Chapter 490
"We'll see you again, maybe never again." The bloated demon on the opposite side spoke out, with a very serious expression on his face, but his body gradually collapsed, turning into blood and replenishing the formation.

The dots of starlight turned into formation-based dots, quickly dividing the battlefield.


The clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker.

"All god catchers withdrew from the battlefield, all god catchers withdrew from the battlefield!" The catcher who supervised the battle suddenly felt bad, and his head went numb for a while. He was also a second-rank cultivation base, but he still felt the terror in the clouds , so the opponent is at least at the high level of the second rank, and may even be at the beginning of the third rank.

Every time you turn, you have to go back to level 71, and the progress bar of the cultivation base is also greatly enlarged. The difference between one level and the other is far away, not to mention the difference between ten and twenty levels. The difference between the intermediate level is one level, but the difference is ten levels, and the difference between the high level is twenty levels.

Therefore, Chen Mo can leapfrog and kill the first-rank demons, and even fight against the middle-rank demons, but Chen Mo will still be defeated when he encounters the demons of the first rank and above, even with the help of evil spirits. Insufficient cultivation resulted in that even if Chen Mo could catch the opponent's moves, his body would collapse if he couldn't bear it.

Of course, if the strength of an evil ghost increased by five stars, then no one or a demon would be the opponent of the ghost master in one turn.

"Evacuate the battlefield!"

Hearing the sound transmission from the God Catchment Gate, all the Tingzhu-level chief arresters returned to Qin Tianjian from the sea of ​​sky.

"What's the matter, can't you get out?"


"Can't go back?"

The large formation isolated the entire battlefield and the Qin Tianjian, covering the gods and martial artists of the court column level and above in the large formation.

For a while, most of the gods and Wuxiu stopped in their tracks. Although they were puzzled and nervous, they did not panic, but tried to break the formation.

"All the chief arresters in purple clothes and the martial arts at the same level work together to break the big formation!"

Waves of purple light flew over, and all the purple-clothed and peer martial artists on the battlefield gathered in front of the bloody formation.

Of course, not only Ziyi, but even the god-catchers and martial artists of the same level also made moves. Their coercion was even greater. Although the momentum of their moves was not large, their attack power was terrifyingly strong.

But even so, the powerful force only caused the formation to shake, and even some small cracks appeared, which were repaired in an instant.

"Come on!"

"The formation base is actually on him!" Chu Kuangge raised his head fiercely, his eyes were like lightning, and he saw Cong Xin standing on the black giant ship, his face was very moved, this formation should be the kind of large formation of the military mansion, But it was transformed into such a horrible thing by the other party.

Moreover, using the flesh and blood of one hundred thousand heavenly demons as a guide, and using a second-rank and elementary-level heavenly demon as the base of the formation, the battlefield was divided. Now there are nearly tens of thousands of heavenly beings and above martial arts in the big formation. Something summoned by the other party may really kill a lot of people.


Whatever came to mind, what Chu Kuangge was most worried about happened. The clouds in the sky were pulled apart like a curtain, and a huge hole was opened at the top of the formation, with deep malice in the gap.

It is the kind of disgusting and trembling malice. Chen Mo has many eyes in his body, and naturally he is under the greatest pressure. It seems that as long as he looks at it, his eyes will be stinging, not to mention the hot eyes. Nausea.

A gigantic leg protruded from the inside, and the area of ​​the soles of the feet covered one-tenth of the battlefield, but it was only one-tenth of the size of the current formation. The fuck is that the formation is shrinking rapidly. All human beings Wu Xiu was passively concentrated.

"Made, this is a conspiracy!" Chen Mo reacted, no wonder he felt that these monsters were easy to kill, and the other party didn't even want to go back alive. Their idea was to wipe out a group of humans, yes, a group of humans.

Cong Xin had always thought this way, and what surprised Cong Xin the most was that there was a so-called Son of Destiny in the urn, which was simply an unexpected harvest.

"The sky is falling?!"

"What, I feel like I'm going to die!"

"Run, run!"

"I..., my legs are weak!"

Looking up, panic spread quickly in the formation as if it could be contagious.

Crying, trampling, roaring... Countless voices filled the bloody formation. The current bloody formation is the real meat grinder, and it is the preparation period for death.

Wu Yangyang, the geniuses among this group of human martial arts all panicked. They could feel the threat in the sky, which was the threat of death.

"Save people!" The five God Catchers who supervised the battle all used all their strength, but under one blow, the formation had just shattered. If they wanted to break through the formation completely, it would take at least two breaths of time.

Two breaths may be short for many people, but at the level of a top expert, there are too many things that can be done, and the huge sole of the foot in the sky has fallen down.

"Everyone, resist together!"

"Just hold on for a while!"

The [-] chief arresters in purple clothes and martial artists at the same level all put in their best efforts, and all of them merged with the big ghost.

For a time, countless evil spirits appeared on the battlefield.

After all, no one wants to die, and there is still a chance to fight. If you don't even have the courage to fight, even if you survive in the future, you will stop here.

But although everyone thinks this way, Cong Xin doesn't think so. He is the base of the formation, and at the same time decides who will bear the stronger pressure. His gaze has already fallen on Chen Mo, with a faint smile on his face , and that giant leg also fell towards the top of Chen Mo's head.

"Come out, I wanted to hide for a while, but obviously I can't hide anymore, he has already set his sights on me, and with me attracting firepower, he can also draw the other party's attention!" It's not that Chen Mo can't run away, but If he ran away, many people would die.

Compared with the death of so many people, Chen Mo's exposure of his identity as the ghost driver is relatively profitable, and since Ji Yue knows, after the underworld knows, Qin Tianjian should also know soon So Chen Mo didn't plan to hide anymore.

"Come on!" Chen Mo whispered, looking up at the sky.

Lord Chiyan, Lord Beiming, and Six-Armed Martial God all appeared next to Chen Mo. The strength of the three big ghosts has all been raised to three-star tyranny, and the concentrated power can be touched even at the beginning level of the second rank. What's more, there are so many purple clothes and court column red clothes.

"That's...!" Catching God's eyes followed Cong Xin to Chen Mo's body, looking at the evil spirits crawling out of Chen Mo's body one after another, stunned and at a loss.

The same goes for the rest of the God Catchers. They were all shocked and overwhelmed, but obviously their focus was not there, they wanted to break the formation.

"How could it be?!" Chu Kuangge was even more so, he was taken aback for a moment, but now is obviously not the time to investigate the reasons and secrets, since Chen Mo has such, the hope of overcoming the difficulties is a little more.

"What a ghost driver? It's never appeared before, but I met it here." Cong Xin was shocked for a moment, but then she was ecstatic, "Hahaha, it's really extraordinary, but I have to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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