Reckless through another world

Chapter 469 I voted or not 【Subscription】

Chapter 469 I voted or not 【Subscription】

"Come on, don't guess anymore, just try it and you will know the truth." Chen Mo waved his hand, and asked Lord Chiyan to take care of the weakest Yan Gui, and Lord Beiming to take care of Hai, who was stronger than Yan Gui. Dongqing.

In the end, let the strongest three-eyed Yan Luo and the two-star supreme six-armed warrior who is good at attacking take care of the strongest Lin Jueqiao.

"The Wrath of the Yan Emperor!"

"The sea of ​​darkness is boundless!"

"Tian Luo Ghost Net!"

With the blessing of ghost skills in the three major domains, the strength of the four evil spirits has been increased again, and powerful fear and coercion emanate from their bodies.

"Kill them!" With plain words, he waved his hand, and with just two movements, the four evil spirits set off at the same time, rushing forward with the whistling ghost energy.

Chi Yan's monarch is warlike. When Chen Mo's order was just issued, he had already set off and suppressed Yan Gui with his own powerful instincts. Although the Lord of Beiming was more defensive, he was still able to suppress Haidong. green.

As for Lin Jueqiao, who was besieged by the three-eyed Yama and the six-armed warrior, it would be no problem to parry the three-eyed Yama, but with the addition of a two-star supreme six-armed warrior, he would not be able to hold on, and he could always be caught by the six-armed warrior. to the opportunity.

Chen Mo just gave them the ultimate goal, and everything still depends on their own fighting instincts. Even without Chen Mo's conscious control, their fighting power can still bring out 100% of their strength.

"Looks like the heavens will cut me off today, Lin Jueqiao!" A thought flashed through Lin Jueqiao's mind. He knew that he would encounter a disaster, and he was prepared to deal with it, but now it seems that he really I'm going to hate here.

Chen Mo didn't need to make a move at all, the four evil spirits finally became the weather, even the evil-level celestial beings could be suppressed, with the strength of the three-eyed Yama three-star supreme, it was enough to suppress Lin Jueqiao, who was at the peak of the celestial beings, and supplemented by the six-armed Martial God, the opponent Already helpless.

For such a long time, Chen Mo suddenly found that even if he didn't make a move now, the general gods and ghosts are no longer his opponents, and his strength of the big ghost has always been at the forefront. There is no way to compete with him.

"Hold on, as long as we can survive until his ghost energy is exhausted, we still have a chance to turn defeat into victory!" Lin Jueqiao said, he suddenly remembered just now, Chen Mo seems to be just a wicked young man, How much energy can you have?How much ghost energy can you have?

Controlling the four big ghosts will consume a huge amount of ghost energy. If Chen Mo's ghost energy can be exhausted, then the four big ghosts will eat his stellar energy, and he will be gnawed in less than a quarter of an hour. Devour it cleanly, and then the other party will be devoured by the evil spirit.

Although he has to face these revived evil spirits, he is definitely more alive than he is now.

"That's right, hold on!" Hai Dongqing and Yan Gui had this thought at the same time, if they could hold on, they would still have a chance to survive.

"It's a good strategy, but I'm not what you guys can consume." Chen Mo nodded slightly, it's hard for them to think of a chance of life in such a desperate situation, but regardless of the concentration of Chen Mo's ghost energy, it's just the concentration of Chen Mo's stellar energy It is not comparable to ordinary talent.

The gang qi cultivated with the ultimate autism skills is so majestic that even the peak celestial beings can't consume Chen Mo.

"Forget it, there's no point in arguing black and white, it's still a matter of doing it!" Chen Mo took two steps, and his body merged into the body of the three-eyed Yama. The body of the three-eyed Yama soared to 25 meters. The big hatchet also skyrocketed.

The coercion like the top of Mount Tai was pressed down from Chen Mo's big hatchet. Lin Jueqiao, who was already able to resist, was crushed half-kneeling on the ground, and the knees of the evil ghost hit the ground, and the ground broke with a bang .

"Let's deal with you first!" Chen Mo turned over, and the sword fell from Yan Gui's head.

"My life is over!" Yan Gui was originally resisting Lord Chi Yan. With this knife, the evil spirit's ghost energy evaporated instantly, and he could no longer maintain the fifth stage of ghost control. His evil ghost returned into his body.

One blow, destroy it!
Chen Mo easily suppressed the already weak evil spirit into the evil spirit's cage.

After beheading a celestial-level person, he got 90 experience points, and Chen Mo's level was raised by another level.

"Next, it's you!" The big knife in Chen Mo's hand kept cutting towards Hai Dongqing.

"Not good!" Hai Dongqing wanted to escape, but was entangled by the Lord of Beiming.


With the experience of a million, Chen Mo suppressed his evil spirits, and finally four evil spirits surrounded Lin Jueqiao.

A powerful attack erupted from the hands of the ghosts, attacking Lin Jueqiao all at once.

In the end, the evil spirit in Lin Jueqiao's body could no longer hold back and returned to his body.

Lin Jueqiao sat down on the ground with a plop, and laughed miserably, "I didn't expect, I really didn't expect, the ancestor thought that this time the evil ghost inn was the disaster of the ancestor, but I didn't expect that the disaster was you!" Trembling, not because of fear, but deep disappointment.

"It's just that I have practiced magic skills, and I have killed a lot of people. Is it so difficult to overcome the catastrophe of the magic arts and martial arts?!" Lin Jueqiao's eyes were full of disappointment, and he looked ahead blankly. , whispering in the mouth.

"The ancestor hates it so much, hates it so much!"

"Obviously the land gods are right in front of you, and it's just a matter of overcoming this catastrophe. How could you meet such a person!"

"How did I meet you? It's not you, anyone can do it!" Lin Jueqiao felt that in the past 200 years, whether he was oppressed to practice magic arts at the earliest, or lingering in the magic gate of the jungle, he didn't feel it. Powerless and wronged.

But this time, he finally felt it. It seems that the world has deep malice towards him. Just like what Lin Jueqiao said, it’s not Chen Mo, anyone can do it. , if it doesn't work, it's good to come to a first-timer, but why did you meet Chen Mo?
This prison has always been an unsolvable existence, the ghost domain is covered, and the four big ghosts are released.

When the four evil spirits were released, Lin Jueqiao wanted to surrender.

"Ancestor wants to surrender now, will it work?" Lin Jueqiao is naturally a person who judges the situation. He really doesn't want to die, so he surrenders if he surrenders. Don't look at the loss of being under the door of a evil class, but Chen Mo is obviously not a simple evil class. .

"You want to surrender to me?" Chen Mo was a little surprised. This kind of magic cultivator who has to achieve a turn would surrender, and he surrendered to him with a demon-level innate. "What about the so-called dignity of the strong? The so-called strong What about cloud principles?"


"The most fucking important thing is to be alive, old... I finally reached this stage of cultivation, and even the land gods died without going to see it, thanks to that."

"Besides, I'm all cultivating demons, and I still need the dignity and principles of a strong man." Lin Jueqiao cried and looked at Chen Mo with a very bachelor spread his hands.

"This..." Chen Mo thought about accepting the surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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