Chapter 456
"Are all of you God Catchers such masters?" Feng Yi looked at Chen Mo in surprise, and then asked the two people beside him.

"Our arresters are divided into upper and lower levels, and we don't know much about the upper level arresters." Guo Dong looked awkward and embarrassed.Although these gold seals have heard about the upper-level arrests, they don't know the specific situation at all.

It was the first time for them to see even the support. In the past, most of them would call their chief arrester to help suppress it, but now it was the Tingzhu-level chief arrester in red.

If they knew that Chen Mo fell from the sky with a shuttle, they would probably be surprised from ear to ear.

Hu Tuo shook his head imperceptibly. If he had answered, he would have said that the upper-level catchers are all such good hands, not only able to deter these Jianghu people, but also to enhance their reputation as god catchers after Feng Yi went out.

But since Guo Dong has already answered, so be it. Anyway, they are strong enough, and the rest is just icing on the cake.

Although what Chen Mo said, they listened to the cloud, but after seeing the butterfly girl, they didn't know it. They always felt that this Hades is a huge deep organization, and they have different thoughts , I plan to do a good investigation after going out.

"Being able to suppress heaven and man with the innate peak is enough to show the strength of the so-called evil spirits, but what makes people more concerned is the powerful experience of this Detective Chen, and his close combat skills are extremely good." Feng Yi said slightly. shook his head.

Originally, Chen Mo suppressed those two devils, which was enough to surprise him, but he was able to rely on his hard skills to beat this celestial being without the power to resist. It is really amazing how talented he is.

Feng Yi easily attributed all of these to Chen Mo's talent. This kind of experience cannot be accumulated after one or two fights. It needs countless times of confrontation before it can be summed up.

Chen Mo's age is very young, he doesn't look 20 years old yet, even if it's a powerful reincarnation, I haven't heard that it can be awakened innately, no matter what, it must be a genius.

It's just that they didn't know that Chen Mo had spent more than 20 years in the depths before. Judging by the flow rate of one time to three, he had at least 60 years in battle.After such a long time of polishing, even a pig should become a marshal of the canopy.

Chen Mo is very confident about his nearly 70 years of combat experience. He said, looking at Ji Yue who was standing in front, with a smile on his face.

"Forget it, I won't show my ugliness. Chen Shenzhu's combat experience is impressive, but cultivation is the foundation. Then you and I will decide the outcome with one move." Ji Yue shook his head, Chen Mo's Martial arts are indeed amazing.

If he fights Chen Mo in close quarters, Ji Yue feels that he is not Chen Mo's opponent, but still the same sentence, cultivation base is the fundamental, the higher the cultivation base, the more methods you can use, and you don't need close combat at all. fight.

Therefore, many martial artists have developed the habit of using a large area of ​​qi. The opponent has a strong attack power. They use huge qi to resist, and then attack. If the qi is not broken or exhausted, their lives are basically safe.

The means above heaven and man are extremely high, and there is a high chance of escaping from the opponent's hands.

Although all of this is due to the appearance of evil spirits, it is also because it is now in the initial stage of evil spirits appearing.That's why it seemed a little chaotic. When many martial arts cultivators possessed evil spirits in the future, the order of the world would be subtly established again.

"Alright!" Chen Mo nodded slightly. He also had this intention. Now the night is getting darker. If we wait any longer, maybe it will be dawn in a few hours. It made Chen Mo feel frightened.

"Soul Gun!"

Ji Yue held it against the sky, and a black spear appeared in his hand. The black spear carried an ominous aura, raging wildly, the lines on the spear flickered, and a powerful fear pressure pressed across the spear come.

Feng Yi suddenly felt a coercion different from Wuxiu's sweeping over, which actually made him feel scared. His body seemed to be urging him to turn around and flee, although he also wanted to turn around and flee, but with the true energy The operation, the pressure suddenly dropped.

And Guo Dong and Hu Tuo are ghost emissaries themselves, and they are more familiar with such things. They have already used ghost energy to protect their whole bodies the moment the other party releases ghost energy.

So despite the pressure, he only took a few steps back.

As soon as Ji Yue held the black spear in his hand, his body had quickly transformed into a ghost, covered by black cuticles, but his ghost transformation turned out to be only two arms and two legs, unlike Chen Mo. It can be worn all over the body.

"Soul-breaking blow!"


Ji Yue turned his wrist slightly, and the spear in his hand went straight to the vertical eye on Chen Mo's head and brow.

"Why does everyone want my eye?" Chen Mo was quite helpless. It seemed that everyone thought that Chen Mo's scarlet eye was the key to his body, but it was not. He had more than 200 ghost eyes all over his body. It's true, there's no need to stare at one specifically.

In fact, compared to the eye on Chen Mo's forehead, Chen Mo's naked eyes are more fragile, and Chen Mo's naked eyes are more suitable to be selected as the target.

Seeing that the black spear disappeared in front of Chen Mo's eyes, and appeared in front of Chen Mo's eyes in an instant, Chen Mo didn't panic at all, his body had already been transformed into a ghost, and more than 200 ghost eyes in his body slowly opened.

The black spear stopped in front of Chen Mo's forehead ghost, less than three centimeters away, but it couldn't get any further.

Chen Mo reached out and grabbed the black ghost gun.


The ghostly palms made a sizzling sound, as if a pair of fleshy palms were placed on the stove, and they were cooked in an instant.

A pain came from Chen Mo's palm, but Chen Mo didn't change his face, "It's a good weapon, but Chen used it but didn't take advantage of it, let's give it back to Ji Wuchang."

As he spoke, Chen Mo's body suddenly swelled.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and it went straight to Ji Yue's chest.


"Chen catcher is so powerful." Ji Yue and I nodded slightly. Although he used his weapon, his ghost energy and true energy were broken through the defense one after another by his own weapon, and the ghost gun hit him. in front of him.

Although in the end he blocked the Soul Spear, he was shocked and took two steps back.

"Can we talk about business next?" Ji Yue put away the soul gun, then looked at Chen Mo and said.

"That's what I mean. I don't know what is the law of killing the evil spirits on the No. 19 floor?" Chen Mo grinned and laughed.

"Captain Chen doesn't want an empty-handed white wolf, does he?" Ji Yue asked.

"How could it be?" Chen Mo laughed. He really meant to be a white wolf just now, but the other party didn't tell him directly.

Anyway, Ji Yue is also this year's Heiwuchang, if you tell him directly, then there is a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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