Reckless through another world

Chapter 486 EX Curry Stick

Chapter 486 EX Curry Stick

"Huh?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, his body was already entangled by several black chains, countless demons wanted to rush into Chen Mo's body along the chains, but because Chen Mo's shell was the three-eyed Yama , so they can't rush in.

"You want to force me into a demon?!" Chen Mo sneered, and his six arms suddenly rolled up the iron chain, and those heavenly demons who were pulling the iron chain were pulled over by Chen Mo, and then they snapped their heads, and their heads rolled down on Chen Mo's body. underfoot.

Why be enchanted?

Good question!
As the saying goes, infatuation actually has two meanings, one is to be possessed by one's own demons, and the other is to be possessed by demons from outside the territory.

Enchanted means that the five senses and six senses are all controlled by the inner demon. The inner demon here is not an extraterrestrial demon, but one's own inner demon, such as the combination of negative emotions, and the shaping of a second personality, etc...

There is another kind of obsession, which is to be occupied by the demons from outside the territory. Although the body is still the original body, it has already been stolen and replaced, and the civet cat is replaced by the prince. This method is difficult to detect, but Qin Tianjian and those sects have their own. The method is to eliminate the extraterritorial demons.

In the past, Chen Xianzhi also felt that he was an extraterrestrial demon, but Qin Tianjian didn't detect Chen Mo's abnormality, and Chen Mo didn't know the specific situation.

However, it is also very difficult to lure the demons from outside the territory into one's body. You must match them and sacrifice yourself at the same time. Only those who have suffered a lot and feel that they have no hope of revenge will use special methods to summon the demons into their bodies.

Now the extraterrestrial demon wants to use a medium to enter Chen Mo's body and destroy Chen Mo's soul.

However, this approach is completely useless, not to mention how strong the three-eyed Yama's resistance to spiritual power is.Anyone who dares to lock Chen Mo with a chain must be prepared to be killed by Chen Mo.

"Heart demon, it's really not good!" Chen Mo grinned.

With the strength of Chen Mo's own willpower, where will there be inner demons, even ordinary ghost slayers will be affected by evil spirits, but they do not appear in Chen Mo's body. Chen Mo contracts all evil spirits with a perfect posture, And use the evil spirit very carefully every time.

Coupled with the suppression of the system, Chen Mo will not be affected by the evil spirits, but can fight very calmly.

"Heaven and Earth Compassion First Form"

Singing loudly, Chen Mo raised the big hatchet in his hand, the black ghost energy turned into a tornado, and the knife intent turned into a black ray of light, passing through the Heavenly Demon Formation, piercing through the black mist covering Chen Mo's head A big hole was opened, and the saber intent remained undiminished, only reaching the sky.

The amount of ghost energy in Chen Mo's body dropped rapidly, and it had dropped by one-third in just such an instant.

At the same time, a dark knife light slowly emerged.

This knife is not stunning, but it soars into the sky like the power of the sky, like a gathering of black thunder, piercing the black sky and pulling out a black light, majestic and grand.But if you look carefully, it is easy to be attracted by this knife, because the slightest terror in the light of the knife is too frightening.


"Kang Kang Keng Keng!!!"

The ancient bell rang, no, the ancient guillotine was pulled up, like the guillotine of the throne, and the power under the shady curtain was revealed.

"Stop him!!!" This is the roar of the demon, a roar of fear.

"Run!" This was the voice of Catcher, and it spread throughout the sound transmission tokens of all the martial artists on the battlefield.

All the celestial demons felt the horror of this knife, of course, not only the celestial demons, but also all the martial artists on the battlefield felt it.

It's just that the heavenly demons are frantically rushing towards Chen Mo's direction, while the martial artists of Qin Tianjian are retreating quickly, even rolling and crawling!


"Slay together!"

The saber light fell, and at the moment it fell, no matter if it was a demon or a martial artist, they only felt a black and slender light flash past, and then their ears lost their sound. In their eyes, everything seemed to have slowed down and changed. Gotta warm up.

Not only all the celestial demons, but even those Wuxiu who turned their heads and left seemed to see their deceased grandma in the light of the Dao of the sword.

A black straight line cut down.

It landed on the sea of ​​sky, followed by two hissing sounds, and then spread, a black light swept across, crushing all the creatures blocking the way to pieces.

The entire battlefield was silent for three breaths.

Quiet and startling.

Of course, the formation that locked Chen Mo was brutally split open with Chen Mo's knife, and the ghost energy in Chen Mo's body dropped by [-]%.

"Hahaha!" Chen Mo grinned, and his laughter echoed between heaven and earth.

The knife just now exhausted all the strength in Chen Mo's body, used up ninety-nine percent of the energy in his body, even the ghost energy in his body has bottomed out, and it is only enough to maintain the fusion of the three-eyed Yan Luo and Chen Mo. .

But it's all worth it.

"You, what did you do!" An evil-level demon looked back blankly, his eyes were full of horror, behind him was a piece of scorched earth, no, looking carefully, it was not dirt at all, but was flattened by this knife The flesh and blood, and there are still undead demons wriggling in it.

Even if he is not dead, he is not far from death.

A puff of scorched mush drifted out, but was suppressed by the thick bloody smell.

Because Chen Mo could feel the infinite scarlet blood flowing into his body.

Looking at the huge knife mark that is a thousand meters long and 300 meters wide in front of him, and the countless heavenly demons killed by this black knife light, Chen Mo showed a smile on his face. This is his strongest blow. All the blows to the body.

"No!" Chen Mo spat out these two words, with a relaxed look on his face.

"Keng!" The big hatchet in Chen Mo's hand fell on the magic circle of Sky Sea, making a rather loud sound.

Chen Mo, who was leaning on a saber, grinned.



"Is this Chen Xianzhi really not the Son of Destiny? Why do I feel that Qin Tianjian is wrong?"

Fortunately, all the martial arts practitioners escaped from Chen Mo's blade, so only a dozen or so were injured by the blade wind, and no major casualties were caused. But seeing the road of flesh and blood cut by Chen Mo's blade, they couldn't help but doubt With Chen Mo's status, he was lucky to run fast.

Just now, their eyes were covered by black light for two breaths before they could see things vaguely.

Of course, they were already too shocked to speak, until someone shook their head before they could hear a faint sound coming into their ears.

The momentum of Chen Mo's knife was so great that many martial arts practitioners were blinded and their ears were ringing. That's why the world was silent at that moment, because neither the demon nor the martial arts could hear or see.

"He is definitely the Son of Destiny in this world!" One of the demons brought it up, and all the demons calmed down and turned their attention to Chen Mo again.

After the initial astonishment, finally came the moment when Tu Qiong saw him with a dagger. Most of the surviving celestial demons were afraid, and some of them were still afraid to step forward, but there were still many demons at the level of celestial beings. rushed up.

"I kill you!"

"kill him!"

Although Chen Mo killed an unknown number of celestial demons, there are still countless celestial demons, and they rushed forward frantically.

"He has no strength, kill him!"

"Come on!" Chen Mo grinned, his eyes were very calm, and he straightened his waist slowly, facing countless heavenly demons, many of which were inhuman-shaped behemoths opened their mouths, and Chen Mo could even smell the heavenly demons. The fishy smell in the mouth, see the saliva in it.

(End of this chapter)

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