Reckless through another world

Chapter 504 It's Not Easy to Meet a Love at First Sight

Chapter 504 It's Not Easy to Meet a Love at First Sight

"Huh!" The true energy exhaled by the empress turned into white steam.

"Okay?" Seeing Chen Mo at the side, the empress was still a little surprised. With a glance, she understood the basic situation. Although she didn't know how Chen Mo removed all the demon pollution overnight, the empress didn't bother to ask. All right.

"It's cured." Chen Mo nodded.

The Empress's training uniform is so loose that Chen Mo can see the whiteness in it.

Chen Mo realized that he seemed to know the empress again, the empress in front of him didn't have so much contempt for the truth, her gaze was very peaceful, just like the mirror lake that Chen Mo saw, it was so clear that it could reflect people's shadows.

The empress's hair was just tied up casually, and many strands of hair stuck to her temples and snow-white neck with sweat.

In Chen Mo's eyes, it seemed that her whole body was radiant, with a tranquil beauty.If it is said that the empress sitting on the throne is the owner of Yunding Tiangong, the current empress is just a martial artist, a very pure warrior, and of course a beautiful woman.

Chen Mo pursed his lips and laughed. He didn't feel anything before, but thought that the empress was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Since he wants to be the strongest, he must drink the strongest wine and fall in love with the most beautiful person .

Now, Chen Mo felt that there seemed to be a slight change in his state of mind. Yuanshen checked it, and scanned it several times with the attribute panel, but there was no problem.

"It's strange, is it really love at first sight?" Chen Mo didn't believe such a thing, but he couldn't find a more reasonable explanation for the time being.

"Do you need a reason to love someone?"

"Perhaps not."

"But if there is no reason, does it seem too abrupt?"

"But do you really need a reason?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, he thought over and over again, but found that no matter which one it was, it seemed to have their reasons, and they all felt that there was no reason.

Chen Mo probably forgot, "Your mother beat you, it's unreasonable."

"However, I probably like it. After all, this feeling hasn't appeared for a long time." Chen Mo nodded slightly.

This feeling is like the first time Chen Mo got the virtual game warehouse, and entered the game as a pioneer for the first time. The joy and excitement cannot be faked. It is a very sincere liking.

Because of this incident, it seems that he has returned to his student days, and there seems to be a person in his memory who can only see her back.

Just when Chen Xianzhi called to stop the other party, trying to see her face clearly...

"What's wrong?" The Empress's voice came into Chen Mo's ears, waking up Chen Mo who was in deep thought. The Empress's eyes were a little puzzled. Chen Mo was frowning and nodding at the same time. happy, sad for a while...

It seemed that all emotions were mixed together, so the empress couldn't help shouting.

"It's nothing." Chen Mo responded with a smile. If you are interrupted, you will be interrupted. If you can't remember it, forget it. Anyway, you are in a different world, and Chen Mo has long been relieved.

Although Chen Mo is not ashamed of Sima Xiangru's character, but people belong to people, poetry belongs to poetry, Sima Xiangru's Fengqiuhuang is still very good, we can't combine the two, after all, what I like is pure poetry, Very simple.

"How about sparring?" Chen Mo suggested, eager to try. His Dao of the sword is not low, it should be said to be very high, it should be at the second level, that is, the state of sitting on the sword, and the empress is definitely a master who forgets the sword .

Don’t think it’s just a state, the difference is too big. The knife state is a matter of a slight difference, and it’s a thousand miles away. It’s not like combat power that can be made up with other things. The state can only be relied on by oneself. If you understand it, if you don't understand it, you don't understand it.

"Yes." The empress nodded slightly, her phoenix eyes were slightly bent, although they did not bend into crescents, but there was a smile that could not be concealed.

"It's over." Elder Ming shook his head secretly. Although he knew it couldn't be stopped, it was like cabbage that had been planted for hundreds of years and was stolen by wild boars. At first, he was angry, then there was the calm before the storm, and then he was helpless , to ultimate despair.

"I'm talking about artistic conception, not actual combat. As for combat effectiveness, there is very little I can improve." Chen Mo added.

"Yes." It's not that the empress is arrogant, as a master of the third rank, her sword level is also among the best among the three ranks, pointing Chen Mo is like playing.

"First set a goal and defeat the Empress."

"Are you ready?" The empress seemed to have returned to her lazy look, her pair of phoenix eyes looked at Chen Mo, and the momentum slowly drifted out, revealing a very pure look.

Chen Mo has known about aura from beginning to end, and he also knows about temperament, but temperament that can arouse the emotions of heaven and man is very rare.

"Is this the three-turn power?"

"Ready." Chen Mo nodded.

"Then, let's start!" The empress smiled sweetly and waved her hand.

Just as Chen Mo was about to say something, the scene in front of him had already changed, turning into a mirror lake, like a heavenly lake, surrounded by white clouds stretching and slowly floating.

"Ghost eyes." All the ghost eyes in Chen Mo's body were opened, but no flaws could be found.

"Don't mess with the power of reality, this is just an illusion built by me." The empress appeared in front of Chen Mo, and the empress in front of her had changed her appearance. With a very relaxed expression, he stared at Chen Mo who wanted to break free.

"My ghostly ghost eyes are clearly able to struggle out of the illusion. Sure enough, you cheated last time, the Empress." Chen Mo looked at the Empress with an incredulous expression. You must know that the person in front of you is one of the top powerhouses in the world, with a combat power With the existence of the ceiling, he actually cheated against a fledgling young man who was acquired.

"Let's put it this way, you cheated in the casino, and if you win, is it considered a win or a loss?" The empress reasoned with Chen Mo very calmly, with her hands behind her back, she walked slowly on the mirror lake, with little ripples under her feet, Reflecting the figure.

"You have to look at it from two sides. If you don't get caught, you win. If you get caught, you lose." Chen Mo responded quickly.

"So, isn't this an obvious problem? Besides, I seem to have told you a long time ago."

Chen Mo almost wanted to slap himself twice, he said with a hammer, now it's all right, even that point of reason can't be accounted for now, last time the Empress told Chen Mo that she cheated, she must be on guard against Chen Mo's questioning now, Originally, I wanted to ambiguously blur the past, and then cheat, but I didn't expect to blow myself up.

"Let me just say, it's impossible for me to lose in the same rank." Chen Mo really didn't care about other issues, just this one.Besides, if Zhu Gusheng had won the battle, if the Empress had directly attacked at that time, there would be no place to reason.

"Come on, today I, Chen Xianzhi, will..."


Chen Mo was lying on the bed, quietly thinking about where he lost, and it was fine if he lost, and he was beaten to vomit blood, so he had to lie down to recuperate, but he just stood up.

There is no chance of winning in a simple sword competition, but it also has the effect of tempering. Chen Mo feels that he has loosened up in the sword state that he has not advanced for a long time.

 Domestic violence is unacceptable.

(End of this chapter)

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