Chapter 497

Chen Mo opened his eyes, he saw the elegant ceiling, and there was a faint fragrance all over his body. Chen Mo could feel the softness of his body. The quilt was half covered, and the pillows were just right. He was a little dazed. With the power in it, Chen Mo thought he had crossed again.

After adjusting my mood, I struggled to get up, and fell back on the bed with a "bang!"

"Your Highness, are you alright?" The maid in the outer room walked in quickly, put down the basin in her hand, and then checked Chen Mo's injuries, she seemed to be fine, so she felt relieved.

"Your Highness?" Chen Mo repeated with a rather strange expression, and then looked up and down the maids around him, all of whom were naturally beautiful.

"A pair of arms had comminuted fractures, and both legs had comminuted fractures. I don't know how many wounds I have on my body. There are even two fatal wounds. There are more than a dozen serious injuries. I advise Your Highness not to move around." Elder Ming sat down to feel Chen Mo's pulse, and nodded slightly.

"It's recovering well. Although the bones have initially healed, they are still too fragile and need rest." Elder Ming ordered the maid beside him to make medicine for Chen Mo.

"This is Yunding Tiangong? Has it been too long?" Chen Mo himself already knew it, but he seemed to have fallen asleep on the empress's back at the time, but he did not expect to wake up and have arrived at Yunding Tiangong.

"That's right, this is Yunding Tiangong. His Highness has been in a coma for twelve hours. Fortunately, his physique is very good, and he has enough energy and blood. Otherwise, such an injury would cause irreversible sequelae." Elder Ming was also very surprised by Chen Mo's physique. .

To be able to recover so quickly, and most importantly, not to hurt the foundation, this is surprising.

Moreover, the two deadliest knives did not kill him. There are even nineteen holes on Chen Mo's body, which seem to have grown, but because of this battle, they split open again. , causing more injuries.

There are countless other large and small wounds, and this is the first time Elder Ming has seen such a life. These people are all fighting lunatics, and most of them died on the road to become stronger, but this kind of people is also easy to become strong .

"Your Highness, why do you call me Your Highness?" Chen Mo looked at Elder Ming strangely.

I tried to move around, and then my whole body ached, and my strength did not decrease, but the pollution of the demon was not easy to remove, if not, his wound would not be easy to heal, even if it healed, the pollution would also stay in his body.

"Because His Highness is the Lord's fiancé." Ming Zhanglai replied.

Chen Mo nodded suddenly, it turned out to be because of this reason, but he didn't care about it, and instead focused on his body: "Is there any way to cure me faster?"

"Don't rush, take your time, because the demon pollution is still in His Highness's body, it must be removed first, and His Highness can only flush it out with his own true energy."

"So that's it." Chen Mo could also feel the alien energy in his body, blocking his ability to repair himself. Otherwise, with his repair ability, although these injuries were heavy, they could still be repaired quickly.

Looking at his changed clothes and meticulously arranged hair, Chen Mo didn't feel anything inappropriate. This is the benefit of the evil feudal era.

As Chen Mo woke up, those sleeping ghost eyes opened one after another, and the ghostly aura slowly unfolded.

Chen Mo originally possessed the characteristic of Taoism and nature, so his true energy was still circulating when he was unconscious, adjusting his body, and cleaning up the pollution of the demon in his body at the same time. This process would take about half a month. That is to say, about half a month can't be done, basically spent in bed.

"When will I be able to acquire a characteristic that resists the pollution of celestial demons? A small number of celestial demons haven't felt it yet. Now that I have encountered so many celestial demons, the ability to pollute is too strong." Chen Mo thought, but he didn't have a special clue.

"What's the matter?" Naturally, an attendant pushed open the door, and the empress stepped in, asking in a concerned voice.

"My lord, your Highness's injury is almost healed, but you still need to rest for half a month." Elder Ming stood up and reported. Although he was also surprised by Chen Mo's resilience, Elder Ming didn't think too much about it. Can't get here.

"You guys go down first." The empress waved her hand, ordering the surrounding attendants to leave.

"Yes." The maids responded and exited the door, Elder Ming followed suit, and did not stay here ignorantly.

No matter how you put it, they are also weird, as long as the empress is happy, there is no need to ask too much, as long as the screening is good or not, people with bad intentions, the rest, even if they are elders who want to stop Can't stop it.

As the door closed, the empress sat by the bed, put her jade hand on Chen Mo's wrist, and the strange qi entered into Chen Mo's body, exploring the injuries in Chen Mo's body.

Seeing that the wound healed and the bones solidified again, the Empress felt relieved.

The empress had already used her true energy to sweep away most of the demonic pollution in Chen Mo's body, but there were still some subtle things that Chen Mo needed to do by herself. If she did, the female emperor's alien true energy would also cause damage to Chen Mo's body.

"The remaining trivial demon pollution, as long as it is washed away with true energy every day, it will soon disappear." The empress's voice had a faint magnetism, which was very pleasant to hear.

This made Chen Mo a little overwhelmed, not knowing how to deal with it.

"Keep a normal mind." Chen Mo said silently in his heart, then nodded numbly, and when he turned his head, he happened to see the face of the empress, delicate but very dignified, with an inaccessible elegance.

"However, I didn't expect you to accept Xianzhi so quickly." The Empress showed a narrow smile. Just now, so many people called Chen Mo His Highness, and I didn't see any reaction from Chen Mo. It seems that I have been used to it for a long time.

"Of course, with such a beautiful fiancée, what is there to accept?" Chen Mo said calmly.

"Hey? Who told you to tell the truth." The empress was slightly taken aback, did the head made of wooden fish open up?

"It's good like this, I haven't felt so relaxed for a long time." Chen Mo said with a smile, his dark eyes shook slightly.Beside the empress, Chen Mo really felt very relaxed, and very relaxed.

It's different from the time at home. Although the home is very warm, it still makes Chen Mo a little nervous.

Chen Mo was slightly taken aback, a jade hand held his hand, not so hot, but very gentle, and Chen Mo didn't expect the hand holding the knife to be so soft, "I thought it would be possible to cut that knife Hands can be harder."

Of course, this idea just flashed through Chen Mo's mind, and he didn't say it out, because Chen Mo was afraid that he would be hammered if he said it out.

 There is one more chapter, wait a while.

(End of this chapter)

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