Reckless through another world

Chapter 510 Repression Method

Chapter 510 Repression Method
"A letter from my sister."

Early the next morning, Chen Mo received a letter from his elder sister, Chen Xiang.

"My brother, dear..."


In the letter, he asked about Chen Mo's recent situation, and at the same time, he also told about Chen Xiang's own recent situation, and said that something important happened in the sect, so he had to go back to the sect.

"It would be nice to use the token for sound transmission, why write a letter." Chen Mo grinned. Although he said so, Chen Mo still read the letter carefully, and put it in the mustard bag carefully after reading it.

Chen Mo is Chen Xianzhi, and also Chen Mo. He also has deep feelings for his eldest sister. After all, Chen Xiang taught Chen Mo to hold a knife at the earliest time. Chen Mo's idea of ​​practicing martial arts was also discovered from Chen Xiang. It is very likely that he will enter Taishang Daozong to study at the age of sixteen.

Among the family members, needless to say, the relationship with parents, after all, we can often see each other, and the relationship with the elder brother is not so deep.

As far as I can remember, this elder brother of my family has been studying, and when he was a few years old, he went to the capital of God to rush for the exam. Except for reading and some memories, there are not many memories in it.

It should be said that it was like this in ancient times. Although there are not many things in memory, blood is thicker than water, and there is no way to get rid of the emotion of blood. Otherwise, Chen Chuan would not consider what Chen Mo said, and he would even Chen Mo handed over the letter.

Of course, it's also because Chen Mo's matter is important, if it's a joke made by an ordinary dandy, the elder brother Chen Chuan might have to teach him a lesson.

"The same thing happened in the sect, what are the Eight Great Masters doing?" Chen Mo's fingers sounded on the table beside him, "ba da da da" with a different rhythm.

"It seems that going to the Taishang Daozong this time may not be peaceful. The eight peerless sects are clearly messing around." Chen Mo stood up, wearing only a white inner shirt, and the maid beside him put on the outer brocade robe. On Chen Mo's body.

Chen Mo found out that the material of these brocade robes was even better than Qin Tianjian's red uniforms.

"Good stuff."

"His Royal Highness has the same status as all the elders, and all the materials are made of high-quality materials." The maid on the side explained with a smile, the blood on Chen Mo's body made her involuntarily get close.

"Is there any practice room? I want to retreat." Chen Mo asked, looking at Yingying Yanyan, a graceful maid beside him, Chen Mo didn't care much, it was just a pink skeleton, everything should be based on improving combat power.

"Yes, the Lord has already prepared a practice room for His Highness."

Chen Mo did not expect that this side hall of his would have a huge practice room.After all, it is the territory of the empress, and it is not easy for Chen Mo to let go of the primordial power for reconnaissance, and the main palace of the empress is not far from Chen Mo's side hall, so it is easy to sense the coverage of Chen Mo's primordial power, in case something embarrassing happens Not good.

After stepping into the retreat practice room, Chen Mo didn't use the ghost domain either. Since the empress already knew that Chen Mo could control many evil spirits, Chen Mo felt that there was no need for the ghost domain to cover up his whereabouts. Is it beside the empress?

It is really difficult to balance the knife-breaking ghost and the fearful ghost, but Chen Mo still plans to carry out the fusion of the knife-breaking ghost first according to the original plan.

Compared with the fear ghost, the knife-breaking ghost's attack ability is obviously stronger. With a single swing of the knife, heaven and man will be destroyed. As for the fear ghost, although Chen Mo has come into contact with it, the opponent is powerful, but he really doesn't know the opponent's attack method.

With a stable attacking big ghost to fight against an unstable big ghost who doesn't even know what type of opponent it is, Chen Mo still thinks that he should be stable first, take down the knife-breaking ghost first, and then take down the fear ghost later. .

"Then choose it as the knife-breaking ghost." Chen Mo took out the bronze cage, and placed the blue kerosene lamp cage in front of Chen Mo's eyes.

The two-meter-high bronze cage was burning with faint flames, and the figure of the knife-breaking ghost inside was photographed. He looked at Chen Mo with calm eyes, and his scarlet eyes were devoid of any emotion.

"Huh!" He took a long breath and exhaled again. Facing this evil ghost, even Chen Mo felt palpitations and nervousness. Hei Wuchang, one of the most handsome ghosts, can't be dealt with with common sense.

The most important point is that Chen Mo doesn't even know the detailed rules of the other party's killing, let alone the method of targeting.

"Inquire about the method of subduing the knife-breaking ghost."


【Whether to check the suppression method of 'Jedi Swordsman'】

"Jedi Sword Master, is the title of the Great Ghost of Broken Sword?" Chen Mo nodded slightly, "Yes."

【Treat the body in the same way as others】

"Again? Can't we explain it a little bit more clearly?"

"However, since it is the way to treat a person, then one must first know the law of killing this evil ghost. What should be the law of killing?"

Chen Mo rubbed his chin, his brows were deep in thought, "First of all, exclude the smile, Ji Yue and I have both laughed, but the other party didn't make a move, and Ji Yue still had many abnormalities at that time, the most important point, in case he did it for Lie to me, if this big ghost is released, there will definitely be big problems."

Jedi Saber Lord is indeed too strong, he can cut heaven and man to pieces, and he is also a powerful ghost guard. Chen Mo didn't even see Ji Yue using ghost energy, that is to say, it was too late to use ghost energy and evil ghosts. The power defense was cut to pieces by the opponent.

"So, I'm not sure if the shadow counts as his law of killing."

"Besides, if it's a shadow, this ghost doesn't have a shadow either!" Chen Mo looked back and forth, but there was no shadow of this ghost in the brightly lit surroundings.

"Ask the empress to ask some people to test it out. For so many years, there should be quite a few people who have broken into Yunding Tiangong. It should be easy to use the three-eyed Yama to screen out some demon cubs." Chen Mo's murmur just fell, and the people outside the practice room Already sounded.

Chen Mo tightened the bronze cage into the mustard bag, and then opened the door of the quiet room.

"Your Highness, the lord has ordered the servants to prepare some death row prisoners for His Highness, and they have already been sent over. They are waiting outside the door. I wonder if His Highness needs them now?" said the maid outside the door.

"Come three first, I want people, don't be awkward." Chen Mo smiled, the efficiency of Yunding Tiangong was really strong, and he had already sent people over when Chen Mo just said it.

With a scientific and rigorous attitude, Chen Mo also plans to use these "D" level personnel to do some experiments to test evil spirits. Anyway, such "D" level personnel have committed crimes themselves, so there is no need to consider their thoughts and concepts.

Even if some of them can match up with the evil spirits, Chen Mo can use the ghost domain to separate the evil spirits, and he is not afraid of what waves these people will make.

Chen Mo was waiting in the quiet room, and three unkempt beggar-like people came in. Their eyes seemed to be clouded by dust, and they looked a little blurry. Even when they walked in, they looked like walking dead.

(End of this chapter)

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