Reckless through another world

Chapter 509 The source of fear

Chapter 509 The source of fear
Back in his side hall, Chen Mo opened the attribute panel alone without disturbing the maids.

"I want to know the news of the evil spirit in the forbidden area." Chen Mo is still brooding about this matter. Although he thinks his own memory is fine, the dream is so real, so real that people can believe it. People can't help but doubt.


[The positioning is clear, start to analyze...]

【Name: Scary Ghost】

【Title: Demon King of Dread】

[Template: Extraordinary BOSS]

【Quality: Perfect】

[Growth Status: Youth]

[Cultivation:? ? ? ? ? 】

【Attributes:? ? ? ? ? 】

[Skill: True Fear,? ,? 】

[Status: Imprisoned]

[Fusion Status: High]

[Estimated Risk: High]

[Strength: Four Star Supreme]

[Evaluation: Have you ever felt the most real fear, the most real panic?That's the creepiness you can't get rid of. 】

【So, please don't... close your eyes, maybe He is right in front of your eyes. 】

"What the hell do I know, I am a celestial being, my soul suppresses my body, what memory can escape my search, the original source is here." Chen Mo suddenly became enlightened, and at the same time he let go of the worries in his heart.

If he didn't know the properties of this ghost, Chen Mo would really be afraid. Of course, what he was afraid of was not the evil ghost, but the fear that he would be controlled by people. The so-called time travel was a conspiracy, and he was afraid that he would become a pawn.

Of course, this evil ghost found the right idea, took out the thing Chen Mo was most afraid of, and let Chen Mo experience it personally, but he didn't tell Chen Mo a lot of information. It is the second step of creating fear, allowing people to use their imagination.

In the third step, when people search for the so-called truth they know, they have already fallen into fear. Don’t think that they are looking for the truth. The truth at that time is no longer important. People will weave their own creations without the help of evil spirits. The truth of belief came, and then the fourth step collapsed, and the fifth step was controlled by the evil spirit to become a ghost slave, and the evil spirit intercepted the human body to recover.

"Don't sleep in the future, this world can't even sleep." Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hehe, it really is a ghost. It's strong enough. It can even calculate my psychology. No, it's not only my psychology, it should be said that everyone's psychology is also calculated." Chen Mo laughed and poured himself out. A pot of tea, and then drank it down.

If you want people to believe, then the information given must not be so comprehensive, but there must be deviations, but it must be similar.Tell those who want to know that the essence of the event is actually the same, and the deviation is caused by everyone's different understanding.

There are deviations, but the essence is the same, so that the interrogator will believe that the event is a real event.

And this evil ghost just took advantage of Chen Mo's psychology and implanted a fear that did not exist in Chen Mo's heart. If they were all exactly the same, Chen Mo would not be curious at all. Create fear.

And if there is a deviation in it, it means that doubts have appeared, and this will arouse Chen Mo's curiosity, to explore, and then to doubt.

"Sure enough, the heart of playing tactics is dirty." Chen Mo has already figured it out. It is really scary to be able to create different fears of evil spirits according to individuals. Fortunately, Chen Mo has an attribute panel. This battle has gained a chance to query evil spirits. Otherwise, Chen Mo would really fall into it.

Chen Mo always claims that fighters have nothing to fear, but as a person, there must be things to be afraid of, whether it is acquired, or heavenly man, or even a few turns of power, they all have things to be afraid of, just because of the difference in realm. Different, so the way of handling is different, the state of mind is different.

The further you go, the higher your realm, and the more complete your state of mind will be, and you will be able to rationally analyze your situation and choose the best solution.

Of course, human beings are not gods after all, even Wuxiu is still a human being at the third rank, and they still have feelings, but because of the cohesion of the primordial spirit, Wuxiu has more calmness and reason.

That's why so many people went to the battlefield one after another to contend with the demons. Compared with the grievances and hatreds in the rivers and lakes, the life and death of a world is enough to wake them up.

Just like the saying that Chen Mo heard in his previous life: There is a country and there is a family.

Same applies now.

Of course, some people have very high realms and cultivation bases, and they will still rebel, and they cannot be stopped. Everyone chooses a different path. As the saying goes, different paths do not conspire with each other, and life and death are divided on the battlefield.

"Then, should I ask the knife-breaking ghost or the fear ghost?" Chen Mo analyzed, the fear ghost is stronger, and the knife-breaking ghost is in his hands, the two...


Zhang Fengxiu spread out Mr. He's letter and read it. There were more than a thousand characters, but he read it for an hour. Zhang Fengxiu chuckled, "As expected of He Mingcheng, as worthy of being a great azure dragon."

Prime Minister Zhang didn't blame Mrs. He for being ignorant of flattery, nor was he angry that the Zhang family's future power was cut off.

"Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself. If you live high in the temple, you will worry about your people; if you live far away in the rivers and lakes, you will worry about your king."

"You and I have been officials in the same dynasty for more than [-] years. There is nothing we can't look away from, but we just want to see the splendid country under this rule again." Prime Minister Zhang smiled indifferently.

"Now that you are gone, you still leave me with a difficult problem." Prime Minister Zhang shook his head slightly. Mrs. He spoke sincerely and eloquently. Taishi for the people.

Of course, he also used himself as a metaphor for Zhang Fengxiu, and when he got rid of those sentimental things, what Zhang Fengxiu saw was: "Don't wait, don't miss it, come with me to suppress the heavenly demons, and maintain the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation!" .”

"Without you, I am in the middle of a big job, and it is so difficult to win this battle for the "Human Emperor". You slapped your ass and left in a chic way. I want to leave too, but now I can't, so I want to leave." No way." Zhang Fengxiu shook his head slightly, Zhang Fengxiu had already looked down on power.

"Our emperor has great aspirations and talents, but this emperor is the only one with a perfect mind, who regards the world as a chessboard and the people as chess pieces..." Zhang Fengxiu was alone in the wing room, looking at the letter and muttering to himself, as if he was making peace with an old lady. As the teacher said, he scolded Emperor Renzhi.

It was possible to leave before, but now, Zhang Fengxiu can't leave because the plan has started.

"Human Emperor" plan.

Once the "Human Emperor" plan was launched, it was impossible for Emperor Renzhi to let Zhang Fengxiu leave. Without Zhang Fengxiu's powerful support, how could he become the Human Emperor of Shenzhou.

He Mingcheng was originally a part of the plan, even if he lost it, it would be a little heartbreaking, but the gains he got were enough to make up for it.

Furthermore, emperors are ruthless, and Emperor Renzhi, the emperor with the best mind skills among all the emperors, is even more so.

So He Mingcheng didn't care, but Zhang Fengxiu couldn't leave. Even if he left, he had to wait for the dust of the Human Emperor's plan to settle.

Long sigh...

 This book does not talk about tactics, so many things about tactics are laid out, and they will not be buried secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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