Reckless through another world

Chapter 465 The Elder of the Demon Sect

Chapter 465 The Elder of the Demon Sect


With a sound of impact, Chen Mo drove the three-foot-long, blood-rusted nail in with a large hatchet.

Apart from the sound of nails driving into flesh and wood, there was no other sound. Although the corpse's eyes were open, the look in the eyes had obviously disappeared, and even the corners of the raised mouth were lowered.

After the strange sense of fear that filled Chen Mo's side disappeared, Chen Mo finally felt normal.

Although the smile on the corpse's face disappeared, it didn't return to its usual expression, but a look of pain on its face.

Seeing that this guy stopped laughing, Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief, but in order to prevent accidents, he made it up more than a dozen times until Chen Mo himself could not pull out the rusty nail.

Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction, and then removed the iron wire that bound the corpse's neck. After two buttons, Chen Mo held the three-foot-long one in his hand.

"Three feet long, five buckles in total, one close to death, one close touch is weird." Chen Mo grinned, shook his head slightly, without thinking about it, left directly under the crooked neck tree, and went to another place. A direction where no one is.

Of course, this is the direction that Chen Mo thought no one was in, but he didn't know that the two people from the magic sect had already gone there.

The area in the due east is actually no different from the due south. They are all crooked-neck trees, except that an old man in ragged clothes is tied to the crooked-neck tree here with a wire, and his gray hair covers most of his appearance. , It can also be inferred from the gray beard that this is an old man.

When Chen Mo arrived, he happened to see two demon cultivators fighting a white-robed evil spirit. Under the siege of two fierce-level celestial beings who could summon evil spirits, the white-robed evil spirit still did not fall behind. , There is no joy or sadness on the white face.

There was no other look in the scarlet ghost's eyes. The pale ghost held a kitchen knife in his hand, and every swing could leave a knife mark on Hai Dongqing's body.

"Senior brother, let me resist this evil spirit. You go to rescue the senior in the door first. As long as the senior comes out, we will be safe." Yan Gui said hastily, and he could only think of this method.

"Okay, I'll go now." Hai Dongqing was not pretentious, and was about to leave the battlefield.

When the two of them first came, they really wanted to suppress the evil spirit with their strength, but even though both of them were fifth-stage ghost emissaries, they still couldn't suppress the evil spirit, so the two of them planned to divide their troops to fight .

It's just because this white-robed evil spirit is too vicious, if the two divide their forces, one of them will be under tremendous pressure, even on the verge of death.

Regardless of whether it is Yangui or Haidongqing, if one of the two dares to leave, the other will probably have an accident, but because of such a long period of consumption, the attack strength of the white-robed ghost holding a kitchen knife has dropped, so Yan Gui dared to let Hai Dongqing leave.

Although the old man has no life at all, like a dead person, but Chen Mo does not believe that the old man is dead, it is very likely that the death is suspended.After all, these two people seem to hope to remove the wire from the old man's body and rescue him, so they probably don't want to save a dead person.

"Good opportunity." Chen Mo grinned.

"I didn't expect to be able to meet again here. We are really enemies!" The ghost fog stirred up, and Chen Mo walked out of the black fog with a laugh.

Hai Dongqing paused when he heard the voice, his face turned gloomy, and he said sharply, "Are you following us?"

"Who would be so bored to follow you, besides, we come out before you." Chen Mo shook his head slightly, took out the big hatchet from the mustard bag, ghost energy rushed out, his skin turned into ghost armor, his wrist Turning slightly, the big hatchet turned quickly like a windmill in Chen Mo's hands.

The whistling sound of breaking wind, accompanied by Chen Mo's footsteps, oppressed Haidongqing's psychological defense bit by bit.

It's like a butcher who has sharpened his knife slowly walking towards a fat pig, but the fat pig can still feel the approach of death. If it wasn't for Hai Dongqing's mental toughness, maybe Hai Dongqing would have turned around and fled in a panic.

"You...don't come here!" Hai Dongqing swallowed and raised the two knives in his hands.

"Don't panic, my big hatchet is very sharp, click, cut, you will be on the road without feeling the pain at all." Chen Mo had a kind smile on his face, but such a smile appeared even more sharp on the ferocious ghost face. ferocious.

Originally, Chen Mo's appearance had a strong sense of oppression, but after Chen Mo lightly said that he would kill him, it made him even more frightened.

He tried it in the inn last time, he was not Chen Mo's opponent at all, but last time he used less power of evil spirits, this time Hai Dongqing used the fifth stage of ghost control state to deal with it, and he also had some feelings in his heart. end.

Standing not far away with a height of nine meters, he is like a giant. Although he is afraid of Chen Mo, he is more afraid of death. At this time, when he does not fight, he will fight, "Death!" Hai Dongqing wanted to strike first, Holding a blood knife, he came straight to Chen Mo's head.

"Good come!"

"Full attribute blessing!"

Chen Mo's body swelled suddenly, and his height of 16 meters was nearly half higher than Hai Dongqi's. The huge hatchet had already rushed up with Chen Mo's swing.


Weapons collided, air waves rolled, and large cracks appeared on the ground under their feet.

Chen Mo's body came under pressure, and the big hatchet in his hand had been pressed on Hai Dongqing's shoulder under the control of his single hand, and Hai Dongqing used both hands and the two blood knives to resist vigorously, still blocking the attack. Can't help Chen Mo's great pressure.

Chen Mo covered the blade with his other hand, and pressed it down slowly, "Crack!" The blade pressed on the clown ghost controlled by Hai Dongqing, and a long line of blood was drawn out.

"Senior Brother Hai!" Yan Gui exclaimed, but when he was distracted, the evil ghost in white robes also brazenly slashed across his neck with a knife. Stage state, otherwise this knife will kill him.

"Dilong turn over!" Hai Dongqing roared, turning over, barking!After being stabbed by Chen Mo, he forcibly turned his body around, avoiding Chen Mo's crush with a wheel.

Hai Dongqing directly escaped from the ghost-controlling state of the fifth stage, left his evil ghost behind, and quickly rushed to the old man who was trapped by the wire, and undid all the wire buckles that bound the old man's neck up.

"Boom!" The old man raised his head violently, and a soaring aura surged out of his body.

"It's finally here. The old man thought it would take a while longer." The old man's voice was low and hoarse, and there was a circle of red marks on his neck, which seemed to be strangled by wire.

"It's interesting, Three-eyed Yama!" Chen Mo waved his hand slightly, and the ghostly energy transpired, and Three-eyed Yama crawled out of Chen Mo's body.

"Elder, this man is a member of the God Catcher and wants to kill us." Seeing the old man come back to life, Hai Dongqing was overjoyed, and Chen Mo, the mountain that was pressing on him, could finally move away.

 I'm in poor health, only three more, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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