Reckless through another world

Chapter 506 Strategic Retreat

Chapter 506 Strategic Retreat
They are already heavenly beings, and it is absolutely impossible for there to be strange things for no reason.

Not only Chen Mo thinks so, but all celestial beings think so, celestial beings are not Chinese cabbage, and those celestial beings who are at the same level, it is extremely difficult to kill a celestial being at the same level as themselves.

The cohesion of the primordial spirit allows heaven and man to control the surroundings. Any disturbance that the primordial spirit can cover, even if it is not covered by the primordial spirit, some people watch, some listen, and some have murderous intentions, will be discovered by heaven and man. The same will be discovered by the martial arts of heaven and man.

Heaven and man, the realm explains everything, no proof is needed.

"Damn it, although this Chen Xianzhi might not be me, but I might be tricked." Chen Mo wanted to scold the street. The Pioneer Project is definitely a sinkhole. His memory is fine. This does not mean that he is strong, but it just means that, Chen Mo was cheated, and the Federation didn't tell Chen Mo any information at all.

Chen Mo is completely in the dark.

"Those who play tactics have a dirty mind. This sentence applies at any time."

This made Chen Mo feel more uncomfortable than erasing his memory, but he didn't have much anger. Now, except when fighting, Chen Mo would not use the power of anger.

After entering Heaven, he was very calm. Relying on the words of Chen Xianzhi and the doctor in front of him, Chen Mo could deduce that the Luna Project and the Pioneer Project should be inextricably linked with his time travel.

"However, it is also possible that the federal government does not know about it, just like the current Dagan and Qin Tianjian. The two are layered. As a supernatural force, Qin Tianjian is responsible for more and keeps more secrets. .”

"Besides, I plan to participate in the Pioneer Project myself." Chen Mo smiled dryly, a little embarrassed. In fact, I can't blame anyone for this matter. Let alone the success rate of the Pioneer, being able to experience the brain imaging A new technology is enough.

Anyway, being alone, might as well experience a [-]% different world.This was Chen Xianzhi's truest thought, so this matter was actually decided by Chen Mo himself.

The pioneers claim to be able to image the brain, and the degree of simulation reaches [-]%, and everything is like a real experience.Of course, there is still a large amount of subsidies, which is why Chen Mo participated in the Pioneer Program.

"Misunderstanding, it's a complete misunderstanding. Everyone gets what they want, and it's all stipulated in the contract." Chen Mo searched for the details in his memory, only to realize that he was still too stubborn, and the staff had repeatedly discouraged him, but he couldn't hold back Chen Xianzhi's enthusiasm.

"Mom, it's so embarrassing. I want to find a place to get in, but fortunately no one knows." Chen Mo smiled awkwardly, as if he was talking to himself, but it's not important, when Chen Mo was talking to himself A lot, even a little neurotic.

This kind of madness rooted in his will makes his behavior a little crazy, even a little nervous, not only the environment in which he grew up, but also innate things, some things, innate possession.

For example, "crazy", everyone has it, just like the dark knight in Gotham, who is essentially no different from those criminals, wearing strange clothes and not obeying the law.

Some people's madness is shallow, while others are deep, some are heavy, some are light...

"Could it be that heavenly beings, masters who have cultivated the primordial spirit, will really be adjusted in memory?" Chen Mo still planted this seed in his heart, frowning slightly. Logically speaking, with the cultivation base of heavenly human level, even If the memory is affected, I will also notice it, it may be slight, or it may be...

"Maybe, this is my memory, and my current memory is corrected by the world." As a hardcore game player, Chen Mo did not completely deny it, but paid attention to it in his heart.

"It may also be because of the division into two layers, so I didn't know those methods at the time."

"Maybe it's all true, but my memory was modified by the will of the world." Chen Mo had to wonder, it was like planting a seed, no matter how nice Chen Mo said, how much he would not be impact, but once the seed is planted, it will germinate sooner or later.

"But these are not important. The important thing is that I found a way and a way forward."

Chen Mo quietly opened his eyes, his dark eyes looked at the black breath above his head that was slowly dissipating.

"It seems that another ghost has affected my dreams and even my memory. It's really hard to guard against." Chen Mo sighed, the black ghost aura above his head had not completely dissipated, as if there was a ghost standing there just now. The side of his bed affects Chen Mo.

Imagine that there was a ghost just now, standing on the edge of the bed, looking straight at you in your deep sleep.This kind of horror, no matter how strong the psychological quality is, it is inevitable to feel fear, even if the primordial spirit has been condensed, it will still feel fear.

"Three-eyed Yan Luo, what are you doing? I've raised you for so long. You couldn't prevent it last time. You still can't prevent it this time. When will you be able to prevent other ghosts from interfering with me?" Chen Mo complained. .

Three-eyed Yama: (Д≡д)!?
"Ghost Realm!"

Chen Mo's ghost domain enveloped the entire inner room, and Chen Mo did not find any evil spirits in his ghost domain.


"How do you feel that the evil ghost is stronger this time?" Chen Mo frowned into a word.


"Damn, guard, you can't guard, stop, you can't stop, what's the use of me raising you, raising ghosts for a thousand days, just for a while, how can you lose the chain at a critical moment?" Chen Mo shook the pot Gave it to Yan Luo with three eyes.

If Yama of the Three Eyes could speak, he would probably crazily complain about his host.

Chen Mo just bullied and bullied Yan Luo with three eyes because he couldn't speak.

"Come if you want, leave if you want?"

Chen Mo murmured, and flew out with a whoosh. The black ghostly aura seemed to be guiding Chen Mo, strolling in front of Chen Mo unhurriedly.

With Ghost Domain covering all around, Chen Mo's speed was fast.

Into the eyes is a huge corrugated water mirror, the ghost lingers in front of the water mirror for a while, and then flies into the water mirror.

After chasing here, Chen Mo stopped. Looking back, he was already far away from his side hall, at least forty or fifty miles away, and everything around him was very strange.

"There should be a big ghost in the forbidden area of ​​Yunding Tiangong." Chen Mo recalled the distribution of Yunding Tiangong told him by Elder Ming. There are several forbidden areas where people are not allowed to leave, and this is one of them.

"Can you go in?" Chen Mo asked himself, he wanted to go in, but it was too dangerous to be able to hide the three-eyed Yan Luo and his other three three-star evil ghosts quietly, and Chen Mo knew the righteous master inside. How strong.

"Forget it, don't go in." Chen Mo shook his head. If he didn't know about the Heavenly Demon Battle, Chen Mo would go in and try it out. But since he knew, if he died, it would be a loss for the entire Shenzhou plane.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, if Chen Mo, the son of destiny identified by the demon, dies, Qin Tianjian may go crazy.

"Go back." Chen Mo murmured, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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