Chapter 513

With the speed of heaven and man, in such a close situation, it takes a very short time to get close to the bronze cage. He has no other choice. This powerful evil spirit has already set his sights on him, and now it seems that , the opponent has a strong ability, not something he can compete with.

So he chose to obey Chen Mo's words and went to take refuge near the bronze cage.

He has no choice, but if he chooses Chen Mo, he still has a chance.His willpower has already collapsed, and the primordial spirit can't suppress his fear. Even if he escapes the attack range of the ghost of the broken knife this time, sooner or later he will face the ghost of the broken knife because of the exhaustion of the true energy in his body.

Those heavenly beings are the fate of Chi Guoguo.

There were five people when he came in, but now there are only two left. When the three celestial beings were killed, they didn't even make a sound, which perfectly interpreted "This kind of evil spirit, I can resist a hundred knives, Except for the sound of the first knife, the rest are silent."

Killing a chicken will make a fucking cry, this ghost killing people is easier than killing chickens, and it kills heaven and humans.

Heaven and Man are the backbone of Shenzhou, so they let the ghosts slaughter them so casually.

"Didn't follow?" The celestial being let out a sigh of relief, he had clearly felt the chill just now, but now when he looked back, Hong Guang didn't follow him, but a different person.

"Go to that bright place, there is still a glimmer of life, if you carry it to death, you will die!" Chen Mo's Danfeng eyes narrowed slightly.

This was the first time Chen Mo saw the broken knife ghost change his target. Although there were still shadows under the eighteen lights of the bronze cage, the broken knife ghost didn't follow.

"Is there really a glimmer of life?" The last remaining celestial being looked at the light, the true energy in his body gushed out, and there was a desire to live in his eyes. He had already appeared on the outer circle of the light in less than a breath. .

With joy in his expression, he stretched out his hand to touch the light.

But he was horrified to find that he couldn't move anymore, his whole body had been lifted off the ground, and the true energy in his body couldn't be mobilized, as if his body and consciousness were disconnected.

At this moment, time seemed to be frozen, and this celestial martial artist was fixed three feet above the ground.

Chen Mo and the other celestial beings could see clearly that it was not frozen, it was clearly that the shadow was stepped on by the evil spirit, and his body could not move.

The ghost's combat boots stretched out from the darkness, stepping on the shadow under him, the blood-stained combat boots looked so weird.

At the same time, a ghost hand holding a simple broken knife raised out from the darkness, and with a light swing of the knife, the heaven and man in front of him were shattered to the ground.

The last remaining celestial being, curled up beside the bronze cage, he dared not leave, nor dared to gamble, he was the only one left, and he was even more frightened, the fear was like a sledgehammer crazily hitting hit his spirit.

"He dare not go over?" Chen Modanfeng's eyes were replaced by scarlet.

When Broken Knife Ghost raised his foot and landed, a small diagonal black pattern appeared beside his boots.


"It's the shadow of a ghost, I saw it!" Chen Mo looked at the boots protruded by the other party without blinking, that tiny shadow fused into the ghost's aura.

"The problem is indeed the bronze cage. This is the key to suppressing the knife-breaking ghost. Only in the dark can the shadow of the knife-breaking ghost be illuminated by the bronze lantern. Ordinary open flames can't."

"It's probably not that Ji Yue doesn't know the rules of the Jedi Sword Lord's killing, but he specially pretended to show it to me, in order to attract my attention, so that I can ignore the Jedi Sword Lord's shadow."

"At that time, there must have been a shadow." Chen Mo nodded slightly. This should be the truth, and it makes sense. Why Ji Yue knew the opponent's strength, but still leaned over, in order to use his body to cover the peerless swordsman shadow.

Chen Mo was stunned, no wonder he always felt that he saw nothing left, but he still felt that something was missing.

This is the same as Chen Mo's way of thinking, throwing out a secret to attract people's attention, so as to hide another secret calmly. Obviously, the later secret is better than the former and needs to be hidden even more.

"Don't be afraid, he doesn't dare to come in." Chen Mo has already figured out the killing rules of the Jedi Sword Ghost. Since the last time he went out, the Sword Breaker Ghost hesitated, this time it will be easy and will not get close to the light of the bronze cage.

After all, His shadow will be exposed here.

However, as soon as Chen Mo's words fell, the Broken Knife Ghost had already walked in, and stepped on the last shadow of a celestial being in one fell swoop.

The face of this last celestial being still had peace of mind, and even his facial expression was just relaxed, but this kind of moth unexpectedly appeared.

If he can talk very well, he really wants to ask Chen Mo, "This is what you said you dare not come in, I believe your ghost!"

Chen Mo also sneered, this is simply a slap in the face at the speed of light, he thought that with the intelligence of the Jedi Sword Lord, he would not risk his life at all, but he didn't expect the other party to be so brave, and he took a step forward.

"The shadow has appeared!" Chen Mo finally saw the ghostly shadow of Jedi Saber Lord, without saying a word, he moved his body and was ready to step on it.


"I didn't win!" Chen Mo felt a chill in his body. He clearly felt that he had stepped on it, but he didn't win the lottery. The knife-breaking ghost slashed and killed this celestial being too fast. After slashing, he left quickly, causing the shadow to appear. Offset.

A miss, Chen Mo immediately escaped from the ghost domain. His shadow was also exposed in the ghost domain just now.

"Fast, high IQ, and bold and careful." This is Chen Mo's evaluation of Jedi Sword Lord, who actually entered the range of the bronze lamp when he knew he would be exposed.

At the same time, Chen Mo also understands why the Broken Knife Ghost has no shadow in the bronze cage. It's not that there is no shadow, but because it is illuminated from all directions, so his shadow is under his feet, so Chen Mo can't see it.

It is also possible that the desire to kill overcame his basic rationality, so he took the risk. Of course, this move was so successful that even Chen Mo did not expect it.

As long as you succeed, no matter how big the risk you have taken, everything is worth it, just like when you are playing a game, even if you have only one drop of blood left and the opponent dies, you have won.

"Almost, just not!"

There is no so-called near miss, there are only two options: life and death.

"Do you want to call people in again?" Chen Mo pondered, whether to let some more people in to attract the knife-breaking ghost to the central area.

"No, he has already killed six of them, five of them are heavenly beings, and one is innate. If he kills again, he will lose control."

"Ouch!" Chen Mo slapped his forehead.

"I'm such a pig's brain. The ghost domain is my skill. It can zoom in and out. Why do you want to go around in circles with the other party? I just want to drive the duck to the shelf, and I want to compress him back to the area of ​​​​the bronze cage." He was obviously just now The mind is set, and now it's time to turn the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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