Reckless through another world

Chapter 511 Do you want to learn from Ning Caichen?

Chapter 511 Do you want to learn from Ning Caichen?

"Ghost Domain!" Chen Mo was not interested in knowing their names or any historical events. The Ghost Domain enveloped the three of them, and then the Ghost Domain quickly zoomed in.

Among these three people, two are heavenly beings, one is innate, and they are all ordinary martial arts. Chen Mo can suppress them with just a few flips, without any pressure at all. This should also be considered by the empress, too strong is difficult to control , too weak test can not come out, this is just right.

Seeing Huang Quan stretched open, the confused eyes of the three of them slowly focused.

Chen Mo lit the faint candles around him, illuminating most of the quiet room, and of course there were still half of the shadows.

The ghost domain enveloped the entire quiet room, but it was hidden on the periphery and was not displayed. Chen Mo didn't talk to them, and didn't say anything that they would be able to let them live if they survived. He can't be the master, even though he is the empress' fiancé , Chen Mo also does not want to participate in Yunding Tiangong.

Once some things start, there will be many unpredictable things, so Chen Mo does not fight for power, does not take profits, does not control things that cannot be controlled, keeps his ears to the outside world, and only focuses on cultivating sages and martial arts.

"If you survive, you still have a chance to live. The rest depends on your own good luck." Chen Mo took out the bronze cage.

In the shield of the bronze cage, the Jedi Sword Master is like a beautiful woman with a heroic spirit, holding a simple broken knife, with a faint smile on her face, looking at the four people outside the bronze cage with scarlet eyes, slightly After passing the three death row prisoners, his eyes fell on Chen Mo's face.

"Don't worry, I'll have some appetizers first, and I'll be here later." Chen Mo calmly looked straight at the Jedi Sword Ghost, and even his tone was very indifferent. Although he was nervous, Chen Mo didn't show it. The other party seemed to prefer them to watch to the fear they display.

"This is what we are facing?" A celestial being on death row, his eyes flashed lustfully, "You are locked up in a cage with such a beauty, and you don't know how to pity her."

"Hmph, what a certain person disdains most is a pervert like you, who is ashamed to be in the same way as you." The demon cultivator who was about to break through to heaven at the innate peak snorted coldly, his sinister eyes seemed to be looking for a chance to escape.

"You're not going to be much better. You're no different. It's hard to get out today. The aura of this little brother is too strong. I don't hope for it."

"Little brother, you really want to keep such a beauty. It seems that she has no cultivation level. Wouldn't she be slaughtered by us?" Tianren Moxiu licked his lips with his tongue, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"Oh? Do you want...?" Chen Mo looked back at the daring devil boy with interest, and seemed to find something interesting.

"The peony flower dies, and being a ghost is also romantic. As long as you don't interfere, little brother, I will definitely test her depth." The magic cultivator of Tianren rubbed his hands with a lewd smile, and then set his eyes on Chen Mo. On his face, he seemed to be observing Chen Mo's expression.

"Anything." Chen Mo smiled and shook his head slightly. Chen Mo had to admire his boldness. He had never admired a few people in his life. Xu Xian, Dong Yong and Ning Caichen now had the opportunity to open their eyes.

Chen Mo's figure appeared outside the ghost domain, sitting high in the air, looking at the ghost domain.

Chen Mo thought that the pervert would open the bronze cage impatiently, but he didn't expect to do it, but just waited and watched like those two people.

"Hey monster? Don't dare to open the cage?" Chen Mo couldn't help but despise him. Didn't he say that he would die under the peony flower and be a ghost? He didn't even dare to open a bronze cage.

But this is a normal magic cultivator, cautious, cautious but greedy. As the saying goes, the bold will die and the timid will starve to death. If they have no strength, everything is empty talk, so they are even more greedy.

They will determine whether the prey has lost the ability to move, and then they will rush to bite, just like insidious hyenas, waiting for a good time to shoot, even lions will be hunted by hyenas.

Only this kind of magical cultivation can go further.

"Heart Devourer, what do you think about this woman?" Another celestial being, Wu Xiu, said, his voice was a little hoarse, and his eyes were fixed on the knife-breaking ghost. He didn't see anything in the eyes of the knife-breaking ghost. fear, not even any look.

"I don't know, but since that person hasn't even opened the cage, I think we should observe it first." Mind Eater frowned. Although they were locked in the dungeon of Yunding Tiangong, at least they were still alive. No, maybe he will die.

"What do you think, prostitute?"

"It's hard to say. I have been picking flowers for so many years, but I have never seen this kind of woman. She gives me the seems...not human." Kouhe monster shook his head, he was not sure, but in the cage in front of him The woman is very weird.

Although he is only a celestial being, but treacherous has also tried it, strangers have tried it, and ordinary martial artists have also tried it, and they have never seen such a woman.

"Good eyesight, but it's not good to wait."

"Six-armed Martial God, go and open that bronze cage." Chen Mo didn't do anything himself, but ordered Six-armed Martial God to open the cage.

Chen Mo himself is also afraid, this level of evil spirits, the kind that cuts the body apart with a knife, and doesn't know how he died, Chen Mo doesn't want to touch the cage, if the other party violently kills, it will be dangerous.

The six-armed Martial God walked out of Chen Mo's body and landed in the ghost domain.

"What is this?"

"What a powerful sense of oppression!"


The six-armed Martial God opened the cage, and the figure returned to Chen Mo's body.

The black ghostly air, like air-conditioning, instantly swept through the entire quiet room.

"It's so cold!"

"It's not just the cold, but also the fear. That woman gives me the feeling of trembling. She's going to die, she's going to die,...I'm going to die!" The Heart Eater backed away crazily.

At the moment when the bronze cage was opened, all three of them felt the feeling of fear, and even the heavenly man trembled in his calves and could not speak.

Fear, began to breed.

"It's not a person, it's not a person... definitely not a person, this thing is not a person!" Kouhe Monster spoke quickly, and at the same time, he was also quickly moving away from Knifebreaker Ghost. There was no lust in his eyes at all. It has long been replaced by deep fear.

"Damn it, do you still want to learn from Ning Caichen? You are so scared that you are shaking like this." The ghost eyes in Chen Mo's body opened, staring at the whole body of the knife-breaking ghost and the performance of the three prisoners. No detail was spared.

"Click!" The Broken Knife Ghost in the cage came out, and the combat boots under his feet fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

"Plop!" It seemed to land on the hearts of the three of them, they couldn't breathe because of the backlog, and their hearts seemed to throb at that moment.

"What you are facing is a 'ghost'. Only by finding out its law of killing can you survive. Be calm and observe carefully. Only by knowing his law of killing can you avoid it. Do you understand?" Chen Mo The voice echoed in the ghost domain, fueling another fire for this experiment.

Chen Mo is not arrogant enough to be able to decipher the law of killing evil ghosts by himself, and one person counts the disadvantages and the other counts the strengths. Now let these devil cubs know, just so that they can also find out the killing rules of the knife-breaking ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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