Chapter 491
"Myriad Transformation Ghost Shield!"

With the cover of the ghost energy, a thick shield wall was quickly unfolded with Chen Mo as the center.

It is worthy of the name that it can open the shield wall without a shield.

This shield wall is ridiculously big, covering all the ghost emissaries. Under Chen Mo's deliberate control, the black wall like an air-raid shelter quickly rose up, filling half of the large formation.

With the breakthrough of the remaining three big ghosts, Chen Mo's ghost energy capacity increased again, and this huge shield wall only consumed one-third of it, and at the same time, it still needed the continuous support of Chen Mo's ghost energy.

"It's not enough, more ghost energy is needed!" Chen Mo's thoughts were like electricity, and his body followed suit, like atomized ghost energy gushing out, and the powerful thick black ghost wall solidified again.

Of course, the rest of Ziyi Chief Detective and Wuxiu are also ready to take over.

The kick that broke through the boundary, the coercion is not so great, it seems to be strongly repelled by the world of Shenzhou, causing all his strength to be used in the confrontation with the plane, destroying the martial arts in this bloody formation. Repair seems to be only incidental.

Although it was only incidental, it seemed to be a catastrophe for these martial artists who were in the bloody formation.

"Old gentleman." The middle-aged man next to him hurriedly asked for instructions, with an anxious look on his face, as if he wanted this old man with a stooped figure and a sword behind his back to make a move.

Standing on the roof of the Qin Tianjian Tower, the old man with a hunched body and a sword on his back didn't say anything, all his eyes were on Chen Mo's body, as if he was waiting for something, and the reason probably was Only this one knows.



As if the sky had collapsed, the huge feet had already rolled over.

Chen Mo was already ready, all the eyes in the three-eyed Yan Luo's body suddenly widened, red light flashed, and six arms stretched out.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Even though the shield wall has been used to resist, but when the shield wall touched the opponent, it didn't hold up even for a moment, it shattered like sugar paper, and the huge pressure fell on everyone in an instant, but the ghost wall still offset it. The opponent has a lot of power.

"Puff puff!"

Therefore, while falling under the soles of their feet, [-]% of martial artists vomit blood, but even if they vomit blood, they have to resist it firmly, otherwise, it will be a dead end.

The head of the three-eyed Yama is tilted, and the six arms in the body are lifted up. A big ghost of the level of the three-eyed Yama is half-kneeling on the ground, and the ghost energy is steaming out. It is conceivable that the rest of the court pillars are at the first level. What does the martial arts look like.

At the moment when the pressure covered, Chen Mo's eyes were already covered with blood. Of course, it was not the kind of murderous blood, but passive congestion. When the strong pressure came, the blood vessels in both eyes burst, and the blood filled them, forming Putting on a bloody mask, Chen Mo seemed to be blind for a moment, but fortunately, the ghost eyes were not affected.

The three evil spirits beside Chen Mo all resisted with all their strength, and the evaporating ghost energy enveloped the surroundings in black. Of course, the black was mixed with blood, which was Chen Mo's blood.Under this huge pressure, Chen Mo's blood flowed out along the pores, and evaporated into the black ghost aura.

At the same time, with the sound, Chen Mo could also feel that all the bones of his left leg were broken, and it was a comminuted fracture. Even the bones in the six arms were broken, and more than half of the internal organs were shattered. All piled up in Chen Mo's mouth.

"Bang bang bang!"

I don't know how many martial arts practitioners couldn't bear the pressure and exploded, or were sucked by evil spirits because of the exhaustion of true energy, but the big head still fell on Chen Mo's side.

The owner of this giant leg seems to want to crush Chen Mo to death completely, but even if he concentrates his strength and finds the target, he can only press Chen Mo to the ground, and Chen Mo who is lying on the ground is stronger and can resist The pressure is more and stronger.

It doesn't matter if the arm is crippled, Luo Shenggui's ghost skill will regenerate a new arm, and now Chen Mo, who is in the form of a six-armed Valkyrie spider, is even stronger and more tenacious.


"There is still a chance!" Chen Mo thought. With their resistance, this giant leg did not fall again. It was less than five meters away from the sea sponge in the sky, but this leg could never fall again.

At the same time, the God Catchers on the outer layer finally broke the blood-shrouded formation. With the destruction of the formation, Bigfoot seemed to want to leave, so he lifted it up quickly.

"Create a large formation, save people first!"

The five Catchers broke through the formation and immediately relieved everyone's pressure. It was also the first time for Chen Mo to see the evil spirits of Catchers. It seemed nothing special, although some of them had higher qualities than the three-eyed Yama in Chen Mo's body. , but it seems that the combat effectiveness is not that strong.

"It seems that their concept is still to improve their own strength, and evil spirits are incidental!" Chen Mo lay on the ground, feeling relieved, looking at the feet that were getting farther and farther above his head, and murmured
"Be kind, trample me to death today, if you can't trample me to death, I will trample you to death when I kill you!" Chen Mo said with a smile on his face.

He was too tired, his ghost energy was exhausted, and he couldn't even maintain the fifth stage. All the evil spirits returned to Chen Mo's body.In the past, he was the one who used up the ghost energy of others to retreat, but this time it was a fall, and he didn't even catch the opponent's kick, and now he is in this miserable state.

However, what happened next didn't surprise Chen Mo. The huge shadow of Ying shrouded him again, as if he was going to kill Chen Mo. Of course, Cong Xin's face on the giant ship was also very gloomy, after planning for so long , unexpectedly lost, just because there was one more person in the formation, one more child of destiny in this world.

If Cong Xin was also a time traveler, he would probably think for a moment, throw the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground, and then curse forcefully and shortly, "Grass!"

But he is not, the only thing he can do now is to kill this ghost driver.

"Hoo!" He jumped down from the sky fiercely, going forward relentlessly, if someone who didn't know saw it, he would think that the other party was giving up his life for benevolence.

"Stop this big foot, don't let Chen Xianzhi die!"

The five God Catchers suddenly dispersed, and all of them merged with the evil spirits in their bodies. The ghostly aura covered the sky like a canopy, and it was difficult for the big feet to fall.

"Not good!" Chu Kuangge shouted, even he was not Cong Xin's opponent, let alone Chen Mo who was so seriously injured that he couldn't stand up now.

"Death!" In the blink of an eye, Cong Xin was in front of Chen Mo, and the weapon in his hand went straight to Chen Mo's head.


A tall and tall black figure appeared in front of Chen Mo, with hair like a black waterfall hanging over his shoulders, and the handle of the horizontal knife blocked Cong Xin's weapon.

Chen Mo didn't even need to look, he knew who the other party was just by feeling, it was the empress wearing Yuanlong python robe, although the empress didn't even seem to have her hair tied up.


Saying a word softly, the empress raised her head slightly, looked at the giant leg in the sky, and gently swung the eight-foot horizontal knife in her hand.

Cong Xin with a horrified look in front of him was wiped out. Of course, this knife was not aimed at him, but the one in the sky. Accompanied by a painful scream, that giant leg was also annihilated by this understatement.

(End of this chapter)

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