Reckless through another world

Chapter 455 Hard work pays off

Chapter 455 Hard work pays off

"Speed, strength, precision, and the limit of skills are considered soldiers?" Ji Yue murmured Chen Mo's words while thinking.

"Okay, okay, as expected of Chen Xianzhi, the summary is indeed accurate, and it is also enlightening." Ji Yue's face was filled with joy, and he laughed loudly as he spoke. He probably found the future development path for soldiers.

Chen Mo glanced at his mouth. He didn't want to help Hades. Speaking of which, Hades is also a way. If he was the Lord of Hades, he would probably do the same, but Chen Mo was not.

It is always easy for Chen Mo to believe in many things in the world, but in the final analysis, what he believes most is his own strength. As long as he grows up, there will be no single enemy in this world.

This is Chen Mo's self-confidence, so he can tolerate many things.

Forgiveness is the full strength of the strong, and tolerance is also the gesture of the strong. If it is not for the confidence in his own strength, Chen Mo will probably kill a person from the underworld when he sees him, and he will not contact or talk nonsense with the other party.

He even asked Qin Tianjian to vigorously clean up the underworld.

Ji Yue looked at Chen Mo, who was dodging calmly, and nodded slightly in his heart, "Although he adheres to principles, he is not pedantic, and he is also someone who can be won. At the same time, he has unique insights and strong confidence in himself."

Ji Yue understood that Chen Mo didn't fight on the spot, or quarreled with him fiercely, but in fact, there was acquiescence mixed in. As long as they don't fall into Chen Mo's hands, and don't let Chen Mo see, they can do whatever they want.

Chen Mo just sticks to the principle but is not pedantic. If the situation is really bad enough that all the people are going to be soldiers, then killing one will be enough money, and killing two will make money. Chen Mo absolutely supports the method of Hades, and maybe he will take the lead in accepting the transformation Woolen cloth.

"Chen Xianzhi, don't die. If you die, it will be a loss to the human race." Ji Yue couldn't help but said.

If the two of them were on the same team, Ji Yue would really like to be friends with Chen Mo and have a good time drinking, but it's obvious that the two of them don't belong to the same team.

"It's a joke, even if you die, Chen Xianzhi won't die." Chen Mo laughed, he has never been to the other side of martial arts, how could he allow himself to die?
When he came out of the Zhenghe Gate that day, he knew that Zhang Fengxiu had given up the Zhang family's future before returning to Mrs. He.Chen Mo suddenly realized, yes, in this world, only absolute force is what he pursues, and saving the world is actually just incidental.

Without strength, he doesn't even have the qualifications to negotiate with others, just like that day in Qianyuan Hall, when Chen Mo met the emperor who was a great leader, but he spoke lightly. must die.

From then on, Chen Mo understood that most of what he said was false, and others never wrote back. Only his own strength was the strongest means of persuasion.

"That's good." Ji Yue smiled, "Yes, as long as you own Huangquan, as long as you don't want to die, there are not many people who can kill you."

Chen Mo doesn't know why Ji Yue said this, it seems that there is another meaning to make him a confidant, but Chen Mo doesn't care, and puts his attention back on Die Nu.

I have to admit that the technology of Hades is really good, and the embryo technology has also matured because of Qi Zuo's reason, so this kind of powerful soldier was created, and according to Ji Yue, this is only the No. [-] soldier. There will be number two and number one.

It's impossible for this person to be the first person, but in order to show the strength and advancedness of their underworld, so this one is named number three, right?If he really did this, Chen Mo has no choice but to say that the Underworld organization is too stupid.

Chen Mo didn't make an attack. It remains to be seen how the soldiers created by the underworld will be.

"Yu!" A strong wind flashed past Chen Mo's cheeks, the opponent's skills were indeed too poor, which is commonly known as no realm, empty of brute force.

Not only is the attack distance not well controlled, but it is also impossible to block the opponent's route.

All in all, she is a Xiaobai who has no talent and aptitude, and her physique is far superior to ordinary people. Even some martial arts with slightly inferior cultivation can beat her.

"Let you see, the limit of my skills." Chen Mo shook his head slightly, his body paused slightly, and the fused punch frame appeared.

"Xingqiao needs to fall off the horse."

Chen Mo's hands swept out, but the right hand was real, the left hand was empty, and both hands turned into two fists, one hit Die Nu's dantian, and the other hit her heart.

"Can't dodge?" Butterfly was horrified. Although she knew that the opponent was strong, she couldn't dodge the opponent's fists. Her whole body seemed to be blocked by such a sticky thing, and she couldn't use her body skills at all. .

"I can only resist!" The ghost's air flow turned, and his hands turned into arm shields to resist Chen Mo's attack.

"Block your hands and avoid punching your head!"

"Boom!" Chen Mo's right fist struck with a sonic boom, but his fake left fist flickered slightly and went straight to Die Nu's head.

"Not good!" Die Nu immediately felt a sense of danger gathered on her forehead. If this move was successful, she might be seriously injured on the spot like Hai Dongqing who was punched at that time. , so her ghostly aura gushed out crazily, Die Nu finally felt that she could move, and she fell back slightly.

"In order to play the law, the upper body must be put first, and only when the hands and feet are in place can it be true."

When Butterfly Girl leaned back slightly, Chen Mo had already kicked out, very flat, but very useful. The opponent was forced by two punches, and then dodged and retreated, because whenever she hits a punch, the one who greets her is The endless offensive like a violent storm.

Butterfly Girl can't rely on her own strength to bear it. Not everyone can resist Chen Mo's heavy punch, at least the heavenly beings below the evil level can't bear it without being transformed into a ghost.

Butterfly Girl who didn't dare to take it hard could only do the next best thing, hoping to find a flaw in Chen Mo's offensive.

But it was still a miscalculation. Chen Mo has been in the game for about 60 years, and he has already reached the limit of his skills.


With one kick, Die Nu was directly kicked out, Die Nu rolled to the ground, turned over and stood up with the help of her true energy.

However, the other party didn't seem to give up, but rushed forward again.

"Evil intentions - elbow to the heart!"

"Bang!" Butterfly flew out again, this time Chen Mo used all his strength, the other party spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face paled a lot.

Chen Mo couldn't help shaking his head, "It doesn't matter if you open and close, it's easy to give the enemy a flaw when you open and close. If you are eager to attack, you will fall behind."

Die Nv still wanted to go forward, but Ji Yue stopped her and said, "That's enough."

"What? Ji Wuchang wants to give it a try?" Chen Mo laughed dumbfounded.Chen Mo has encountered many enemies, most of them can be overwhelmed by absolute strength, but some of them are not.

This is also a common problem in the world of high martial arts. Everyone is busy improving their cultivation and increasing the reserves of true energy. Although the training of the foundation is powerful, it does not take that much time to hone the skills.

That's right, everyone is busy improving their cultivation base, and if their cultivation base is crushed, it's okay to be punched ten times, but if you punch the opponent yourself, the enemy will fall down.

Unless it is the kind of combat genius who is also a cultivation genius, it doesn't take long to master it, otherwise, the combat power that many people can display is only [-]% of their total strength.

Everyone's martial arts level is half-baked, so it seems that the starting point is the same again?

(End of this chapter)

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