Chapter 449
Chen Mo gently pressed his head against the door, the ghost eyes on his forehead slowly opened, and turned around twice with great vigor.

"Ghost eyes." As Chen Mo pondered, all the ghost eyes in Chen Mo's body were opened, and Chen Mo would be able to see the scene inside the door in his own eyes. What surprised Chen Mo was that the other party had hanged himself.

A middle-aged man, his eyes turned white, his face was ashen, and his tongue had been stuck out for a long time. Because there was no wind, his feet and clothes did not move, and there was a little weirdness in the silence in the room.

Originally, Chen Mo wanted to stop Guo Dong. After all, the people inside seemed to be dead, but the other side was already connected.

As the token of God's Catch sounded, Chen Mo saw that the hanged middle-aged man slowly opened his eyes, the livid color on his face slowly faded, and his eyes slowly returned to normal. The long tongue was also put away by him.

"Chief arrest?" The middle-aged man picked up the token of the god arrest, and put him down with the rope around his neck.

Chen Mo also left from the door, shook his head with a smile, "Sure enough, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing their own magical powers, even Jin Yin has his own means of saving his life."

The trick of pretending to be dead has always been useful, but some people's evil spirits allow them to pretend to be dead, while others cannot. Chen Mo thinks that the middle-aged evil spirits here should be hanged ghosts Can let him pretend to be dead.

"Crack!" The door opened, and the person inside also came out. It was the middle-aged man who Chen Mo saw being hanged, but he obviously didn't look like a living person just now, but now he is alive. people.

"You are Chen Tingzhu?" The middle-aged man first looked at Guo Dong, "Brother Guo." A smile appeared on his face, then he clasped his fists and looked at Chen Mo.

"Brother Hu." Guo Dong nodded, with a smile on his face. Although it is said that the Golden Seal God Catchment will inevitably be killed by evil spirits, Guo Dong is also very happy to see his colleagues survived unharmed. Happy.

After seeing Chen Mo, the middle-aged man's smile was obviously wider. Although Chen Mo's body cultivation was not so strong, the fear and pressure he released was strong. If he closed his eyes and didn't look at Chen Mo, he would think it was something The big ghost stood in front of him.

"It's me." Chen Mo nodded.

"At Hu Tuo, I met the chief arrester." Hu Tuo was obviously relieved, although he had already received the voice transmission from their chief arrester, but after waiting for Chen Mo's answer, his heart was also relieved.Although this ghost inn was so dangerous that he had already pretended to be dead and avoided it, but the presence of the Tingzhu class was enough to make him feel at ease.

"I've already suppressed the evil spirits on this floor, will you follow me, or go back to your rooms?" Chen Mo asked.

Now that the situation has become clear, Chen Mo intends to suppress the evil spirits layer by layer, maybe suppress all the evil spirits on the eighteenth floor, and they will be able to go out.But Chen Mo thinks it is unlikely, if it is so simple, then the ghost inn is not worth three spiritual empowerments.

Although the three evil spirits encountered would also pose a threat to Chen Mo, Chen Mo didn't feel that much of a threat. There may be other evil spirits that revived from the dead. Chen Mo still has the confidence to suppress them in the blink of an eye. .

"I'll follow the chief arrester." Guo Dong hurriedly stated that he was the first to see Chen Mo, and, in his opinion, the powerful evil spirit that could not be used was suppressed between Chen Mo's flips, so he also He wanted to get close to Chen Mo.

Wouldn't it be a fool to have such thighs and not hug them?

"I'll follow Chen Tingzhu too." Although Hu Tuo didn't know the specific situation, Guo Dong was very timid, much more timid than him.

Guo Dong abandoned his house and followed Chen Mo. This was enough for Hu Tuo to believe in Chen Mo's strength. What's more, the fear and coercion emanating from Chen Mo's body was like a mountain. Peace of mind.

A door not far away slowly opened.

Chen Mo already had ghost eyes, so when he saw each other, Guo Dong and Hu Tuo were like frightened birds, their bodies had turned into ghosts, and they were always on guard.


With the opening of the door, a beggar-like man with a shaggy head and dirty body was revealed. His expression was a little nervous. Looking at the costumes of Chen Mo and the three of them, he looked like a policeman, and he seemed to be a gang Son, so a little nervous.

"Well, can you take me away too." The beggar didn't even come out of the door, but poked his head out, for fear of encountering a villain or a ghost.

"Who are you?" Chen Mo signaled Guo Dong and Hu Tuo not to be so nervous, and then asked.

"Huh? Ordinary martial arts, not a ghost guardian?" Chen Mo was a little surprised. This person's body exudes a dragon-level celestial cultivation, but there is no trace of fear and coercion, which shows that the other party is just an ordinary person. Dragon-level celestial martial artist,

The ghost eyes on Chen Mo's body opened dozens more, and after repeated confirmation, the other party was indeed just an ordinary martial artist, not a ghost emissary.

"I'm Feng Yi, I entered the inn by mistake half a month ago." Feng Yi sighed.

"Jade Blood Sword Feng Yi?" Guo Dong was stunned for a moment, then looked Feng Yi up and down, and asked quite puzzled: "Jade Blood Sword Feng Yi is a beautiful man facing the wind, what about you?"

"When you come to such a ghost place, how can you still face the wind." Feng Yi shook his head. When he first came in, he could still walk around with his cultivation base, but after encountering a few evil spirits, he never dared to go out again. up.

If it weren't for the fact that his cultivation was still there and he didn't need to eat with his true energy, maybe the Jade Blood Sword on the rivers and lakes would have starved to death in the ghost inn.

Although he has enough true energy, because of the ghost inn, he can no longer replenish the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and there is not much food in the mustard bag. If he is trapped for a period of time, with the exhaustion of true energy, he may really be killed. starving.

If the martial arts of a dragon-level celestial being were starved to death in the end, if word spread, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud.

"At most, I will take care of you, and the rest is up to you." Chen Mo nodded slightly. Now that he knew the details of this person, Chen Mo was relieved a lot, just don't pretend to be some evil ghost.

"You're not a ghost, are you?" Chen Mo tricked him.

"No, I'm a human, how could I be a ghost?" Feng Yi was a little confused about Chen Mo's question, but he still responded honestly.

Chen Mo nodded slightly and then said, "It's nothing, anyway, you take care of yourself, at most we will reach out, and we will not give up our wealth and life to save you."

As for why he didn't talk too much, it was also because Chen Mo didn't want to be a nanny.

Seeing righteousness is nothing but courage, but if the other party wants to die by himself, Chen Mo can only give up on him. If he knows how to measure, then he will have a chance to survive.

"Naturally, naturally." Feng Yi nodded hastily, and walked out of the door as he spoke. There were bloodstains on his body. Except for his hair and face, his clothes were fairly neat and made of very good materials. it is good.

"Then did you get this thing?" Chen Mo took out the bronze lantern pinned to his waist and asked.

"I seem to have left this thing in the room." Hu Tuo hurried back to search for it.

"I've seen this too, it should be placed in the wing room." Although he didn't know what he wanted this thing for, Feng Yi could tell that this young man was the leader, and judging by their attire, he should be a member of the imperial court's catcher.

Hu Tuo came out with a bronze lantern in his hand, but Feng Yi couldn't find it.

"It seems to be exactly what I thought." Chen Mo nodded slightly, but threw the bronze lantern in his hand to Guo Dong without taking it.

(End of this chapter)

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