Chapter 503
As the sun poured into the window, illuminating part of the wing, Chen Mo woke up leisurely.

"It's been a long time since I slept so comfortably." Stretching his waist, Chen Mo said with a big yawn.Although celestial beings don't need to sleep anymore, but it is also very good for Chen Mo to be able to sleep so steadily, so that the spirit can relax.

After fighting high-intensity for so long, I was finally able to take a little rest. Although Chen Mo couldn't rest, why not take work-related vacations.

The muscles and bones on his body creaked accordingly, and Chen Mo felt that if he clench his fist with all his strength, it should be able to cause a sonic boom, "Yes, I finally have some strong looks, but it's not good enough, nor strong enough."

He doesn't need others to serve him, and the body's recovery mechanism is no longer suppressed by the demon pollution, so Chen Mo has already repaired his body after removing the "Don't Distort" feature.

"Bath" Chen Mo ordered the maid beside him.

"Yes." The maid responded and hurriedly prepared it, and it was ready in a short while.

Chen Mo walked out of the inner room to the middle room for bathing.

Although they tried their best to dissuade Chen Mo from letting him get up at the beginning, they couldn't persuade him, and after finding Elder Ming, Elder Ming also looked at Chen Mo with a strange expression, and finally left after muttering strangely.

Judging from Elder Ming's meaning, it probably means that there is no need to worry about it.

Chen Mo himself didn't want to lie down for so long. He knew his body best. Now that he had recovered, he didn't need to lie down anymore. He didn't need so many sex scenes.

He took off his clothes and entered the bathtub.The hot water, which should be like cold water to heaven and man, is just right, and it feels like soaking in a hot spring.

After taking a hearty and fragrant bath, Chen Mo put on the clothes prepared for him by Yunding Tiangong.

Hey!What a handsome young man.

Chen Mo sat in front of the bronze mirror and looked at the maid behind her combing her hair into a bun. Although she was said to be a maid and her appearance was of the highest class, the empress didn't seem to have any intention of forbidding Chen Mo. After all, as an empress, probably everyone Make way for her.

"Where is the Empress?" Chen Mo asked.

"Return to Your Highness, the Lord is practicing in the back garden." The maid beside him responded.

Although Yunding Tiangong is known as Yunding Tiangong, it does not fly in the sky, but the entire city-like Tiangong is built in a special place, and the most famous one is the giant ship, not Yunding Tiangong.

However, although it is built in a special geographical location, as long as the owner of Yunding Tiangong opens his mouth, Yunding Tiangong can use giant ships to replace Tiangong at any time to fly.

Chen Mo walked out of the wing room, and then walked out of the main hall. The water pavilions and singing platforms were interspersed horizontally and vertically to connect the areas.

In a short while, Chen Mo was led to the back garden where the empress practiced. The scene was very large, and the surrounding maids were far away from the empress, while the two elders stood a little closer. The maid led Chen Mo here, He indicated that Chen Mo could walk to the place where the two elders were.

They can't go to any closer places, one is because of their status, and the other is that they are not strong enough to resist.

Chen Mo came up in stride, although Elder Neng Ming wanted to pretend he couldn't see it, but since Chen Mo had already walked over, he couldn't pretend he couldn't see it anymore, so he greeted politely, "It turns out that His Highness is here, why aren't there more?" Rest."

"Elder Ming, I can't stay idle, and I have something I want to discuss with the empress." Chen Mo said with a smile while cupping his fists.

Then he turned his gaze to another elder standing beside Elder Ming and asked, "Who is this?"

Chen Mo is not such a proud person, and he always has to get in touch with these elders.

"This is Elder Jue." Elder Ming introduced, and at the same time introduced Chen Mo's identity to Elder Jue.

"I have long admired His Highness's reputation." Elder Jue nodded slightly.This elder looks like he is in his 30s, and he is full of charm. The semi-civilian-style robe outlines his graceful figure to the fullest. With a calm expression on his face, he just nodded slightly to Chen Mo. The smile is also very weak.

Chen Molian said that he was just a false name, and then turned his attention to the empress. Chen Mo had no idea about these elders, and even if it wasn't because of the existence of the empress, Chen Mo would have regarded them as wild monsters.

Chen Mo didn't talk to them too much, which made Elder Jue feel pretty good. At the same time, in Elder Jue's eyes, Chen Mo was like a little sun, exuding powerful energy and blood, and at the same time hiding deep terror. It seems that the slightest touch can attract great fear.

"Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved. At the age of less than twenty, it is already extraordinary to achieve this achievement." Elder Jue nodded secretly. Since the Empress wants to fall in love and get married, it is natural for them to take the school exam. I took advantage of the loophole and regretted it too late.

With their strange identities, at this level of cultivation, their pursuit of human energy and blood has already been restrained by reason, otherwise, they would not live in harmony with Dagan and manage these strange forces under them.So although Chen Mo's blood is very attractive, Elder Jue has no idea.

It has to be said that the empress' sword practice is stronger than that of Chen Mo's, not just a little bit stronger. Although Chen Mo can see the trajectory of the empress' sword, but the artistic conception in it cannot be seen through.

Although he was only doing the sabering, the saber intent was overwhelmed, and Chen Mo was immersed in it. The moment he closed his eyes, he seemed to see a huge and peaceful lake, and Chen Mo was standing on the lake, and the empress was standing on the edge of the mirror lake. In the center, move the knife slowly.

"The cultivation of the realm is really extraordinary." Chen Mo felt the peaceful sword intent coming from all directions, and even his own sword intent was ready to move.

It seems that there is an abnormal magical power on the female empress to make Chen Mo approach. Chen Mo, who was not vigilant in the first place, took a step and just wanted to fall.

"Your Highness, don't get too immersed in it, or your Dao of the Sword will be completely biased by the Lord." Elder Ming put his hand on Chen Mo's shoulder, and Chen Mo woke up for a short while.

"Thank you, Elder Ming, for reminding me." Chen Mo woke up suddenly, seeing that half of his foot that had already been stepped was retracted.

"When the master is practicing, the five senses and six senses will be closed, so don't get too close."

"Not only because you will be hurt by the sword intent, but also because you will be assimilated by the master's sword intent. I didn't expect that His Highness's sword realm is not low, and he entered the artistic realm in an instant." Elder Ming was the first to contact The one from Chen Mo, who is no longer surprised, is so surprised that he already thinks that Chen Mo is a matter of course.

However, Elder Jue at the side was different. He looked at Chen Mo more and didn't say much.

"So that's how it is." Chen Mo was not trying to enter the artistic conception. If he was assimilated by the Empress' sword, it would be troublesome. His sword realm cultivation base will never surpass the Empress's in the future, and he will only become another copy.

"It's still too short a time to step into practice, and I don't understand many things thoroughly." Chen Mo decided to find time to look through the books, at least to supplement the basic experience.

(End of this chapter)

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