Reckless through another world

Chapter 454 The Embryo Soldiers of Hades 【Subscription】

Chapter 454 The Embryo Soldiers of Hades 【Subscription】

"Let's talk about the real thing. The battle of ideas is not something that can be said in one or two sentences. It's still the same sentence. You have your ideas, and I have my persistence." Chen Mo waved his hand. Glib.

I can't say so many heresies, and I can't find so many reasons to exonerate myself.

Chen Mo has also killed people, and he has killed many, and killed even more monsters, but let him say without changing his face, that some people will be sacrificed in exchange for a greater victory, Chen Mo can't say it, and he can't do it.

"Perhaps this is the biggest difference between me and them." Chen Mo smiled helplessly, but it doesn't matter, he is a warrior, not a general who is not in charge of soldiers.

"There is indeed one thing that requires Chen Mo's help." Although Ji Yue doesn't like Chen Mo's behavior, he attaches great importance to Chen Mo's combat power, which can make him, an old-fashioned ghost guard, feel great pressure Not many people.

Ji Yue has only felt this kind of powerful fear and coercion from a few kings.

"Why should I help you?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, as if he felt strange that Ji Yue was so confident.

"Because if you don't suppress the evil spirits on the No.18 floor, you won't be able to get out. Even if Chen Shen catches you and has Huangquan, you won't be able to take these people away. You can try it with confidence." Ji Yue spread his hands and said.

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly. Not many people knew about his possession of Ghost Domain. Although he had used it in front of others, many people could not recognize it.

But that's right, if Chen Mo doesn't even know that he owns Huangquan, then the underworld organization can close down.

"So, I sincerely want to invite Detective Chen to join us in suppressing that evil spirit." Ji Yue said, bowed and saluted, then slowly raised his head with a smile on his face.

Chen Mo thought for a while, the other party really didn't need to lie to him.Chen Mo also tried to use Ghost Domain, and it was indeed impossible to get out as Ji Yue said. He looked up at the top floor, and Chen Mo could feel the threat from above.

"The ability of the ghost domain needs to be improved more vigorously, but it's not because the three-eyed Yama is not good, but because the ghosts on it are too strong." Chen Mo murmured in his heart, the evil one on the eighteenth floor above his head Ghosts are definitely strong.

"It seems that you all know the suppression method of that evil spirit up there?" Chen Mo saw through the other party's small thoughts at a glance. Although he didn't know why the other party wanted that evil spirit, but seeing their complacent appearance , should already know the way to suppress that evil spirit.

"There are two or three points of understanding, but even though I have some understanding, if I can get the help of Chen Chen, I will definitely succeed in no time." Ji Yue smiled slightly.

Chen Mo looked back at the three people behind him, Guo Dong, Hu Tuo and Feng Yi, the three of them had hopeful eyes, and they knew without asking that these three people would definitely want Chen Mo to take them out of this ghostly place.

Originally, Ji Yue didn't want to cooperate with Chen Mo. Compared with that dangerous big ghost, Chen Mo seemed to him a more dangerous person. However, after understanding just now, Ji Yue suddenly discovered that actually cooperating with Chen Mo is also A good way.

Chen Mo didn't know that Ji Yue had thought so much, but Ji Yue's thought was wrong. Chen Mo not only wanted to take the three of them out, but also wanted the evil ghost on the top floor, and Ji Yue's idea hit the right spot. Chen Mo's wish.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was still standing opposite Chen Mo, Chen Mo would probably have laughed out loud. Chen Mo felt a little embarrassed when someone gave him a pillow when he really fell asleep.

Chen Mo pretended to hesitate and said, "That's fine, but there is one more thing."

Finally, he looked at Ji Yue with a smile and said, "Only when both parties are equal in strength can we count as cooperation, or one side is bullying the other. I wonder if you are strong enough to cooperate?"

"Then I'd like to ask Detective Chen for advice." Ji Yue made a gesture of invitation, with a faint smile on his face from beginning to end, as if everything was under his control.

"You can take my full blow, even if you have the ability to cooperate with me." Chen Mo took out the big hatchet from the mustard bag, and put it on his shoulder, his eyes were slowly stained with scarlet.

"Marshal, I'm coming?" the black-robed man behind Ji Yue whispered.

"You're not his opponent, but it's good to be knowledgeable." Ji Yue wanted to shake his head, but thinking of the talent behind him, the actual combat is not bad.

Although Ji Yue didn't dare to ask the ghost envoy behind him to take Chen Mo's full blow, after all, with the strength Chen Mo showed in Shendu, the junior behind him might not be able to catch it, but the junior belongs to the junior, if Of course he still has him.

Just like what Chen Mo said, cooperation is only when the strength of the two parties is equal. If one party is weak, it will be easily annexed after the victory is obtained.

But Ji Yue didn't bother, he was the one who talked to Chen Mo on an equal footing, just like the three people behind Chen Mo, they were a burden that couldn't be of much help, there was no burden on their side, the other party could be equal to them Only Chen Mo was talking.

"Should I release the water? Although it feels okay, it doesn't look like it can fight." Chen Mo was slightly stunned. Ji Yue actually asked the junior behind him to fight him.

To be honest, Chen Mo is the youngest one, even though his age has grown to this point.

The man took off his hood, revealing his true face, it turned out to be a woman.She has a beautiful appearance, but she doesn't have the slightest expression, and there is no expression in her eyes, and judging by her age, she seems to be younger than Chen Mo.

"Embryo technology?" Chen Mo frowned slightly. This woman is definitely a beneficiary of embryo technology. The aura of her body was slowly released as her face was revealed. The coercion of evil spirits.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from Detective Chen. That's right. Detective Chen has experienced Qi Zuozhuang, so he naturally has heard about embryo technology, and our envoy Chu Zuo also praised him very much." Ji Yue slightly nod.

"Your underworld is really powerful, you have created a complete embryo individual." Although Chen Mo said so, his tone was full of sarcasm.

"This is the No. [-] soldier 'Butterfly Girl' trained by our underworld organization."

"Butterfly Girl, you can play with Captain Chen quickly."

"let's start."

As soon as the words fell, Butterfly Girl's figure was already close to Chen Mo's face, and her right fist went straight to Chen Mo's chin from below.

"So fast!" The ghost eyes on Chen Mo's chin had already seen her movements.

"噗!" Chen Mo's saber intent was smashed into pieces by Die Nv's, and the opposition did not stop at all, and his face kept up with Chen Mo's figure as usual.

"Bang!" Butterfly Girl's slender body can burst out with great strength, and the attack rhythm is also very fast.

Chen Mo didn't make a move, but dodged very calmly. His physical skills and martial arts are all the most suitable for him after thousands of years of practice, and there will be no slight deviation.

"It's fast and has a lot of potential."

"But brute force has no rules, and Kong has a strong physique, but he has no skills. The so-called soldiers are not enough." Chen Mo shook his head slightly and sighed while dodging. In his eyes, soldiers Not just talk, but a real fighting machine.

"Speed, strength, precision, and the limit of technology are considered soldiers."

(End of this chapter)

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