Reckless through another world

Chapter 498 is inexplicably cute

Chapter 498 is inexplicably cute
"It's not right. If you call me Your Highness, you will always feel a lot shorter." Chen Mo said absent-mindedly, while quietly observing the empress's reaction.

"Actually, there is nothing wrong with addressing Your Highness."

"But you can change it to whatever you want." The Empress pursed her lips and smiled, but she didn't care. According to Chen Mo's meaning, anyway, the entire Yunding Tiangong belongs to the Empress.

"You don't need to change it, it's pretty good." Chen Mo shook his head slightly. In fact, he didn't want to change anything, but was called that out of the blue.

Chen Mo has already decided to get used to it in the future, isn't it already made up his mind to live in Yunding Tiangong.

"Qin Tianjian should be fine." Chen Mo is a little worried about Qin Tianjian. Now that he has arrived at Yunding Tiangong, many things are not in his eyes, as if he has deviated from the general trend, which makes Chen Mo a little nervous.

"It's okay, Qin Tianjian is too busy to take care of himself now, and won't come here to make trouble, and Laojun's reputation is also good, with him as a guarantee, there will be no problem." Speaking of this kind of thing, the empress returned to her original expression, everything Seems like it's all under her control.

There was a faint look in his eyes, and his aura exuded, that kind of aura couldn't be faked.

Chen Mo was secretly observing the reaction of the Empress. The Empress looked at Chen Mo generously. Seeing the tense expression on Chen Mo's face flashed, she thought it was because she felt nervous in Yunding Tiangong, and then she said in relief, "Everything here It’s all my seat’s, so it’s yours, so don’t be too nervous.”

Chen Mo hurriedly waved his hands and said, "It's not because of this."

"Why is that?" the Empress asked,

"I always feel a little flustered after leaving Qin Tianjian, although I'm not that important." Chen Mo smiled embarrassedly. Although he was not boasting, he had never failed in his work, and there was no need to leave suddenly. I went to suppress the evil spirits, and I was still a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Don't worry, Qin Tianjian is very strong. Even if there is no immortal, he can still deal with it well. Moreover, the weak and the strong prey on the weak in this world. Even if he dies, his skills are not as good as people's. Skills are not as good as people's. If he dies, he will be able to deal with it. Dead." The empress narrated flatly, as if she didn't pay attention to the rest of life at all.

Chen Mo suddenly turned his head to look at the Empress, and watched her speak plainly.

"That's right, this world is a world where the weak prey on the strong, whether it's this world or another world." Chen Mo had to admit, and the Empress's theory was basically in line with Chen Mo's three views. Generally speaking, the two people's three views are actually quite different conform to.

It's just that Chen Mo looks more easy-going. After all, he came from that era, so he looks easy-going.

But the female empress is different, she is a person of this era, and she has built such a large foundation alone. In this case, it is more in line with the identity of the female empress, and the strange world is even more prey to the weak.

"It's just that it can reduce the number of deaths, after all, it's better to have fewer deaths." Chen Mo nodded slightly, and Chen Mo still wanted to save as much as he could.

Chen Mo, who is deeply influenced by Confucian culture, still has a strong Confucian color in his concept, "If you are poor, you will benefit yourself alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world." Although it is not as serious as it appears, it is something that has been influenced since childhood.

Even though I have been in the game for so many years, and my concept is closer to the laws of the other world, there are some things in my bones that cannot be erased, just like some people, even if they have been hurt thousands of times, the pride in their bones still won’t allow it. They bully the weak.

Therefore, it was not just because the rewards urged Chen Mo to participate in the Battle of the East and the Sea of ​​Sky.There are also some subtle, imperceptible things contained in the heart that prompted Chen Mo to make a move.

Chen Mo is neither a politician nor a businessman. He is a martial artist. The most important thing is that he can restrain his own power after he becomes powerful.

"But it's up to them to grow up on their own. The enemy won't show any mercy. Maybe the other party is also someone's son, someone's husband, or someone's father." Chen Mo shook his head slightly. Now is not the time to be sentimental.

Heavenly Demon will show no mercy.

Chen Mo was a little curious as to why the Heavenly Demon invaded so many other worlds. There must be a reason, otherwise, the reason of being warlike would not be the reason.

Even if the opponent has the support of Tianmo Chong, but the same is the law of the jungle, the resources will not always be tilted to the waste.

"Of course." The empress smiled sweetly, she was worried that Chen Mo would show kindness, and this kind of heart would kill her if she came to the battlefield, it seems that she was too worried.It's just because Chen Mo was free for a while, so he thought a little too much for a while.

"Besides that Qin Tianjian knows how many evil spirits I can control, the Underworld should also know." Chen Mo said that he was planning on his own, and it would be good to ask the Empress to help check for gaps.

It's not just because one person counts the short and the other counts the long, but to tell the empress how many enemies he is facing now.

It is precisely because he does not know the specific attitude of the Underworld, so Chen Mo plans to find time to ask Lao Hei again, and by the way, follow the clues to find the headquarters of the Underworld. Chen Mo always feels that this organization is going to do something big.

"Underworld, I heard about it, but I didn't expect you, the immortal, to have trouble with them." The empress nodded slightly, listening to Chen Mo slowly explaining the friction between him and the underworld.

As soon as I talked about it, I started to talk about it from Lin Shancheng at that time. At the same time, Chen Mo also told about half of his experience by the way. It only took eight or nine months. Now it seems that there is a feeling of a lifetime away.

"Huh? There was even a conflict with Tianwaitian, and even almost abducted the little princess of Guiyuanzong." The empress tilted her head, looking surprised.

Chen Mo pursed his lips, knowing that this was just the empress' teasing, so he just shrugged his shoulders without any special reaction, and then started to talk.

"It turned out to be the ghost inn." The empress nodded slightly. She had paid attention to it at the time, but Chen Mo didn't use the token she gave, so she didn't pay attention in detail. If it wasn't for the information sent back by the token, the empress would It is not necessary to go to the Sea of ​​​​Sky once.

Can't help but be glad that she went.

"The underworld is also a very strong force." A strong force with the approval of the empress must be very strong. After all, with the empress's vision, [-]% of the world cannot enter her eyes.

"Tianwaitian is not bad either. Although they have been shrunk for 60 years, they did not lose much power during the Tianzhu battle."

"Shenzhou has only so many supernatural powers in total. Xianzhi, you actually offended most of them at once. You deserve to be the one."

On the contrary, Chen Mo has black hair, and always feels that these words are not a compliment to him.

"Can you stand it?"

"One knife, if one knife is not enough, then two knife..." The empress snapped her fingers, counting how many times she could hack them to death.

(End of this chapter)

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