Reckless through another world

Chapter 499 Special Gift Package

Chapter 499 Special Gift Package
The empress didn't stay for long, after all Chen Mo needed to rest, so the empress didn't stay here for a long time, so as not to disturb Chen Mo, although it wasn't a disturbance, it even made Chen Mo feel a little happy, but there was a lot of time in the future, so it wasn't too short.

Chen Mo looked at the ceiling silently, the true energy in his body quickly expelled the pollution of the demon. In terms of power, the ghost energy is naturally better. However, removing the pollution of the demon is a different area, so a more gentle method is needed. Infuriating.

The ghost qi is attacking from the beginning to the end, and it does not have much effect on healing. Maybe even the demon pollution is not removed, but it is polluted by the evil ghost again, so even Chen Mo has to use the real qi to flush it calmly.

"I didn't have time to watch it last time, but this time the Battle of the Sea of ​​Sky has achieved a lot!" Chen Mo grinned, his red phoenix eyes narrowed into crescents, revealing his joy.

At that time, because of the tense battle, Chen Mo left too hastily, so he didn't take a closer look at the mission of the sea of ​​​​the sky. Unexpectedly, he was given five spiritual empowerments, which was [-]% higher than the previous Donglin battle, and it was also better than this ghost inn. The trip was [-]% higher.

Of course, if there is a risk, there is a reward. Although the risk is high this time, the reward is also huge, not only the aura empowerment, but also the specific location of a big ghost, and the matching rules for obtaining a big ghost.

Chen Mo is not in a hurry to go to the location of the big ghost, but the evil ghost rules he got this time are very useful. Zhengchou has no way to suppress the ghost with the broken knife, and now he has information.

Chen Mo is also confident that he can suppress this knife-breaking ghost that he snatched from Hades.

Chen hasn't seen the attributes of the Broken Knife Evil Ghost yet, but from the aura of that time, he can feel that this one is definitely higher than the epic level.

The growth of evil ghosts will be limited by quality and templates, and templates and quality complement each other. It is difficult for low-quality evil ghosts to reach a more powerful star, especially for wild big ghosts.

"The second biggest gain this time is blood energy experience." Chen Mo looked very satisfied with the more than 2000 million experience in storage, and couldn't help but lament that the killing speed is still too slow. The four evil spirits should have been released early in the morning. But this time, even Chen Mo didn't expect that such a boss would appear.

The owner of that big foot is at least at the level of the third turn. If it is not because the other party is mainly against the rules of the world, otherwise, the first kick will carry away everyone in the blood light formation, even if Chen Mo releases it. The remaining three big ghosts are also useless.

If the other party ignores Shenzhou's world rules, Chen Mo will run away without even thinking about it.

Fortunately, the empress came to help out, and when the second foot came down, Chen Mo had no more ghost energy to use, unless his vitality was overdrawn, he would use the ghost domain again.

It is obvious that the old man with the sword back made his move late, Chen Mo didn't say much, they also had their own considerations, and when the blood light formation broke, the old man with the sword back had already decided to make a move, but the empress preempted it. .

As for what Laojun's considerations are, Chen Mo doesn't know, and he didn't ask. He shouldn't ask about these things, and it's not his turn to ask about them. Moreover, after Zhang Fengxiu's incident, Chen Mo also believed that these things The old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years are very wise, and most people can't fathom their thoughts.

"Tactical players have a dirty heart, don't mind him!" Chen Mo shrugged, slipped off the pillow, and opened the game panel in front of him again. Rows of data were displayed on the light blue game panel.

In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that Chen Mo is in a daze.

"The biggest gain is still the characteristics. I didn't expect to be able to pile up the ultimate combat body this time, and there will be an increase in new characteristics." Chen Mo was taken aback. In Chen Mo's eyes, there are nearly one hundred thousand demons in the sea, although they are not small, they are not big either.

The main reason is that the strength of the opponent's single body is stronger, so it seems that this time the battle in the sea of ​​​​the sky is thrilling. In fact, there are not even as many dead beasts as in the battle of Donglin. The coastlines are all occupied, densely packed and endless.

[Extreme combat body (MAX) can be advanced, whether to use three aura empowerment to advance to the next level]

"Advanced!" Chen Mo murmured. The potential of the ultimate combat body has come to an end. stronger.

【War God Body (Elementary)】

[War God Body (Elementary): The more you fight, the stronger you become. As long as you can stand upright, your combat effectiveness will be slightly improved. 】

(Evaluation: Is it strong? IQ is traded, lives for war, and dies with wisdom.)
Chen Mo tapped slowly on the side cabinet with his fingers, and the sound of patter came into Chen Mo's ears. He narrowed his eyes and smiled at the corner of his mouth. , a powerful characteristic that can be improved endlessly.”

"It turned out to be promoted from the ultimate combat body of the demon." Chen Mo murmured in his heart, the God of War body retained the attributes of the original extreme combat body and advanced at the same time.

"I just... I know, it's all these reckless and brainless skills, and it's just a trade for IQ. My first dream was actually to play a mage. After all, there are generations of gods, and generations of wizards. I am also helpless."

Chen Mo couldn't help but wonder if his attribute panel deliberately weakened his intelligence attribute to arrange such a reckless skill.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. If this artificial mental retardation can have this awareness, why do you want me to come to another world?" Chen Mo shook his head. His thing is not a system at all, but an attribute panel. To put it bluntly, it is digitization His body, nothing else.

Can't speak, can't introduce, can't instruct the host to do this or that, even the sound effect is only a "ding", and there is no so-called system mall reward, you need to discover everything by yourself, even except for the aura empowerment and information. In addition, Chen Mo did not find that his system rewarded more than half of the real things.

Instead of complaining about his artificial mental retardation, Chen Mo continued to count the gains. In addition to the ultimate battle body, the super-speed regeneration has also reached the highest level.

[Ultra-speed regeneration (advanced)]

[Super-speed regeneration (advanced): flesh and blood, instantaneous growth, moderately increased regeneration ability]

There are very few celestial demons with super-speed regeneration, and it takes 25 celestial demons with high-level super-speed regeneration to upgrade from intermediate super-speed regeneration to advanced super-speed regeneration. max.

Chen Mo also received a big gift package of Heavenly Demon characteristics, including

[The Distorted One (Elementary)]


【The disintegration of the demon (intermediate)】

[Iron Will (Intermediate)]

 another chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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