Reckless through another world

Chapter 514 Was stepped on by the shadow?

Chapter 514 Was stepped on by the shadow?

Chen Mo controlled the shrinking of the ghost domain in his hands. The Broken Knife Ghost didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, wandering around in the ghost domain, as if looking for Chen Mo's location.

Wait for Chen Mo to look down.

A pair of ghost eyes were actually at his feet.

Immediately, cold sweat came out, but fortunately, Chen Mo's concentration was strong, and he was not frightened by the ghost's eyes.

Chen Mo bowed his head and bowed his head, the ghost eyes on his forehead glowed with a faint red light, and he said with a smile on his face, "This time, I've caught a turtle in my urn, let's accept my fate."

A person and a ghost are separated by the ghost domain, the distance is only a few inches...

"Compressed ghost domain!"

Chen Mo groaned, and the ghost domain slowly compressed. Although he didn't know whether the evil ghost had consciousness, the most important thing was to prevent the compression from being too fast, resulting in an uncontrollable situation, so Chen Mo compressed slowly.

But what surprised Chen Mo was that the knife-breaking ghost walked straight back to the cage.

Under the illumination of the lights, the shadow of Broken Knife Ghost was firmly under the feet of Broken Knife Ghost, even if Chen Mo wanted to step on it, he couldn't.

"Huh? It's like this?" Chen Mo was stunned for a moment. The current situation made Chen Mo really want to swear by the country, it was too fucking deceitful.After killing someone, the ghost shrank back.Logically speaking, it shouldn't be very resistant, right?How could any evil spirit do such a thing?

According to the current form, shouldn't the tiger's body be shaken, and then all directions will come to cast?
Chen Mo feels that the ideal is very plump, but the reality is so skinny, even hand-cracking.

"Expand the ghost domain, I'll go down and play with him!" Chen Mo waved his hand, and the ghost domain instantly re-expanded to its original shape, and Chen Mo entered the dark space of the ghost domain.

He can't send people here anymore, the fear and coercion of Broken Knife Ghost has increased a lot with the killing, and if Broken Knife Ghost continues to kill, maybe the ghost domain is not enough to trap him, For whatever reason, Chen Mo planned to end the fight.

Of course, the main purpose is to attract the other party. Chen Mo intends to wait until the Broken Knife Ghost comes out, then close the bronze cage, and then use the ghost domain to grind it, so that it should be safe.

As expected by Chen Mo, the knife-breaking ghost who walked into the bronze cage had already come out the moment Chen Mo left the stage.

Killing is higher than self-preservation.

In fact, self-protection is the same, and evil spirits will also choose Wuxiu to take shelter.

In God Catcher, many people don't even know how they got the evil ghosts. Some even got the evil ghosts after waking up from sleep, and some fell into the water, and then got the evil ghosts. Anyway, there are all kinds of strange things. .

It's not that Chen Mo has never seen it before. Many little ghosts wanted to live with Chen Mo, but he denied them all.

Now that the vision is higher and the strength is stronger, the evil spirits can be picked casually. How can they want those evil spirits who are not strong, capable, or even have no growth potential.

If it is not above the epic level, it will not be sent.This is the rule Chen Mo set for himself. After the epic level, the stronger the better.

"Lord Chiyan go to lock the cage, and Yan Luo with three eyes goes to test his level." Chen Mo released the two big ghosts, and controlled them to their original size, otherwise, the ghost domain would have to be expanded.

In the darkness, ghost eyes like small searchlights flickered, and the knife-breaking ghost had appeared in front of Chen Mo.

Taking a step forward, he didn't expect to step on Chen Mo's shadow, but was blocked by the three-eyed Yan Luo who was three meters tall.

The Broken Knife Ghost didn't hesitate at all. He raised his right hand, and the quaint Broken Knife seemed to melt into the darkness. It slid down silently and slashed on the three-eyed Yama's chest.

"Pfft!" With a mouthful of reverse blood, Chen Mo was surprised to find that the opponent's island was able to pass through the body of the three-eyed Yama to his body.

Although there was nothing wrong with Sanmu Yanluo's body, Chen Mo opened his shirt to see that there was a long knife mark on his chest, his flesh turned outward, and the blood had soaked his inner shirt in an instant.

With the recovery speed of Chen Mo's physique, the scar has fully healed in less than a breath. Although it has grown, Chen Mo can still feel the terror of the other party.

With his current defense power, even ordinary celestial beings can't break through the defense, let alone hurt him.

"So fierce!"

Chen Mo didn't dare to keep it, and released all the remaining evil spirits. He had already used the ghost domain to move out of the battlefield.

When Chen Mo wanted to move out of the ghost domain, he found that he could not appear outside the ghost domain, as if he was being pulled by an invisible force, he could only stay in the ghost domain.

"Field control skills?" Chen Mo murmured in astonishment.

"I thought you didn't have field control skills, so you've already used them." Chen Mo grinned, even if Chen Mo calculated everything, but if he didn't know the other party's information, it would count as Zhuge Liang coming. Nothing.

"Come back!

With a wave of his hand, Chen Mo had taken all the evil spirits back.

But even if Chen Mo took the piece, he still got cut all over his body, especially the knife on his face,

Going deep into the bone, from the corner of the forehead to the chin, the flesh and blood were turned out to reveal the thick white bones, and there were traces of pink flesh and blood sticking to the white bones.

Chen Mo knew that his current appearance was scary without even looking.

The bones healed quickly, and the flesh and blood quickly healed, and it was no different from before.

"Sure enough, chopping me up is like chopping melons and vegetables!" Chen Mo licked his lips, greed flashed in his eyes, the stronger the knife-breaking ghost, the happier he is, with this kind of evil ghost in his hands, people below heaven and man will be sideways Go, cut melons and vegetables, cut one at a time.

"Come on, I'll wait for you here, the game between you and me, now is the real start!" Chen Mo shouted, the whole person stood under the open flame, the shadow in front of him was slightly illuminated by the bronze lantern. shaking.

The Broken Knife Ghost walked out slowly, looked at Chen Mo opposite with calm eyes, and stepped out with one step, as if he wanted to step on Chen Mo's shadow.

Broken Blade Ghost's speed is fast, while Chen Mo's speed is even faster. In the ghost domain, Chen Mo can go wherever he wants. Although he is restricted by Broken Blade Ghost, his speed is still his strong point.


The two figures, one black and one red, had turned into afterimages. In the end, Douyu could no longer see the figures of both sides. He could only tell from the air currents that they were fighting. The lights in the bronze kerosene lamps were flickering.

Although the airflow was strong, the lights would not go out.

"Blessing, blessing, blessing again, I have found his limit!" Chen Mo roared in his heart.

It is true that the speed of Broken Knife Ghost is really as fast as light and shadow, but this is Chen Mo's ghost domain after all. Suppressing evil spirits and improving himself will double the improvement in one click. Coupled with the blessings of big moves at all levels, Chen Mo feels , his speed should have surpassed that of Broken Knife Ghost.

"Bang!" Stepped out.

Chen Mo stopped his figure and stopped moving.

And Broken Knife Ghost also stopped, looking at Chen Mo with a faint smile, his scarlet eyes didn't contain any magazines, like a pool of pure blood.

At the same time, the broken knife ghost raised the ancient broken knife in his hand.

The shadow war is finally over, and the winner...

(End of this chapter)

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