Chapter 470
"It's too troublesome, kill it!" Chen Mo shook his head, "If you have any last words, please say them too, I will not accept your surrender."

"There is no room for manoeuvre?" Lin Jueqiao became calm now. Facing the terrifying unknown, he would naturally feel afraid, but after knowing the result, Lin Jueqiao was relieved.

In the rivers and lakes, you kill me, I kill you, countless, and countless casualties every day, why can he pray to be spared?
If Chen Mo really accepted his surrender, either Chen Mo really needed his combat power, or Chen Mo had a strong control, or he really felt that his practice was not easy.

"As soon as possible." Chen Mo didn't answer, but just said something, looking calmly at Lin Jueqiao opposite.

"This old man has practiced for more than two hundred years. Although his talent is not very good, he reached the end of heaven and man with his courage. It's a pity that he can't get a glimpse of the realm of land gods." Disappointment appeared in Lin Jueqiao's eyes.

He tied up his messy hair again, tidied up his clothes, and his beard and eyebrows were neatly arranged.

The ghost energy collapsed, and the generation of demon cultivators whose true energy was about to bottom out, now looked like a generation of masters.

"Go ahead!"

"Crack——!" The big hatchet waved towards him, and with one blow, he decapitated his owl, and a big head rolled to the ground, blood gushing like a fountain.

With more than 200 million experience, it is after all the peak martial arts of heaven and man, but humans do not provide characteristics, only geeks give characteristics, so Chen Mo can only get experience and mustard bags from them.

It's not that Chen Mo has never considered subduing Lin Jueqiao, but the handling of the funeral is too troublesome. Chen Mo is not a person who likes troubles. No matter how miserable the other party has been.

These are not excuses for the other party to become enemies with Chen Mo. There is nothing wrong with wanting to survive, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to go further to the martial arts. The only fault is that he met Chen Mo, that's all.

On the road of Wuxiu, sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat. Now that you have entered the rivers and lakes, you must understand the cruelty of the rivers and lakes.

"Let your true spirit reincarnate, I hope you don't step into the devil's way again." Chen Mo only destroyed the primordial spirits of the three of them, but did not destroy their true spirits.

If their primordial spirits are still there, there is indeed a chance to seize the body and be reborn. However, the reincarnation of the real soul will not awaken the memory unless it reaches a heavenly being. Besides, after reincarnation, it is another person.

Maybe some of them are still thinking about the cause and effect of the previous life, but Chen Mo doesn't care, he has strong self-confidence.

After cultivating for a lifetime, these martial artists who have been beheaded by Chen Mo in this life, even if they are reincarnated, how can they be the opponents of Chen Mo who has grown up.

Chen Mo suppressed the evil spirit in Lin Jueqiao's body, and after a thorough inspection, he put away the ghost domain, walked under the crooked neck tree, picked up the wire, and now he has Two wires.

"I don't know how the situation of the two of them is?" Chen Mo murmured. The people in Hades are rich and powerful, so there should be no problem, and even if there is a problem, Chen Mo can finish it, so there is no need to compete with them.

Without thinking any more, Chen Mo turned and returned to the inn.

After Chen Mo returned to the inn, Ji Yue from Hades was already waiting for Chen Mo in the lobby. As for Butterfly Girl, her right arm was empty and there were many scars on her body.

"Captain Chen came back so fast." Seeing Chen Mo coming back, Ji Yue also showed a smile on his face. Since Chen Mo came back, it means that he has already got the wire. In this case, the four wires are all together. Eighteen stacks of bronze lamps are obtained, and the wires are threaded together to suppress the evil spirits on the No.19 floor.

This is also the safest method, much safer than Chen Mo's method of testing the opponent's killing pattern+.

But what surprised Ji Yue was the speed at which Chen Mo came back. You must know that the two of them were only suppressing one side, and Chen Mo would suppress two places by himself, and he might even meet two demon cultivators.

Ji Yue also noticed that the two demon cultivators who were originally in the room had disappeared. Since they hadn't met the demon cultivators, maybe Chen Mo had already met the demon cultivators. Although neither of them were considered powerful, they were still Strong opponents are those who can stop some.

But Chen Mo came back at the same speed as them, only a little later than they came back.

So this is what surprised Ji Yue. At the same time, he also felt that Chen Mo seemed to be very difficult to deal with. However, compared with the evil spirits on the No.19 floor, he would rather face Chen Mo.

Wait a little longer, and they will start fighting.

"You guys are faster than me." Chen Mo said truthfully. Although the other party looked a bit embarrassed, Chen Mo would not underestimate the other party. Ji Yue alone was no worse than Lin Jueqiao. The reason has led to a decline in the strength of a powerful body, but it still cannot be underestimated.

Because not everyone is like Chen Mo, one person can control multiple evil spirits, and they are all big ghosts, and each evil spirit is very strong.

As for Butterfly Girl, although Kong has brute force, she can still resist Chen Mo's several knives, which may give Ji Yue a chance.

Chen Mo will not show such importance. He despises the enemy strategically and pays attention to the enemy tactically. This is what a martial artist should do.

"Since everyone's goal is to suppress the evil spirits on the No.19 floor, the temporary cooperation is also good for us. As for the remaining bronze kerosene lamps." Ji Yue turned his attention to Chen Mo.

At the same time, Ji Yue also had a faint smile on his face. If ordinary people saw it, they would think he was a kind person.

But Chen Mo could tell from this smile that everything was unusual.

"Bronze oil lamps will only be given out when newcomers come in." Chen Mo just replied indifferently, but he was thinking about how to avoid the other party's conspiracy.

"Are we each producing half of the newcomers, or are we producing all of them, or are they all produced by you?" Ji Yue said with a smile. He felt that Chen Mo could understand. Just looking at Chen Mo's expression, he knew that Chen Mo should have understood. is.

If the newcomers come out from Ji Yue, the people from their underworld will be able to come in swaggeringly. When they compete for the evil spirits for a while, Chen Mo will suffer. If both parties contribute half, it will still be Chen Mo who will suffer.

It is entirely possible for Ji Yue to abandon those people from the underworld and run away after getting the evil spirits on the No.19 floor, but it is different for Chen Mo. If he is threatened by the other party as a hostage, although Chen Mo can ignore it, but in his heart After all, it is impossible to pass.

Therefore, Ji Yue's plan is completely upright and aboveboard, and Chen Mo has no room to refuse at all.

"It seems that Ji Wuchang has already made up his mind." Chen Mo couldn't help but sigh, getting along with these people is troublesome, and smart people will always make trouble for others.

(End of this chapter)

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