Reckless through another world

Chapter 507 On the Brink of Death

Chapter 507 On the Brink of Death
"Didn't go in, it's a pity, I thought the fairy would go in." On the throne of the palace, the empress's pair of phoenix eyes slightly opened, as if she hadn't woken up, with an expectant and lazy voice echoing in the palace with.

I don't have any emotion about Chen Mo not entering the forbidden area, but I was just telling a fact. I didn't expect Chen Mo to enter at this time. In terms of Chen Mo's strength, it was too early.

The one inside is a very vicious ghost.

It's just that the empress didn't expect that that very fierce ghost would take the initiative to provoke Chen Mo.

Through this incident, the empress was even more convinced that in this world, people do not choose ghosts, but ghosts choose people. The choice between them is two-way in name, but in essence, it is still one-way.

There was no one around the palace, and there were no guards, not even the elders who were close to him.

Candles were lit around, and each red candle illuminated the palace.

It is strange to say that the light of the candles is obviously limited, but these candles are able to illuminate Nuo Da's palace, and what is reflected is the scenery like the daytime, not the kind of light red.

This is not classified as a secret, but it is also considered a restricted area. Ordinary people are not qualified to meet in the palace of the empress. The palace is only open to those who are close relatives. The empress is often in the palace and will not leave easily. Only when discussing business matters Only then will I go to the main hall of Genting.

"Someone is spying on me?" Chen Mo's footsteps stopped, all the ghost eyes in his body opened, and he looked straight in one direction.

"What's spying on me over there?" Chen Mo stepped forward, and the ghost domain enveloped him, turning him into a black light, hiding in the darkness, running towards the direction that was spying on him.

Many places in Yunding Tiangong are brightly lit even at night, and the Wuxiu who went to and from Yunding Tiangong did not find Chen Mo.

Now it seems that very few people can find Chen Mo. Sanmu Yanluo is not as good as Chen Mo complained about. His ghost domain can completely cover Chen Mo's whereabouts in less than one turn.

"Did you feel it? What a sharp primordial spirit." The queen's flaming red lips outlined a faint smile, her eyes were half-opened, and she was very happy that Chen Mo could quickly find someone prying.

From this point of view, at least Chen Mo was able to avoid the crisis, and even a three-rank Saint-level master could be within Chen Mo's perception.

All this is mainly because of Sanmuyan. No matter how strong Chen Mo's primordial spirit is, there is also a distance limit, but the ghost eye is different. The 360-degree ghost eye can monitor all places without any dead angle. Any trouble can see the source.

Of course, it was also because the empress did not cover up.

"The empress's palace, the one who is spying on me is the empress." Chen Mo hurriedly stopped, the empress's palace is like a woman's boudoir, you can't break into it, although the two of them already have a marriage contract, but if they go to the palace, Chen Mo will also be a big girl on the sedan chair , the first time.

He rubbed his hands together, looking forward to it, but at the same time hesitating, lingering at the door...

"Puff!" The empress couldn't help laughing, but the empress didn't call Chen Mo to come in, she wanted to see how Chen Mo wanted to come in.

"Boom, boom, boom." Chen Mo knocked on the steps with his true energy, making a crisp sound.

"What are you waiting for, come in."

Hearing the empress's voice came to Chen Mo's ears, Chen Mo relaxed, "It's so nice, this voice is simply invincible." Chen Mo closed his eyes and thought about it, then walked in.

"Mom!" Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, the empress was lying sideways on the throne, the Yuanlong python robe was very slit, and the empress, who was propping her chin on her side, slowly focused her eyes, which seemed to be covered with a layer of gray gradually. bright.

Stretching her waist, she showed her graceful figure to the fullest.

"A natural stunner."

"It's strong enough, but logically speaking, the strength that this body can exert is not as strong as mine, but how do you feel that the Empress is more explosive?" Chen Mo scratched his forehead, and to be honest, he was quite puzzled.

"I really want to take a closer look, observe, and even get in touch." Chen Mo's heart was full of fire.

Do you want to say that the empress in front of you is sexy?
That must be very sexy, it has completely refreshed Chen Mo's understanding of the word woman, and such a strong woman is too rare.

But no matter how sexy she is, can she be as sexy as a big ghost?

Aren't ghosts sexier than women?Driving a big ghost is a man's romance.

The empress couldn't help but rubbed her forehead, with a little helplessness in her expression, and then smiled dryly, "I always feel that Chen Xianzhi regards me as an opponent, not as a fiancée."

"What is it?" The Empress looked at Chen Mo's flickering expression, as if she was muttering something, and asked curiously.

"Calculate when I will be able to beat you." Chen Mo said very naturally.

"Empress, how old are you?"

With a whoosh, Chen Mo felt that the temperature of the whole palace dropped by more than ten degrees in an instant, and even the empress's originally lazy and sentimental eyes became completely sharp, like a piercing ice blade in the severe winter, which can freeze the bone marrow of a person.

"As the saying goes, female seniors hold gold bricks, female seniors with three hundred give elixir, female seniors with three thousand, soar into immortals." However, Chen Mo didn't realize what he was talking about. When he realized, the empress had already Walking in front of him, he looked at Chen Mo with a "kind" smile.

"Chen Xianzhi, you want to die!" Word by word, the empress's lips didn't move, it was the sound produced by the vibration of true energy.

Chen Mo laughed awkwardly, and then quickly took the little hand of the Empress in his hand, playing with the soft jade hand, um...comfortable.

"Hehe, that what, I just came to ask, what is in that forbidden area." Chen Mo hurriedly changed the topic strategically.

"Oh~, which forbidden place?" On the surface, the empress was very cold, even very cold, as if she didn't care about Chen Mo's hand holding her at all, but she was actually flustered in her heart, and now she was just pretending Just calm down.

The Empress also didn't want to use her primordial power to suppress all these emotions.

"It's that forbidden place that looks like a water mirror, I just..." Chen Mo told the empress what happened just now.

"I haven't seen it before, and I don't know when the big ghost inside was born, and how powerful it is, but the quality should be good. With the physique that you can control many evil ghosts, he is a very good one." The choice." The empress shook her head slightly, she didn't know the situation, she needed the power of the ghost domain to enter, and many people in this world don't have the ghost domain.

"I see." Chen Mo nodded in agreement, and Chen Mo also felt that the evil spirit inside was extraordinary, but it was not the time to subdue him yet.

"Speaking of which, I also have something to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" Chen Mo looked up, just in time to see the empress's clear eyes, and a cunning flashed in the other's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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