Chapter 464

If all of these are counted and they cannot be suppressed, then this is not the task of three spiritual empowerments at all.

"It stands to reason that it shouldn't be so difficult. Even if it's the battle of Donglin, if you almost break the city, there is only a small chance of dying. Now you haven't met the No. 19 floor owner, and you have already lost half your life." Already?" Chen Mo frowned slightly.

Of course, maybe the difficulty of this task shouldn't be so difficult. It might be easier to face the evil spirits on the No. 19th floor, but obviously the people in Hades don't want to face the No. 19th floor evil spirits.

"I knew it earlier, I should have taken a gamble." Chen Mo shook his head slightly, there are not so many people in life who knew earlier.Throwing away these useless thoughts, Chen Mo intends to think about it carefully, the evil spirit will not give the rules of death, there must be life.

Chen Mo walked out of the ghost domain directly, and the big hatchet in his hand went straight to the old ghost's head.

He had a flash of inspiration just now, and a solution appeared in his mind, that is, he didn't know if it was feasible, so he had to try it first.

"Boom!" The hatchet was accompanied by ghost energy, and chopped the old ghost to the ground with one knife. Chen Mo's four big ghosts directly knocked the old ghost to the ground. He snatched the black brush from his hand.

"I'll take your pen away and see how you continue to draw?" Since Chen Mo couldn't figure out how to solve the problem, he could only solve the ghost who caused the problem. Since he couldn't solve the ghost who raised the problem, he Confiscated his crime tools.

"Huh?" The pen that Chen Mo got in his hand was indeed real, and without even thinking about it, Chen Mo threw the brush into the mustard bag.

The old ghost's body swayed slightly, and the fear and coercion on him was also rapidly weakening.

"It turns out that the pen is the key to the suppression, I said." Chen Mo grinned, and after a long time he and his four evil ghosts were fighting a carrier, "I said why did you cut so many times, the corpse of the encoffining ghost The state is still surprisingly good." Chen Mo clicked his tongue, and now that the stone in his heart has been put down, he suddenly feels relaxed in his body.

He casually slapped the evil ghost cage around his waist, and directly took the old ghost in. Chen Mo let go of his nervousness, and murmured in his heart: "Finally, it's done for him."

With a look of joy, Chen Mo withdrew the ghost domain covering the corpse.

But when he walked to the side of the corpse, Chen Mo found that Chen Mo's face was still painted on its face, and the facial features on Chen Mo's face did not seem to have recovered.

"What's going on?" Chen Mo frowned.

But when Chen Mo frowned, Chen Mo found that his facial features were slowly recovering. Although the facial features on this corpse were still Chen Mo's, they were also very realistic, but Chen Mo didn't think too much about it, as long as his own facial features could recover Enough.

As long as the connection with this thing is severed, there is no need to worry about being drawn to death again.

Chen Mo wanted to get the corpse off the crooked neck tree, but he found that the three-foot-long wire tied its neck and tied it to the crooked neck tree.

Chen Mo could only untie the wire first, but when Chen Mo unbuttoned a buckle, Chen Mo's ghostly eyes found that the corpse... showed a smile. Although the corners of the mouth were only slightly raised, it was clearly smiling. .

Chen Mo felt a chill down his spine, and a creepy feeling rose up. He didn't dare to make other big moves, and took two steps back, away from this weird thing.

The fear and coercion of the evil ghost is the kind of substantive fear that rushes to the face, but this thing is extremely frightening. The weird smile on its face really scared Chen Mo.

Anyone who saw his dead body lying there and then smiled when he approached would be frightened, but Chen Mo used to think that this thing was harmless and belonged to evil spirits, so he didn't pay much attention to it, but It was so sudden that it was hard to cope.

"What the hell? Is it a human or a ghost?" The ghost eyes on Chen Mo's body were all wide open, trying to see the original appearance of this ghost, but Chen Mo miscalculated, even the ghost eyes couldn't see clearly what it was.

"Is it tied with wire? If I take the wire down, what if something happens to this thing?" Chen Mo hesitated, this thing always gave him a weird feeling, but Chen Mo still didn't believe in evil, and planned to try again.

Trying to unbutton the second button, the corners of its mouth became even more curved. As Chen Mo unbuttoned the third button, its eyes even began to glow, with a strange and strange look in their eyes. Look at Chen Mo.

"There are still two buttons left." Chen Mo didn't untie them any more. This thing was even weirder than the embalming ghost, and Chen Mo didn't want to touch it.

"Since it is bound here by the wire, shouldn't it be replaced by something?"

After thinking about it, it seemed that there was something in the mustard bag that could be used. Chen Mo hurriedly took out the scarlet coffin board from the mustard bag. There was a bloody iron nail on it, and Chen Mo's face Also showed a smile.

This iron nail can even be nailed to by a ghost. He Chou, this ghost thing, doesn't matter if it's a human or a ghost. Anyway, just replace it with a wire.

"I should be able to pull it out this time." Chen Mo held the nail with one hand, stepped on the scarlet coffin wood with both feet, and tried hard to pull out the nail.

"Yeah!" Chen Mo's face turned red, and the blood vessels on his arms even floated on his arms like earthworms.

"It moved a little!" Chen Mo felt the nail in his hand move, but the strength was obviously not enough.

"Ghost hands come out!" Chen Mo shouted, four arms grew out from under his ribs, and then grabbed the blood-rusted nail. The strength this time finally made Chen Mo feel hopeful, but the nail was on the ground. The blood-rust nails on the scarlet coffin wood moved only slightly.

"Full attribute state blessing!" With the sudden increase of the body, the entire nail was pulled out directly.

"Boom!" Chen Mo sat down on the ground directly, and turned a somersault because of the center of gravity. At the same time, Chen Mo also got rid of his huge figure, and saw that there were three feet in his hand, like a rusty iron slip Iron nails, a smile appeared on Chen Mo's face.

This thing was finally pulled out by him.

Since this thing can pin the three-eyed Yama, Chen Mo is also confident that he can pin this unknown but strange thing.

Picking up the big hatchet at the side, Chen Mo measured the nail, intending to nail it to the corpse's heart, or at least the chest if not the heart.

Although Chen Mo no longer has the feeling of life being connected, Chen Mo still feels a little awkward if he wants to talk about a nail head. With such a big nail head, maybe the opponent's head will split open, or even shatter like a watermelon.

So after weighing it, I still plan to nail my chest.

"Grit your teeth, and you'll make it through." Chen Mo's words were obviously speaking to the corpse lying upright.As he spoke, he held a nail in one hand and placed it on its chest, and the other hand held a large hatchet, ready to use the large hatchet as a hammer.



(End of this chapter)

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