Reckless through another world

Chapter 495 Great Sage, Hero of the Era

Chapter 495 Great Sage, Hero of the Era
The projections of the nineteen great saints appeared on the seats in the hall, but none of them spoke, and all their attention was on the crystal screen in the center that was playing the battle scene of Chen Mo.

All the great saints were shrouded in a faint light, making it difficult to see their faces clearly.

Many of Qin Tianjian's great powers don't know which ones are the great saints of the human race, and only two or three of them walked to the front of the stage.

"There really are many ghost drivers." One of the great sages sighed.

The scene of Chen Mo releasing the other three evil spirits was played repeatedly on the crystal screen. Although covered by ghost energy, they could still clearly see it.

All the great sages were amazed at Chen Mo's ability to control so many evil spirits, but the most important thing is to look at the opinion of the first one.

"However, how could this ghost driver have anything to do with the one from Beiyunzhou?" Another great sage cast his eyes on Laojun, as if he wanted an explanation from Laojun, after all, he was the first to discover Chen Mo. It was Laojun who was the one who got ahead of him now.

Take a step back and think more and more.

"Who knows, this old man can't always pay attention to a child." The old man shook his head, unable to see the expression on his face, but there was also a little helplessness.

"Although Chen Xianzhi has some problems, it can also be seen from this that he has a heart for the human race." The first great sage spoke slowly, his voice was steady, and it seemed that there was no difference because of Chen Mo's existence.

"Let him perform whatever tasks he should perform. There is no need for special treatment. Now is not the time to entrust the burden of Shenzhou to those little guys."

After hearing what the first great sage said, all the great powers didn't say anything more. Even the multi-ghost driver won't get much preferential treatment. The great powers will withstand the big pressure, but they will also release the small pressure to Chen Mo. Looking at this younger generation, if they are raised in a greenhouse, let alone a ghost driver, even a god will be useless.

"It's really helpless that the Heavenly Wolf army was destroyed. It even caused the opponent to set up a demonic blood array and summon a three-turn demon. However, it is also a good opportunity. Since he was injured by the empress, it is also a good opportunity to destroy the enemy." The Shenzhou plane opens up the situation and establishes a certain advantage."

The great sage in the first seat quickly analyzed the situation, and at the same time, he was preparing to break the situation on the Shenzhou plane with the help of this situation, so that he would not be so passive, and might even be able to restrain some of the demons in turn. .

Now that the celestial demons are dividing their troops to conquer several planes, the pressure on Shenzhou is not too great, but they still have to plan ahead and cannot sit still.

"As for the candidate for the Star Lord of the Sirius Army, let's choose He Mingcheng. The Grand Master of the Daqian Dynasty is more than enough to be the Star Lord of the Army." In fact, the intention of the first great sage had already been notified to them, and He Mingcheng's strength is enough to sit in the sky. Wolf Ministry.

The rest of the great saints nodded in agreement and did not object. Now that there are few talents and high-end combat power is even rarer, many great powers on the main plane of Shenzhou do not move at all. Even if they are recruited, they will not move. Even the great saints have no choice. .

Let’s just talk about the God of War in Wushenya, and Mr. Jianda of Kunlun City. There are more than a dozen or twenty powerful figures on the list of the Daqian Dynasty. The great saint of the human race.

Not only Dagan, but also Dazhen, Dasheng, and small overseas countries, etc. Among them, there are many powerful people in the world, but very few can join Qin Tianjian, but Qin Tianjian has no way to coerce or lure.

Fortunately, the current situation is not bad. The eight major sects of Daqian and countless other sects are sending talents to Qin Tianjian, and Qin Tianjian is also recruiting and wooing talents, so it can still stand.

"So, that plan should also be put on the agenda." Another great sage shrouded in white light suggested that through this incident, they realized that they needed to carry out the plan that had been prepared for a long time.

"Someone also thinks this should be the case, and Shenzhou cannot be allowed to go into chaos."

"But for the co-lord?" The other great sage was a little skeptical. If the plan goes well, the power of the entire Shenzhou will be gradually unified. If this is the case, the future emperor will definitely be very powerful. They need a A powerful emperor, but a powerful and ambitious emperor is not needed.

Although the ambitious emperor can also be aware of external pressure, his eyes must be on the inside first. He will never allow a transcendent force to exist. Therefore, in the future, Qin Tianjian will need to contend with the demons and resist these forces at the same time. An ambitious emperor.

"If you're ambitious and disobedient, change him, why leave such a hidden danger." The words of another great sage with a softer voice were very cold, and the rise and fall of the dynasty was actually within their words .

Of course, it was true in what they said, if there is a disobedient emperor, he must be replaced with an obedient one, otherwise the battle ahead will be tight, and the rear logistics will be tight, who can stand it?
"In fact, there is no need to worry too much. When it is unified, the emperor's burden will be even heavier. Even a heavenly man will not have many years to live." Another great sage said flatly, without the slightest emotion. .

Those who can become great sages are powerful and ruthless. They only think about the general trend of the whole world. If their sacrifices are needed one day in exchange for the victory of the Shenzhou plane against the demons, they will have no hesitation.

They are the heroes of the times, and they are also the sorrows of the times. No one is not afraid of death. Ants even steal their lives, not to mention beings that are already so powerful that they can keep avoiding them, but they don't.

So they are honored as great saints, because they are all powerful people who can kill and become benevolent. The entire council of elders, not to mention absolute, most of them are like this.

However, most of the time, they don't even show their faces, one crop after another, and I don't know how many crops have been rotated. These people should be called the heroes of the times, not because of their strength, but because of them something you hold on to.

"As for Chen Xianzhi's problem, let Laojun deal with it. Qin Tianjian doesn't need him right now. As for his secret...we should also remember the lesson." The first great sage paused for a while, and didn't say any more , but said something without thinking.


The light spots on their bodies dissipated slowly, and the projections also left, leaving Laojun alone.

Laojun frowned slightly, he already knew what was going on with Chen Mo's question, but this matter had to wait for Chen Mo to come back from Yunding Tiangong.

Laojun is not worried about Chen Mo's safety. The empress is very powerful. Although she has not done anything, I don't know the specific situation, but she can tell from the knife that she is definitely a three-rank power.

(End of this chapter)

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