Reckless through another world

Chapter 505 Pioneer Project

Chapter 505 Pioneer Project

"The stabilizer is ready...."

"Guards are ready."

"Nine Cases of No.20 Minimally Invasive Craniotomy..."

"The pioneer, Chen Xianzhi."

"Age: 23"

"Political background: XX"

"Classification Level: Black"


Chen Mo seemed to be able to hear some messages vaguely, his eyes were dimly receiving the light, and the surroundings that sounded very quiet to ordinary people were very noisy in Chen Mo's ears, with a little noise, buzzing in his ears.

"The operation was successful, Pioneer Project, the third successful case, Chen Xianzhi."

Chen Mo's eyes gradually became clear. Although his consciousness was still a little fuzzy, he was able to see the person in front of him clearly. He was wearing a doctor's protective clothing and a full set of protective measures. His eyes revealed ecstasy.

It was a kind of ecstasy and excitement that needed no other facial expressions, just looking into the other person's eyes.

"Nine cases of No. 20, the third case was successful? The rest..." Chen Mo couldn't imagine, to be precise, Chen Xianzhi couldn't imagine that the rest of them might have died on the operating table, or died in the hospital. on the dissecting table.

What exists is reasonable, if there is no soil suitable for the growth of darkness, how can people imagine it.

The doctors around let Chen Mo understand that this is not the Qin Tianjian. The white walls and advanced modern instruments have already shown what this is. This is Chen Xianzhi's world, the former real world.

Chen Mo Xianzhi gradually woke up, and Chen Mo also felt a lot more clearly. This is not like his dream, but like a memory of him.
But Chen Mo didn't have those memories of the operation at all, not because he wanted to forget, but because he didn't know at all, how could he know such details as a person who had undergone craniotomy.

As time progressed, Chen Mo found that he had seen the appearance of this laboratory clearly, and the scientists around him did not stop Chen Mo from observing, but hoped to observe, observe more carefully, and remember these things clearly.

"The pupils are normal and the nerves are stable. He is indeed a master who can navigate the entire network. He has adapted in a short period of time."

"Where is this...?" Chen Xianzhi asked tentatively, and Chen Mo suddenly discovered that this was his voice. As Chen Xianzhi's voice, it was not pleasant, unrestrained, very ordinary, as if there was a little sharpness in the sea.

"Someone will come to give you an answer. We don't have enough authority." The leading doctor in a white coat shook his head, trying to suppress his excitement as much as possible.

Chen Mo is a person who has been watching with cold eyes. He has no intention of asking, nor does he want to know anything. Even if he wants to talk or ask questions, he can't ask. The him in front of him is talking , asking, but they have nothing to do with Chen Mo.

"This feeling is like watching the mission plot by myself while passing the mission plot." Chen Mo just waited quietly, waiting for his own question, he naturally understood himself.

The days of recuperation were not long, and Chen Xianzhi soon got better, but there was a small hole in the back of his head, which was said to be able to connect to the most advanced game cabin, and experience the powerful brain imaging technology in advance.

"I'm really crazy. In order to experience the brain imaging technology, I would agree to such a crazy experiment. This is to punch a hole in the head." Chen Mo smiled helplessly, looking at that lying on the hospital bed, watching quietly. Chen Mo always feels that this style of painting is not right for himself who is writing a book "On Protracted Warfare".

Soon, Chen Xianzhi was able to walk by himself. On this day, he saw a person.

"Salute to the hero." The person in front of him gave him a very solemn military salute, very solemn, the solemn Chen Mo was a little strange, even Chen Xianzhi in front of him was a little surprised, and then grinned, "It seems that I succeeded .”

"No, we succeeded?"

The voice is hoarse, with a bit of sharpness, this is Chen Xianzhi's voice, flat and flat, but with a suppressed madness, his eyes are like two black holes, his fingers land on the low table beside him, and there is a "ba da, bata" sound with.

Although the old man who was over half a century old in front of him was excited, he was also very calm, and even smiled a little amiably, "Yes, it succeeded, the third successful person of the Pioneer Project."

"File Level: X-Level"

"Name: Chen Xianzhi"

"age "23"


A bunch of data, Chen Mo listened with gusto, it seems to be his previous data, now it seems to be relished, and there is no panic at all, with his current cultivation base, the power of the primordial spirit has solidified, and he can maintain the limit calm down.

"Moon God's transformation has been completed. As long as you are ready, I can send you away at any time." Dr. Qiu flipped through the information in his hand, then raised his head and looked at Chen Xianzhi.

"Just treat it like a game."

"During this time, your memory has recovered, right?"

"I'm back. No matter how small the operation is, it still uses the brain. I'm grateful for not turning me into a dementia. It's okay to lose a little memory, but it's better to keep it." Chen Xianzhi nodded and put the book in his hand. lay down.

"Traveling through the world, there will definitely be the will of the world to correct your memory, but please rest assured, we already know the method to ensure memory, and the secret files involved are all in your mind, waiting for you to become a celestial being, Memory enables reading."

"Everything will be normal, please relax." Dr. Qiu said earnestly.

Sitting on the hospital bed, Chen Xianzhi didn't respond, but quietly looked at the book in his hand. This time, he changed to "Rules for the Development of Another World"

"It's useless to look at it. According to my style of acting, it must be reckless." Chen Xianzhi grinned, and put the book in his hand on the low table beside him.


"When did I become a pioneer?" Chen Mo thought about it, it was a long time ago, but he is already a strong man of heaven and man, as long as he flips through, even the memories of his childhood can be turned up.

"I became a pioneer when I was 25 years old, not 23 years old. It seems that this person is not me, so I said, how could there be something I know?" Chen Mo shook his head slightly, this person is not He, to be precise, this person is also Chen Xianzhi, but this is him, Chen Xianzhi.

He has become a celestial being, and all his memories are fine, he has already checked it many times.Even the memory of the previous life is not a problem, and he can find any strangeness in it.

And there is no abnormality, that is, there is no abnormality.

Chen Mo has strong confidence in himself, unlike those who discover the abnormality and treat it as an illusion or too tired illusion. The five senses and six senses of the strong are all more accurate than instruments. The guy who treats it as a hallucination is so stupid that it makes people laugh.

Chen Mo didn't want to talk about them. Anyway, as long as there is any abnormality, Chen Mo must confirm whether it poses a threat to himself.

It's that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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