Reckless through another world

Chapter 485 If violence is not for killing

Chapter 485 If violence is not for killing

Chen Mo's killing speed is abnormally fast. All the demons below the heavenly man have no enemy of him. Just like a machine for harvesting wheat, as long as it is pushed across, a large number of demons will fall to the ground.

Because of Chen Mo's relationship, the pressure on the rest of the battlefield suddenly decreased, but there were more and more demons in Chen Mo's capital.

"It can't go on like this any longer. His fighting power didn't decrease due to the prolongation of time. Instead, he fought more and more fiercely. He must fight quickly!" Another Heavenly Demon who was at the peak of Heavenly Man frowned, looking at the rampant Chen Mo, his eyes were full of anger. A fierce look flashed across.

"Turn on the ultimate battle body and hold him back!"

"it is good!"

"Make all the demons open the limit station."

"Extreme combat body!"

Countless heavenly demons turned on the battle body together, and the blood-colored threads in the body rushed to the top of the head, and for a while, countless black auras permeated out, spreading across the battlefield.

Such a scene is huge and shocking, and this is for one person, Chen Xianzhi!
"Heavenly Demon Locking God Formation!"


One after another black rays of light burst out from the bodies of these heavenly demons, and then formed a large formation, layer upon layer of formations restraining Chen Mo.

"Boom!!" A black barrier appeared in front of Chen Mo. Whether it was the sky or the ground, there was a black wall covering Chen Mo. No matter how crazy the long knife in Chen Mo's hand was, he couldn't trap this layer. His big formation split open.

"Hahaha, it's enough to trap the powerful formation of the second rank, and it's enough to deal with you, the son of destiny!" Several big demons at the peak of heaven and man walked in from the formation, and they had different appearances. Some still retain their human form, and some can't even maintain their human form.

"Trap me?" Chen Mo sneered, they wanted to trap Chen Mo, why didn't Chen Mo want to bring in these celestial beings and demons, always killing those innate demons, although he had accumulated a lot of experience, he didn't kill them It is effective to kill the celestial-human level celestial demon.

Even if this layer is a large formation with a thickness of hundreds of meters, Chen Mo can use the ghost domain to move it out. Only ghosts in this world can defeat ghosts!
"Three-eyed Yama!" Chen Mo groaned.

The three-eyed Yan Luo who was fighting in the outer layer turned his head 180 degrees, and the eyes on the head looked at Chen Mo, but the big sharp knife in his hand did not stop at all, but quickly slashed and killed the demon beside him.

It's just that the ghost eyes in the body flickered slightly, and the body of the three-eyed Yan Luo had already appeared behind Chen Mo, and the ghost eyes stared straight at these large evil-level demons around.

"Is this the special creature 'ghost' from the plane of Shenzhou? It's really powerful, but today, I'm going to die!"

"Son of Destiny of Shenzhou, you will definitely die today!"

The evil demons around were also amazed by the three-eyed Yan Luo summoned by Chen Mo. After all, after conquering so many planes, they would always see a lot of weird things, but the Shenzhou plane is inevitably a little weird. Birth of this immortal thing.

Of course, even though evil spirits are immortal, it is enough to kill the driver, so they were only surprised, but they didn't feel invincible. All the evil-level demons attacked at the same time. Chen Mo.

"Hell is possessed!"

Chen Mo's body immediately merged into the body of the three-eyed Yama, and the body of the three-eyed Yama skyrocketed, and the ghost energy turned into a huge black sky covering the sky above the head of the three-eyed Yama, and the body of the three-eyed Yama also grew taller. Reach a height of 25 meters.


A long howl came out accompanied by the vibration of ghost energy, which turned into a powerful sound wave ripple, shattering the black energy inside the formation, and even killed a large part of the demons outside the formation.

Of course, it’s not just aimed at the Heavenly Demon, those human martial arts and god catchers who wanted to fly over to help also stopped in Chen Mo’s long howl, and some even flew out backwards. Fortunately, those with low cultivation bases The Wuxiu didn't rush forward, otherwise, he might have killed some of his own people.

If he really killed his own people indiscriminately, it would be a big oolong, and it would be too embarrassing.

Accompanied by Chen Mo's shouting, the big hatchet in Chen Mo's hand surged crazily under the charge of ghost energy, and the big hatchet became a weapon as tall as the body of the current three-eyed Yama. The blade alone was more than ten meters long. With the blessing of six holdings, it is like a racing car equipped with an aircraft engine, and it flies up the moment it starts.

The big hatchet swept out.


Several evil-level demons had their heads cut off, and most of them had their limbs cut off. Large swaths of blood-red aura poured into Chen Mo's body. Chen Mo's body was covered in blood-red. Injury style of play, and these evil-level demons fight.

Moreover, after killing so many, even the ultimate battle body has been upgraded to a high level, and the body has been repaired the moment it was destroyed. Although it consumes blood and stellar energy, the most important thing Chen Mo lacks now is blood.

Not only is the transformation rate of his own energy and blood amazing, but also the energy and blood experience absorbed by killing enemies, half of which are repairing Chen Mo's injuries, but the remaining half is also huge enough. Almost a little experience can rush to heaven.

"Just beheading a dozen or so celestial beings is enough to become a celestial being!" Chen Mo smiled and looked around at the surrounding celestial beings.

Chen Mo doesn't care about the consumption of ghost energy. He can support his battles by fighting on the battlefield, and he is not afraid of the consumption of ghost energy. This kind of battle may be very difficult for others, but for Chen Mo, it is like a fish in water.


"If violence is not for killing, it will be meaningless!" Chen Mo grinned, the blood in his heart had already been ignited.

However, such a battlefield is nothing more than a military department. In the future, he will face stronger enemies, stronger demons, get more blood, and feed the obtained evil spirits.

The fighting blood in Chen Mo's body was completely boiling, the black pupils of his eyes were completely stained red by scarlet, and even the whites of his eyes were also stained red by scarlet, and the blood mist all over his body drifted away from more than 200 eyeballs all over his body.

"You're not going to be enchanted, are you?!" Catching God, who supervised the battle, frowned slightly. Chen Mo's current state was obviously very wrong. Although he looked powerful and became stronger as he fought, it looked like a prelude to becoming enchanted no matter what.

"Are we going to make a move?" The other catcher was also hesitant. Chen Mo's ability to control evil spirits simply refreshed his understanding of how to control evil spirits. Evil ghosts can be controlled like this. Counting them down, it seems to be true. Only one person, Chen Xian, can achieve it.

None of the rest of the court-level gods can compare to Chen Mo.

Even the catcher felt that Chen Xianzhi had reached the standard of chief arrester in purple clothes.

"Looking at it again, I always feel that he doesn't seem to be possessed by a demon. After all, his attack method is not in the slightest confusion. It is impossible for a demonized person to be like this." The leader of the hunting gods shook his head and stopped these hunting gods from trying to attack. The idea of ​​saving lives.

After all, looking at the current situation, Chen Mo is not in any danger, and it seems that the more he fights, the stronger he becomes.

 Let Lingshan rest for a while, not to mention the backache, and the mind is empty, first slowly guarantee the bottom, and then rush.

  There will be another chapter later.

(End of this chapter)

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