Reckless through another world

Chapter 448 The Hanged Dead Man

Chapter 448 The Hanged Dead Man

"A living person?" Guo Dong exclaimed in a low voice, and then quickly covered his mouth. If there is a ghost who can kill someone by hearing the sound, he might have been decapitated just now.

"It doesn't look like it, it should be a ghost." Chen Mo squinted his eyes slightly, and not far away was a young man who looked very young, with a faint smile on his face, but when he raised his head, Chen Mo just looked up. I saw that his eyes turned out to be two dark holes, and fresh traces of blood slowly flowed out of them.

"Stand here and don't move, I'll go and test him." Chen Mo signaled Guo Dong not to move, and then walked up.

Chen Mo stepped forward, but he also didn't dare to push him too hard. A ghostly aura gushed out of his body, and his body suddenly turned into a ghost, and he didn't dare to be careless.After all, facing a smiling ghost made him lose an arm. Now the fear and coercion of this ghost seems to be stronger, so Chen Mo naturally dare not underestimate it.

As Chen Mo stepped into the corridor on the No.14 floor, the young man standing in the corridor slowly raised his half-raised head, revealing his whole face with a strange smile on his face. The hole-like eyes widened as if they wanted to see Chen Mo clearly.

The ghostly Chen Mo took two steps and rushed directly. The big hatchet in his hand glowed with ghostly light under the blessing of the ghost, making him even more invincible. The powerful force was directly aimed at the neck of this evil ghost. Cut it off.


Just like some rags were cut open by scissors, the neck of this evil ghost was chopped up by a big hatchet, and the whole head drooped like a defeated rooster, revealing the ghost living inside neck.

The scarlet scarlet neck, as if the blood hadn't dried, gushed out along the neck at once.

The evil spirit approached Chen Mo all of a sudden, and pinched Chen Mo's neck with his arms.

Chen Mo suddenly felt that his neck seemed to be bound by some kind of iron hoop, but this did not surprise Chen Mo. After all, the strength of evil spirits is terrifyingly strong, which is not comparable to martial arts.

What surprised Chen Mo the most was the blood of the scarlet ghost extending along his arm.

Chen Mo's eyes opened sharply, and he cut off his wrist with a knife. Although this ghost hand was still grabbing Chen Mo's neck tightly, Chen Mo's ghost armor was not easy to get along with. The trachea was pinched by the opponent.

With a shock of ghost energy, the ghost hand had already landed on the ground.

Going one step further, "噗!" pierced the evil ghost's stomach. At first, there was some obstruction, but after the big hatchet pierced in, Chen Mo couldn't feel any obstruction, and the inside was very loose.

"It's stabbed!" Taking advantage of the situation, he cut him open.

Chen Mo finally saw what this ghost looked like.

Where it was scarlet, it was obviously scarlet blood that was dyed scarlet, and the evil spirit inside was just a scarecrow. Although it still had limbs, it had no facial features or hair.

And the young man who was disembowelled and decapitated by Chen Mo turned out to be just the skin of this straw ghost.

The inside of the skin was still stained with blood, and even a little bit of broken flesh, but the human skin was intact, even though it was worn by the straw ghost, it was still lifelike.

Chen Mo knew that there was a way to peel off the human skin, buried them with soil, and exposed their heads without leaving a single gap, then dug a hole under their feet, and set fire to them underneath.

Cut a hole in the top of the scalp and pour mercury.

Because of the mercury, the human skin will be easily separated from the flesh, and because of the fire, the people in the soil can't stand the heat at all, and they will frantically want to crawl out.

"Slip!" All of a sudden, a blood man with only flesh and blood came out of the human skin, leaving behind a complete human skin. This person is actually still alive at this time, but without the protection of the skin, he is very Soon to die.

Afterwards, the skin is preserved with potions, and then weeds are washed on it, and a living doll appears.

Chen Mo has only heard of it, but has not seen it, but this time, although he has seen it, he has seen it from the evil ghost.

Although the straw ghost has no facial features, Chen Mo can clearly feel that the other party is looking at him.

"噗!" The straw ghost walked out of the human skin, and the straw in his body quickly swelled up, covering all the walls around him.

"Gudu." Guo Dong swallowed hard, his eyes were full of horror, if he was entangled with the whole thing, wouldn't he be killed and skinned, and then he would wear the skin on his body.

"There are some tricks, but today you should enter the urn." Chen Mo grinned, raised his hand, and the ghost domain directly appeared around the straw ghost, covering him.

"Three-eyed Yama, teach him a lesson." Chen Mo murmured, and the three-eyed Yama directly appeared in the ghost domain.

Even if Chen Mo wanted to suppress him with the ghost domain, he couldn't suppress him. He was full of ghost energy, and his combat power would not be reduced at all, so he couldn't be included in the cage of evil ghosts.

It can only be collected into the cage of evil ghosts after being consumed by the three-eyed Yama.

"Disappeared?" In Guo Dong's eyes, Chen Mo and the straw ghost disappeared together. This time he was even more frightened, as if he heard some noise, so Guo Dong looked down.


Hun'er was almost frightened and flew out, and there was a little ghost looking up at him. It seemed that for some reason, the other party couldn't come up, but just looking at him like this was enough to make him feel horrified that's it.

On the other hand, Chen Mo asked Yan Luo with three eyes to hammer the straw ghost like the smiling face ghost, but the other party seemed to be very concurrent.

But after spending a lot of effort, he was finally put into the cage of evil spirits.

"What's the matter, scared like this grandma?" After walking out of the ghost domain, Chen Mo frowned slightly and asked Guo Dong's legs were trembling.

"Chief arrest, there is another one down here." Guo Dong hurriedly ran to Chen Mo's side, this is too frightening, there will be ghosts anytime, anywhere, who can stand it.

"Probably one on each floor, don't worry, we will sweep it slowly later." Chen Mo walked to the stairs and looked down. There was really a little ghost smiling at Chen Mo, and Chen Mo also showed him a smile. Very kind.

"Don't worry, I'll accept you sooner or later." Chen Mo sneered and walked to the gatehouse of 1309.

"Knock on the door and ask if your colleague is still alive."

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door.

There was a dead silence in the room, and a figure in the middle of the room blocked the view. There was a rope around his neck, which was connected to the beams. His face was ashen, his long tongue had been stuck out, and his eyes had been rolled. past.

It is enough to show that the person in the room is dead and cannot die anymore, and he was hanged.

"Dong dong dong."

"Strange, why didn't anyone come to open the door?" Guo Dong frowned in surprise.

"If you were inside, you wouldn't dare to open the door. You must wait for the evil spirit to leave before you open it." Chen Mo laughed dumbly, and then said: "Let you always arrest the brother inside and send a sound transmission, whether it is dead or alive, it will be fine." I can know."

"I'll come right away." Guo Dong had already picked up the token of God's arrest.

(End of this chapter)

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