Reckless through another world

Chapter 496 Underworld Lord

Chapter 496 Underworld Lord
"How many ghost drivers?"

Following Ji Yue's report, people in Hades also began to pay attention to Chen Mo's problem again. Now Chen Mo's own value has surpassed Hades' evaluation, and Ji Yue reported this news to the upper echelons of Hades.

While the upper echelon of Hades sealed the news, they also had a new discussion on Chen Mo's problem.

Of course, among the eight evil men, only the newly promoted Hei Wuchang Ji Yue knew about this.

Even among the Ten Temples of Yama, very few people know that there are five ghost emperors above them, as well as the Lord of the Underworld, the Lord of the Underworld, who is in charge of the Underworld.

The voice of the Lord of the Underworld came from the shadows, echoing in the vast and gloomy hall, and the ghostly will-o'-the-wisps burning around seemed to burn more vigorously because of the change in the Lord of the Underworld's voice.

Underworld Lord's face was hidden in the shadows, and his face could not be seen clearly.

It's just that the voice of the Lord of the Underworld is magnetic, a little rough, and has a loose indifference, but even so, the Dongfang Ghost Emperor who saluted did not dare to relax in the slightest. The powerful person on the high seat is simply outrageous. , making people unable to arouse any resistance.

"Who reported it?" Underworld Lord asked with interest.

"The newly promoted Black Impermanence Ji Yue." Dongfang Ghost Emperor replied hastily.

"That's right. Give him a complete potion of Hades No. [-] No. [-], which is a reward for his discovery. Does anyone else know about this?" The master of the underworld nodded slightly. Although his face was shrouded in shadows, he nodded. You can still see his chin.

Even the five ghost emperors have never seen the face of the Lord of the Underworld, let alone Yama of the Ten Temples and the Eight Great Yin Commanders. Even if the Lord of the Underworld appeared in front of them, he was wearing a black mask, and they could only see A pair of glowing eyes.

Those were a pair of eyes with a little light, very peculiar, except for the black mask, that was the only feature.

Although some people would question whether the underworld master would be dropped, anyway, it was just for the underworld master, and they didn't know whether the package was dropped or not.Furthermore, with the strength of the Lord of the Underworld, it would take a lot of strength to drop him.

"King Chujiang and his subordinates know about it." Dongfang Ghost Emperor respectfully answered Underworld Lord's question.

"This matter must be kept secret. If I let this seat know, and anyone of you leaks it, then nothing will be left behind." Mingzhu said lightly, looking at Dongfang Ghost Emperor.

Dongfang Ghost Emperor just looked over, and quickly lowered his head, like a chicken pecking at rice, "I understand, I understand, my subordinates understand."

"However, there are still a few things that need to be reported to the Lord. The Heavenly Wolf Army Department has been broken, and the Heavenly Demon has killed the sea of ​​​​the sky. At the same time, the Great Sage of the Qin Tianjian has made He Mingcheng the Sirius King. In addition, the Great Saints seem to want to start that one. The project has been planned, can we have a share of the Hades?" Dongfang Ghost Emperor asked hastily.

"We don't need to worry about the sea of ​​sky. After all, it is the headquarters of Qin Tianjian. Those old men can still stand it. Even if someone dies, there will be Shenzhou to supplement. As for the new Lord Sirius, send someone to try it out first." Try." Underworld Lord nodded slightly, a lot of things did happen during this period, but Underworld Lord was not worried.

"As for the current matter against Shenzhou, we should have a chance to get a share of the pie. I didn't expect them to think about it so soon. It seems that the current situation is getting worse and worse." The Lord of the Underworld seemed to be muttering Soliloquy.

"Then we have Hades?"

"Support Daqian, simply compete with national power, Daqian is the strongest, and it is also our base camp." Mingzhu has already made a decision.

"Also, what happened to the affairs that the Eight Great Yin Shuai are in charge of?"

"The artificial evil ghost technology has been completed nearly [-]%. If the previous Hei Wuchang was not too eager for quick success, which caused the damage to the data, it should have been completed long ago. Fortunately, there are still drafts, so the general direction has not been affected." Dongfang Ghost The emperor frowned slightly, and said bitterly.

This is really the case. If it wasn't because the previous Hei Wuchang was too eager for quick success and made a large moth, there was really no need to start from scratch. Although the current research speed is not slow, there is no follow-up path. go again.

You know, something like inspiration is a matter of a shock, without that shock, even if it is deduced [-]% of the time, the experiment cannot be completed.

"The affairs of the other seven yin commanders are progressing steadily, and Hei Wuchang is a bit slow, but they should be able to catch up soon." Dongfang Ghost Emperor handed over the crystal panel loaded with information.

Underworld Lord waved his hand slightly and the crystal panel landed on his hand. Looking at the page after page of analysis, Underworld Lord nodded involuntarily: "That's right, it can be regarded as reaching the ideal state."

"What's the deal with the demon seed?"

"It's okay, but we have a conflict with the Demon Sect, Tianwaitian seems to be restless, and they seem to be plotting something." Dongfang Ghost Emperor was a little puzzled, their secret stake did not pass back to Tianwaitian's plan, This instead made the ghost emperor feel curious.

"It's not surprising. It would be the most strange if Tianwaitian didn't move. As for the other first-class demon sects, they will know who is right and who is wrong."

"The hidden pile of support needs to be strengthened. I need to know how far Tianwaitian's plan has progressed." While looking at the crystal board in his hand, talking about his plan, the Lord of the Underworld is also very concerned about Tianwaitian's plan .

"Your subordinates obey!" Dongfang Ghost Emperor nodded.

"The hidden stakes placed in the eight major sects also need to be supported. I need more detailed information from them."

"As ordered."

"As for Chen Xianzhi, let's wait and see what happens. A multi-ghost driver can't change anything, and the empress is by his side, so it's not easy to do anything. If the underworld is exposed, all plans will be ruined. Who dares to stop me According to the plan, I will kill whoever, do you understand?" Although the voice of the Lord of the Underworld is flat, the killing intent is as real as it is.

"Your subordinates understand!" Dongfang Ghost Emperor hurriedly nodded and swallowed. They are not irreplaceable people. Even the Wufang Ghost Emperor has changed several times. The strength of this adult has long been rooted in their hearts. In their hearts, and the strength of this lord's ideals convinced them even more.

The Lord of the Underworld waved his hand to indicate that Dongfang Ghost Emperor could go down. He was alone in the hall. He was very sure of Chen Xianzhi's value, but now it was not only Chen Xianzhi who needed attention, Tianwaitian and the eight major sects were not honest anymore. Hades to worry about.

Chen Mo still doesn't know that because of the situation, neither the Underworld nor the Qin Tianjian intends to trouble him. For Tianwaitian, a multi-ghost driver can't change the overall situation. As for the secrets in this body, if you can After researching it, it was a fart secret. They obviously knew something, so they didn't act rashly.

As for the underworld, because of the large-scale plan of the Qin Tianjian and the restraint of Tianwaitian and Zhengdao Zongmen, there is no way to separate the manpower. Those who go are weak and killed, and if they are strong, there will be problems here. The empress is not a big trouble at all. Easy to handle, quite a headache.

 The newly released chapter is very hot (needs to be changed), so don't read it as soon as it is released, it is best to wait ten minutes before reading it.

(End of this chapter)

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