Chapter 472

Chen Mo didn't know what Liu Zhengyi had promised, and finally gathered thirteen martial artists who came in. Although everyone who came in was crying, their expressions improved a lot after seeing Chen Mo.

With Guo Dong and Hu Tuo's reassurance, the mood is not as low as when he first came in.

The old lady sitting at the counter took out one after another bronze kerosene lamps, and when everyone picked them up, there were exactly eighteen lamps.

"The fusion is ready now." Ji Yue nodded slightly, placed eighteen kerosene lamps on the ground, and took out the iron wire he got, and Die Nu also took out the iron wire she had obtained.

Chen Mo didn't keep it private either, and took out the two wires he got.

Under Ji Yue's fiddling, the bronze kerosene lamps are interlocked and turned into a ring-shaped shackle under the series connection of iron wires. The bronze iron chains in the shackles extend out, and the overall shape of the kerosene lamp has long since disappeared. It became an inner shackle and an outer iron cage.

The entire iron cage is as high as Chen Mo, but there are small lotus-like things around it, burning with golden flames.

"It's done! I didn't expect it to be so easy." Ji Yue had a smile on his face, and an unknown light shone in his eyes, which was deeply hidden by him after a flash.

"How did they get out?" Chen Mo asked.

What Chen Mo asked was naturally how these people from the God Catcher got out. Now that the container to suppress the evil spirits on the No.19 floor has been successful, it is time to suppress the evil spirits on the No.19 floor.

"Now I can feel the horror outside the door, and I can go out after a while when the feeling of terror disappears. Of course, at that time, it must be after we lured this evil spirit into the iron cage." Ji Yue waved his hand, He looks quite impatient, it seems that Ji Yue's thoughts are all on this bronze cage.

"My voice transmission token will be turned on, and I will tell you when I suppress the evil spirits." Chen Mo took out the voice transmission token in his hand and put it in his hand. After everyone's response, Chen Mo held it The cage is thinking about going to the No.19 floor.

There is nothing to worry about in the cage. After all, the evil spirits have not been suppressed yet. Even if Chen Mo snatched the past, he still has to suppress the evil spirits in the end. It is not good for both parties to fight now, so both parties have concerns, and they have not taken it to anyone. Cage to raise objections.

"Click, click, click!" Only the footsteps of three people remained in the corridor. Although the evil spirits in the corridor wanted to move forward, but just as they were about to take a step forward, a light flickered inside the bronze lantern, and they did not retreat. However, no attack was launched.

After all, it was built with the joint efforts of [-]-story bronze kerosene lamps. They were not afraid, but because of the suppression of the rules, they did not attack.

Climbing up layer by layer, Chen Mo finally felt the powerful fear and coercion, which seemed to be luring them to go up.

"Don't be nervous, Detective Chen, the work for a while is very simple, just put the cage at the door, and then open the door." Ji Yue said with a smile.

Chen Mo glanced at Ji Yue, and the other party just walked straight forward without turning back, but this showed Ji Yue's own nervousness. After all, he was facing such a powerful evil spirit, and anyone would get nervous.

No matter how perfect the plan is, or how powerful the combat power is, when facing the unknown, fear is the primitive emotion that all living beings will be born with.

"I hope so." Chen Mo replied indifferently, he would not believe Ji Yue's nonsense, if it was really so easy, it would make Chen Mo wonder if the strength of the No.19 evil spirit was too low.

Finally, we arrived at the entrance of the No.19 floor. There was only one room above, and even the house number was only 1811.

Layers of circular stairs spread out from the door to the stairs, and there are two long spiral stairs on the left and right sides.

"Hurry up Chen, give me the cage." Ji Yue turned to look at Chen Mo and said.

Chen Mo has already tested it. This thing can't communicate with the stellar qi, and it can't penetrate the ghost qi. It seems that there are no means of control. It's just a huge bronze cage, but Chen Mo doesn't simply think that there is no way to control it.

Hades knows more than him, and it is reasonable to know more things. Maybe they know the way to control this bronze cage. Although they know that giving the other party is not reliable, they can only rely on them, but Chen Mo also Already did some tricks.

"Here!" Chen Mo handed the bronze cage to Ji Yue.

The bronze cage unfolded in Ji Yue's hands and turned into a huge shelf. While nailing the sides of the door frame, it also fell on the iron buckles on the stairs, forming a not-so-huge capturing device.

"It's about this time, Ji Wuchang won't let someone know what kind of evil spirit is imprisoned in the No.19 floor?" Chen Mo is quite interested to know, there are not many ghosts that can cause such a powerful threat.

"The sky sends out murderous intentions, the battle turns and the stars move, the earth sends murderous intentions, and dragons and snakes rise to land."

"This one, if it's as expected, should be one of Earth Mother..." Ji Yue paused, then said.

"Can you gasp for breath when you speak!" Chen Mo felt his heart beating violently just now. He thought it was really the legendary Mother Earth Ghost, but it is a big ghost at the level of ghosts and gods. If it is really the Mother Earth Ghost , Chen Mo turned around and ran away without saying a word.

With the power of ghosts and gods, not to mention the two heavenly beings standing here plus one evil-level innate, even a land god with one turn is still cannon fodder.

But since it is said to be one of them, Chen Mo is relieved. Chen Mo has seen this kind of ghost used by other players before. The ghost of the outside world is probably like the ghost of mountains and rivers, such as the ghost under Mount Tai. That Tarzan ghost.

There are also the longevity ghosts of the Snow Mountains in the Northern Territory. In the final analysis, they are all ghosts of mountains and rivers, and they can also be called ghosts of the earth mother, but they are branches, unlike some earth mother ghosts who can walk in the world.

Just like the longevity ghost and the coffin are a large race, the earth mother ghost is also a large race.

"Click!" Ji Yue put his hand on the doorknob, swallowed a mouthful of spittle, settled down, and planned to open the door.


A sharp voice sounded.

Like a ghost scratching at an old broken door.

The pervasive black ghostly aura rushed out from inside, instantly dyed the No.19 floor black, and a powerful fear pressure poured out from the door.

Cold, no, biting fear!
Along with the black ghostly energy gushing out, fear has emerged in the hearts of the three of them. This is instinct, the instinct to feel fear of unknown things is the most primitive reaction of the body.

"Ghost eyes!" Chen Mo groaned, his body was immediately wrapped in ghost armor, and all the ghost eyes all over his body opened, which made him feel at ease.

The butterfly girl on the other side was already shivering, not because of the cold, but because of fright.

The first one was of course Ji Yue, with cold sweat dripping down his face all of a sudden, his nervous palms were covered with cold sweat, but the door was only opened a small crack!

(End of this chapter)

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