Chapter 492
"It's a big deal!" Lao Jun saw that the empress knew something was wrong. Originally, he just wanted to see Chen Mo's hole cards, and put some pressure on these heavenly-human martial arts, but he should have made the final move. That's right, how can Chen Mo not be grateful to Dade.

Besides, Laojun is a great sage who has thought Chen Mo is extraordinary since Chen Mo was in the day after tomorrow, but now this opportunity has been taken away by the empress for nothing.

The empress had a concerned expression on her face, and the expression in her eyes could not be faked. She put the elixir into Chen Mo's mouth, and it melted in the mouth. Chen Mo also felt that a little strength had recovered in his body, and his expression became stable. many.

"How did you make it like this?" The tone was very light, with deep concern, but Chen Mo also heard a trace of blame, "I have already given you the token, why not use it?"

"Fortunately, it's not catching up. I thought it was over." A smile appeared on Chen Mo's face. He felt relieved when the empress came, but felt his head was very heavy.

"Hold?" The empress was eager to try, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, she just wanted to take Chen Mo into her arms.

"No, there are so many people." Chen Mo hurriedly declined, although he didn't know much about men and women, but if he was really hugged by the empress, he would lose his fame in that life, and it was too shameful to look like this, old face Shy red.

Fortunately, the seven orifices are bleeding now, and the face has already been covered with blood, so no one has noticed.

"Then carry it on your back."

"It should be okay to carry it on your back." Chen Mo agreed brilliantly.

Chen Mo felt a faint fragrance, and in a blink of an eye, it had reached the empress's back, and the empress did not dislike Chen Mo's blood staining her clothes and hair.

Chen Mo happened to be able to smell the delicate fragrance coming from the empress's white neck like suet jade, soothe the mind is also very relaxing, it seems that the whole person has been sublimated, lying on the clouds, enjoying the peace.

And the most terrible point, Chen Mo's eyes moved down a bit.

"This knife is so fierce, it's not that the knife is so big, it's not that the knife is so white."

Of course, what he looked at was the eight-foot water-moon horizontal knife in the hands of the empress, where else could it be except the knife?
"The sky is clear!" The sky of Yusheng after the catastrophe is so friendly, most of the martial arts are breathing the air, with a smile of Yusheng after the catastrophe on their faces, looking at the sky of Qin Tianjian silly, It was also because I was too tired to walk.

"Save people!" The rescue team that had been prepared for a long time outside the formation flew out like locusts, carrying away the wounded one by one.

The evil spirits that should be suppressed should be suppressed, the rescue should be rescued, and the bewitched should be dealt with, everything is in order.

The voices of the rest of the life after the catastrophe accounted for the majority, but there were also many other voices mixed in, moaning and shouting, crying and shouting for mothers,... These heavenly-level martial arts are all boss-level figures in Shenzhou, but Here, they can become the mainstay. If they go outside the territory, most of them will basically become cannon fodder.

Catching God looked at the Empress with horrified eyes, surprised by the Empress's knife, and also surprised by the Empress's attack.

"Who is that? She's so beautiful and strong!"

Can you not be strong enough to kill this giant leg that reaches the sky with one blow?
"Nonsense, that's the empress, isn't it beautiful? But, why is there someone on her back?" Naturally, some of them recognized the identity of the empress, but they didn't know the person on the empress' back.

"Who is that person?"

"It is said that his name is Chen Xianzhi, isn't he making a big splash this time?"

"He's still related to the empress, isn't he having an affair?" Wu Xiu asked in surprise, and at the same time, the fire of gossip ignited.

"Damn it, keep your mouth clean. I don't know how many Tianjiao who go to Yunding Tiangong every year, they are all kicked out. Even though Chen Xianzhi is powerful, he is only a court pillar-level red dress. How could he be favored by the empress?" A martial artist is obviously also one of those who admire the empress.

There are quite a few people who know Chen Mo, but among the tens of thousands of people, it is too few. Among them, the few people who know Chen Mo should be the Tingzhu-level chief arresters who entered the duel with Chen Mo.Of course, because of Chen Mo's brilliance, they were also able to inquire about Chen Mo's identity.

After all, those court pillars who competed with Chen Mo on the same stage were eager to spread out, so that Chen Mo's status as a master was confirmed, and it was only a matter of course that they went up together and were killed.

As Chen Mo gets stronger and stronger, they have long since lost the thought of jealousy. Jealousy can only be jealous of masters who are higher than themselves. Competing on the same stage with Chen Mo has become capital to show off.

In the future, I can also boast to my grandson, do you know Chen Xianzhi?That's right, that Chen Xianzhi, my grandfather and I also competed on the same stage with him?Win or lose, of course lose.

"Well, Empress, Chen Xianzhi is a member of our Qin Tianjian, just leave it to us for protection, and don't bother Yunding Tiangong." The figure of the old gentleman appeared in front of the empress, although he was slightly stooped, but he could see Chu Laojun must have been tall when he was young.

The empress did not dare to offend the old man recklessly, just as Chen Mo said back then, the ten kings really did not dare to offend the great saints of the human race, and the one in front of him was clearly one of the great saints of the human race.

"There is nothing Xiao Wang can do about it. The Qin Tianjian sees death and will not save him. How can Xiao Wang feel at ease to hand over the hand of the immortal to the Qin Tianjian?" The empress bowed slightly as a salute. Long sword, wearing Taoist robes, looks like a thin old man, but it doesn't mean he can't offend.

Just like what the empress said to Chen Mo, she is very strong, as can be seen from that knife.

Moreover, now that Chen Mo has revealed the secret of being able to control multiple evil spirits, he cannot be left in the Qin Tianjian. It is hard to guarantee that these people will not be interested in Chen Mo's secret. The empress really wants Chen Mo to go to Yunding with him Tiangong is also easy to protect.

Therefore, although his posture is low, he does not give an inch, and even puts his hand on the handle of the eight-foot knife.

The helplessness on Laojun's face almost made "what the hell is this?" written all over his face.

"This matter is more complicated, but we still have to respect Chen Xianzhi's wishes, don't we?" There was a little cunning in Laojun's eyes, obviously Laojun knew that Chen Mo should still hope to stay in Qin Tianjian.

"Okay!" The empress nodded slightly, then turned slightly to look at Chen Mo.

Laojun didn't expect the empress to agree so happily. He thought it would be very troublesome, but now it's much better. Although he knows that Chen Mo and the empress have a close relationship, it seems that Chen Mo doesn't seem to be threatened.

"Xianzhi, don't have any worries, Qin Tianjian is fully capable of protecting you, and anyone who wants to touch you will naturally have to pass me first, you know Chu Kuangge, I am his half-master. "Looking at Chen Mo's eyes, Laojun secretly thought that something was wrong, so he hurriedly established a relationship and gave a guarantee.

"Old gentleman, this is against the rules." The empress's pair of phoenix eyes moved slightly, obviously dissatisfied with the old gentleman's solicitation.

However, the empress also has a trump card in her hand, so she just said softly: "Engagement!"

"Well, I..." Chen Mo couldn't help but smiled wryly, it's not easy to offend that side.

Chen Mo can trust Laojun's character. Although in the game before, he can be regarded as a dragon who can't see the end, but the official data has already posted Laojun's analysis post, so Chen Mo also trusts the sword-backing Laojun.

(End of this chapter)

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