also on Chen Mo's hand, Chen Mo only felt his arm was cold, and he had already Lost consciousness.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Mo directly pulled out the killing enemy, and slashed at his forearm. The ghostly killing enemy glowed with a faint black light, "Crack!" With the knife, Chen Mo's forearm was connected with the knife. With a "click" sound, the entire palm fell to the ground.

The wound on the arm actually stopped bleeding within a few breaths, but it also became disabled. Chen Mo cut off the wound that had already grown.

"Luosheng ghost hand." Chen Mo groaned, the wound on his forearm began to germinate instantly, and in less than two breaths, a complete arm had reappeared, no different from the arm just now, with a ghostly aura slowly Covering the past, the ghost armor reappeared.

"Although I have been more careful, this kind of guy is still scary. If I touched my neck just now, maybe my head would have fallen off." Chen Mo looked down at the severed hand on the ground, and it turned into a broken hand. Heaps of rotten meat.

"Since it's not good to be tough from the front, let's get rid of monsters." Chen Mo's body was hidden in the ghost domain.The Laughing Ghost wanted to attack Chen Mo, but without Chen Mo's permission, the Laughing Ghost couldn't come in, and Chen Mo forced him one after another.

Filling the big hatchet with ghost energy, he slashed at his face one after another. Gradually, his body seemed to be unable to resist.

"Whoosh!" The Laughing Ghost ran up without hesitation, and Chen Mo wanted to chase after him. "Bang!" A door was blocked in front of Chen Mo. It was a blood-red door, like It's like pouring blood.

After the smiling face ghost ran in, the door was closed. Chen Mo looked up and saw that the house number on it was "0111".

Although Chen Mo didn't know the situation inside the door, but looking at the doorknob, he felt that it should be openable. Relying on Huangquan, Chen Mo released his hand, grabbed the doorknob, and then gently pulled it out.

Accompanied by a narrow and eerie sound of "Crack - creak!" Chen Mo slowly pulled open the blood-red door, and the oncoming was a majestic darkness, and a ghost hand poked out from inside. , followed by the figure, and finally the whole ghost came out from inside.

"I didn't expect it, it's me again!" Chen Mo said with a grin. The person in front of him was the Smiling Ghost. Without any hesitation, the Smiling Ghost shrank back, and then the door closed uncontrollably.

"Huh? What's going on here?"

"But I don't care what's going on with you, let me break my arm, then come into my urn!" Chen Mo opened the door again, but this time when the smiling ghost came out, he directly used the ghost Domain covered him up.

The smiling ghost just wanted to turn around, but found that there was no door. His eyes locked on Chen Mo directly, and his mouth slowly opened, as if he was ready to laugh.

"Three-eyed Yama!" Chen Mo groaned.


Yan Luo with three eyes, 18 meters tall, appeared behind Chen Mo, with scarlet ghost eyes emitting a scarlet light, looking condescendingly at the Laughing Ghost.

"Whoosh!" The fist rushed over with the sound of piercing the air,
"Bang!" A punch.

The smiling face ghost who wanted to laugh just now lost most of his breath in an instant.

The three-eyed Yan Luo slowly moved his fist away, and the smiling ghost got up from the ground, and the smile on his face seemed to appear again.

"Three-eyed Yama!"

"Bang!" Another punch.

This time, although the Smiling Ghost held on firmly and raised his arms high, even his head was smashed to the side, and the ghostly aura on his body was instantly scattered.

"Until he is convinced." Chen Mo waved his hand, motioning for the three-eyed Yama to continue.

"Bang bang bang!"

Punch after punch, the fear pressure of the smiling face ghost has fluctuated, and is slowly decreasing. Chen Mo directly throws the evil ghost cage at his waist. With the injection of stellar energy, the evil ghost cage bursts out with a burst of golden light. The smiling face ghost has already been taken into the cage of evil ghosts.

"Come back." With a greeting, the three-eyed Yan Luo got into Chen Mo's body again, and Chen Mo also regained his composure, as if everything just now was an illusion.

With Ghost Domain removed, Chen Mo stood in the corridor on this floor, and found that the rest of the gatehouses were made of ordinary wood, and only the innermost room, which is the room at the corner of the circular corridor, had a blood-red door. .

Although he was curious about what was inside, Chen Mo didn't delve into it any further. If it took a long time, he might not even be able to get out, let alone take the two gold seals to get out quickly.

Chen Mo climbed up the winding stairs layer by layer, and there were evil spirits in the rest of the corridors, but Chen Mo didn't stop, so they didn't catch up. When they reached the No.15 floor, Chen Mo It was found that there was also an evil ghost standing opposite, but its back was facing Chen Mo, and its long black hair was loose, and its specific face could not be seen.

"Where there are evil spirits, the scarlet door is open, and in the corridor without evil spirits, the scarlet door is closed." Chen Mo murmured and stayed on the No.15th floor, looked up, there seemed to be stairs above, In order to find out, Chen Mo did not stop, but continued to move forward.

(End of this chapter)

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