Reckless through another world

Chapter 494 One hexagram breaks life and death

Chapter 494
"What should we do now?" The nineteen elders gathered in the main hall of Yunding Tiangong stared at each other. Fortunately, they were all dignified figures, so they didn't panic.

"What's the specific situation?" Elder Feng Yun, who was sitting in the first place under the first seat, asked with a slight frown.

"The empress just finished her bath and flew away without even drying her hair. We don't know the specific situation." Elder Ming said helplessly. She was an elder who had been with the empress all along. Flying away, she unexpectedly asked three questions, this is the biggest dereliction of duty.

"I heard that the Heavenly Wolf Army Department has been destroyed. The Heavenly Demon's troops have arrived in the Sea of ​​Sky. I have informed the Empress last time, and the Empress doesn't care." Another elder also said, but she vaguely guessed a reason, I just don't know whether to say it or not.

"The third elder still has something to say? You might as well talk about it." Seeing the third elder's hesitant to speak, the first elder couldn't help asking.

The third elder was indeed a little hesitant, but he still expressed his guess, with a curious expression on his face, and then said: "This time, it may also be because of that Chen Xianzhi's problem."

"Most likely!"

This proposal was immediately approved and echoed by several elders. They had known about Chen Xianzhi's existence for a long time. Although they didn't know the specific reason, they strongly opposed it for a while. After the objection was fruitless, everyone got used to it. Anyway, the Empress is free to do whatever she wants.

Yunding Tiangong belongs to the empress, and all the forces in Beiyunzhou are under the control of Yunding Tiangong. Even if the empress wants to raise a bad boy, they have nothing to object to.

"Why is it me?" On the other side, Chen Mo also asked the questions that the elders of Yunding Tiangong wanted to ask. To be honest, Chen Mo at that time didn't seem to have any characteristics except ghost domain, and if there is a request, why not Directly let Chen Mo use Huang Quan to help the empress achieve her ideas.

"It cannot be said." The Empress shook her head slightly, but did not tell Chen Mo the reason.

Speaking of this, the empress stopped for a while, then glanced at Chen Mo and asked, "But I want to ask you a question."

"Excuse me." Chen Mo nodded and said.

To be honest, Chen Mo also wanted to find a topic to chat with the empress, otherwise the atmosphere between the two would be too subtle and awkward, but fortunately Chen Mo finally racked his brains to think of one, and the empress was also in good spirits.

It seems that the empress, who has seen through Chen Mo's mind, did not break through Chen Mo's hidden meaning.

In love, at least one of two people needs to be brave. Otherwise, both of them will be slow to talk, and there will be fewer topics, which will create a gap. Even awkward chats are much better than not saying a word. You must know that distance creates distance, not beauty.

In the past, the empress was more powerful, and Chen Mo didn't have a special standard. In short, it was the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. Whether it was an arranged marriage, there was no way to practice in love, so she seemed a little passive and weak.

After exchanging letters, it seems good that Chen Mo raised it like this, but he has to take the initiative.

"If you know who your wife or husband will be in the future, would you like to speed up the pace of your meeting?" The queen's question was very simple, but it contained a lot of news. Chen Mo was a little dazed, and then slightly Some frown.

"Naturally, I want to speed up the pace of meeting." Although he was thinking, Chen Mo answered the empress's question very honestly.

The answer to this question is very simple to Chen Mo. Even in his previous life, if someone asked Chen Mo such a question, Chen Mo would say the same, and even more so.

If you really spy on fate and know who your future partner is, then just go find it directly, and don't want to fall in love with others.

"Could it be that I am?" Chen Mo asked in amazement.

The Empress neither admitted nor denied, but walked across the sea of ​​sky with Chen Mo on her back calmly.

"Reborn? Or is it predicting the future, or the so-called fate?" Chen Mo thought hard, but he couldn't think of anything. A fake rebirth like Li Shou actually predicted one of the future lines. People who have never seen Chen Mo, even if The empress is a reborn person or a person who can predict the future, so it is impossible to know Chen Mo.

If Shenzhou World is a huge system, Li Shou is only a person with B-level authority, and Chen Mo's personal information is obviously more advanced, at least only S-level authority can be viewed. Now someone said to Chen Mo, "I'm sorry, I Checked your permissions."

This really surprised Chen Mo. It wasn't that Chen Mo didn't believe it, but that his arrival was really strange, and the authority of this kind of time travel was obviously very high.

Coupled with the fact that the Empress was able to control evil spirits, Chen Mo was even more surprised. It was far from what he remembered, "Could it be that the current route is another one, or is it that I, a butterfly, set off a huge butterfly?" effect?"

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking about it. Of course, he knew too little information and information, and Chen Mo couldn't figure out why even if he tried his best.

"It's okay, anyway, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge." Chen Mo simply let it go, Chen Mo is too lazy to care about the specific situation, he still needs to accumulate strength, and when his strength increases, he will be able to know.Even if Chen Mo doesn't want to know in the future, those secret things will be posted.

The empress doesn't know Chen Mo's complicated thoughts, her secrets are no less than Chen Mo's, and even she is in the fog, and can't figure out the situation, so there is no way to tell Shen Mo all these things.

"Empress, aren't you afraid of finding the wrong person?" After thinking about it, Chen Mo relaxed a lot, so he made a joke.

"Whoever this seat says is whoever it is."

"What if it's wrong?"

"No case!"

"I mean, if..."

"No ifs."


"There is no possibility. If there is a possibility, I will let go and throw you down." The empress showed a kind smile on her face.

"Okay, there is no possibility." Chen Mo hastily hugged the Empress a lot, definitely not because of fear, but purely wanting to take advantage.


"Something's wrong!" A gray-faced old man looked at the set of blown tortoise shells in front of him, then looked suspiciously at Laojun and asked, "Laojun, are you sure his name is Chen Xianzhi?"

"Of course I'm sure, Chen Mo, the name is Xianzhi, of course the name is Chen Xianzhi." The old man looked nervously at the old friend in front of him. The tortoise shell was blown up just now, and he was also ashamed, so he became suspicious. "Could it be Chen Xianzhi?" question?"

"Is there a problem with him? Old man Huang, you can't talk nonsense. Is there a problem?" Laojun hurriedly asked.

"Damn it, there's more than just a problem!" The old man whose face was blown up like the bottom of a pot instantly frowned, and then sat down on the futon.

Old Man Huang couldn't believe it, but with a bit of weirdness, and was very serious and sure, he looked at Laojun with wide eyes and said: "He is a dead man!"

Really, the language is not amazing!
"Dead?" Laojun suddenly felt numbness in his back.

"How is it possible, he is obviously alive and well." Laojun quickly waved his hand, and shook his head firmly, "Is it because your Huang Sanjia's arithmetic has declined, dead? How is it possible, he is obviously a living person. Can't tell the difference?!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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