Reckless through another world

Chapter 473 One Cut 【Subscription】

Chapter 473 One Cut 【Subscription】

"Heiwuchang, open it for me!" Ji Yue let out a long roar, the ghost energy in his body gushed out crazily, and Heiwuchang appeared behind him.

Seeing Hei Wuchang again after such a long time, Chen Mo found that Hei Wuchang's strength should have been at least doubled, and the fear and coercion in his body was not weaker than the Lord of the North, at least he was also a big ghost who had reached the two-star Supreme.


The scarlet door was opened, and the ghost energy inside spilled out, and a huge shadow was reflected from the door, with a little scarlet light, adding a lot of weirdness to such a silent horror.

Ji Yue took a few steps back slowly, then stopped, as if waiting for the evil spirit inside to come out.

Neither Chen Mo nor Die Nu made a sound, they waited quietly.

"Chief arrest, the sense of terror outside the door is gone, and that old woman told us to leave quickly." A voice from the other side came from the sound transmission token in Chen Mo's arms.

"Cheated?!" Chen Mo suddenly woke up.

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Get out of here!"

"Let's go!" The people who came in from the God's Catchment Sect quickly evacuated, and Liu Zhengyi, who was responding at the outer door, also sent a message that no matter what he promised to those who entered, it would be good if they came back alive.

"Where's Chen Tingzhu?" Liu Zhengyi realized that he didn't see Chen Mo, so he couldn't help stretching his neck to search, but he couldn't find it.

Chen Mo's figure and temperament are all outstanding, if he is in the crowd, he must have seen it at a glance, but now he can't find it, and he can't help feeling anxious, if it is really as he guessed, one person will replace sixteen of them. , that's too bad.

Even exchanging the entire Zhengyang Mansion for Chen Mo would be too bad, Liu Zhengyi would rather get out not from these sixteen people, but from Chen Mo alone.

But Liu Zhengyi didn't show it. If it was directly shown on his face, he would be too lacking in city mansion and emotional intelligence. In the future, should the red dress of Zhengyang mansion still be a role?
"Chen Tingzhu is fine, he still needs to deal with it, and he will be out in a while." Hu Tuo said first.

Let's go back to Chen Mo's side, Chen Mo, who felt that he had been deceived, immediately turned gloomy, and the feeling of being deceived was not good at all.It's like being treated like a monkey, anyone will feel uncomfortable, especially Chen Mo.

After a series of inferences just now, Chen Mo can know that as long as the door of the No.19 floor is opened, he can leave here, and when the ghost inn leaves, nothing will happen.

But obviously, Ji Yue lied to him, tricked him to get the wire, only this thing can suppress the big ghost inside, and even made him leave the coffin nails there.

"Captain Chen, do you think I've cheated you?" Ji Yue turned around and asked with a smile on his face.

"Isn't it?" Chen Mo asked coldly.

"Of course not. If this door is opened directly without any device to suppress this big ghost, when night comes, it will run out from here and start killing." Ji Yue explained.

If he meets others, Ji Yue won't explain at all, because there are some smart people who understand without explaining, but when they meet stupid people, they can think whatever they like and don't bother to explain.

But Chen Mo is different, he flipped the table if he disagreed with him, and Ji Yue didn't want to offend this guy, so he explained it.

"Then give me this evil ghost as an apology." Chen Mo said that he didn't care, as long as he gave him the evil ghost.

"Brother Chen, are you kidding?" Ji Yue was stunned for a moment, and then he looked puzzled, is this person a fool?

"You were the one who joked first." Chen Mo shook his head.

Before the two of them could speak again, the evil ghost from the inner door had already come out.

"Bang bang, bang bang" Chen Mo could even hear the beating of his heart, but he didn't care about arguing with Ji Yue, but looked at the door.

A huge shadow squeezed through the door.

With a sound of footsteps, a slender woman came out from inside. The shadow was just a shadow. The master was about 1.7 meters tall, with a faint smile on his face, and a pair of scarlet ghost eyes that were as calm as a pool of strange eyes. The turbulent blood.

The body is not clothing, but the armor of the whole body. The armor looks very dilapidated and old. Even the long knife in his hand is rusty and broken. The remaining blade is only about [-] centimeters long.

The broken knife is very flat, and it breaks obliquely from the back of the knife to the blade, forming a broken knife with a long blade and a short back.

However, the blade is very broad, about the width of an adult's palm.

Chen Mo's focus is always very unique. People focus on how the big ghost is doing. Chen Mo always looks at the opponent's body first, then at the opponent's weapon, and then judges whether the opponent can fight.

There is no need to judge this evil spirit, it can definitely be beaten!
Mother Broken Knife stopped at the door, raised her head slightly, her face was not overpowering, but she was full of heroism, but because of the faint smile and the protruding scarlet eyes, there was only a faint weirdness left. .

"What should we do now? He seems to have a lot of wisdom." Chen Mo swallowed his saliva, and rushed at the other party's fear and coercion. With this strong ghost aura, he knew that the other party would definitely be able to do it better than the previous six-armed warrior. At least twice as strong.

The six-armed Valkyrie was weakened, and he was slashed again during the contract, so that his strength plummeted. Otherwise, basically no Tingzhu level could resist his three knives, and the broken knife in front of him ghost.

Chen Mo felt that the Tingzhu class probably couldn't hold his sword.

And the knife-breaking ghost stayed at the door and couldn't come out. The door was a trap, and his eyes seemed to have seen the trap, so he didn't go forward, but looked at Chen Mo.

"No way, it can't be that some kind of killing pattern has been triggered." Even Chen Mo didn't dare to move, the pressure this guy put on him was too great.Although his stature is thin and there is a trap outside the door, Chen Mo still dare not provoke him.

And Chen Mo is ready to run away.

"Lead him out." Ji Yue felt very relaxed. The bronze cage at the door was a natural barrier, and the other party had to pass through this barrier if he wanted to get out, so Ji Yue wished that the other party could come out of it quickly.

Not only did Ji Yue feel relaxed, but he also took a few steps forward with a smile on his face.

The knife-breaking ghost shifted his gaze from Chen Mo's body to Ji Yue's, and waved his arm lightly.


It seemed to be just a simple swing of the knife.

at the same time,


Ji Yue's head fell off from his neck, and not only the head, but also all the limbs fell off.

"Dead?" Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, and the butterfly girl beside him was very indifferent.

"One knife?!"

"What is the law of killing?" Chen Mo quickly recalled everything he could see clearly just now.

"Sure enough."

Ji Yue got up from the ground again, but he climbed a little farther first, and then assembled his body, with a wry smile on his face, the opponent was indeed terrifyingly strong.

"Isn't it a smile?" Chen Mo became confused.

(End of this chapter)

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