Reckless through another world

Chapter 515 Ghost Shadow Corps

Chapter 515 Ghost Shadow Corps
The Broken Knife Ghost who raised the simple broken knife in his hand then stiffened his body, and the ghost body stopped moving.

The Chen Mo in front of Broken Knife Ghost slowly dissipated, and the camera moved slowly. Chen Mo was standing behind Broken Knife Ghost, stepping on the shadow of Broken Knife Ghost.

The winner is undoubtedly Chen Mo who is in the ghost domain.

"I'm sorry, soldiers never tire of cheating, even you were deceived by Yama with three eyes!" Chen Mo laughed loudly.

The normal Dao Yiliu type can't fool Duan Dao Gui, but the three-eyed Yama is different. The power of the ghost's eyes is that there is no dead angle, and the other is a strong influence. As long as there is a moment of trance, it is enough. Chen Mo does not ask for more , At that moment, it was enough for Chen Mo to influence the Broken Knife Ghost, thus stepping on the ghost of the Broken Knife Ghost.


[Trigger the inlay condition of "Earth Mother Branch Ghost (Jedi Sword Lord)", whether to inlay the inlay]

"Yes." Chen Mo was waiting for this moment, and started to go through the procedure with excitement.

Broken Knife Ghost turned around, looked at Chen Mo with scarlet eyes, and the weird smile he always had didn't disappear, but in Chen Mo's view, it was no longer so frightening and terrifying.


Chen Mo felt his eyes go dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he came to a place that looked like a battlefield. There were broken limbs and arms, broken bodies, flowing blood, broken banners, piled up armor, broken military account...

At a glance, even the sky was dyed blood-colored, with black smoke covering the sky and the sun.

"Here is it?" Chen Mo looked up, and the figure of Jedi Sword Lord stood not far away, with his back to Chen Mo, holding a complete and simple long knife.

His figure is very tall. In Chen Mo's eyes, the other party is like a giant, just like a human watching Ultraman. It is an indescribable shock.

The Jedi Sword Lord turned around slowly, the huge figure dissipated suddenly, and the front half of the long knife in his hand also rotted, turning into smoke and dust and disappearing in the air. The Jedi Sword Lord just looked at Chen Mo quietly, the scarlet red There is no emotion in the eyes.

But Chen Mo knew that the other party was waiting for him, no, it was him, and it wasn't him. Jedi Sword Lord was waiting for someone who could accommodate his body.

The bloody light soaring into the sky was shocking on such a silent battlefield, but it was no longer important.

Chen Mo stretched out his hand, with a smile on his face, looking at the Jedi Sword Lord in front of him.


The same old vows, the same old ceremony.

One trick to eat all over the sky.

When Chen Mo came back to his senses, the Jedi Sword Master was no longer in front of his eyes, and he was holding a simple broken knife in his hand.


[Obtain the title "Five Ghosts in One Body"]

[The rate of increase in compatibility with evil spirits +20%]

[More than three evil spirits are present, the combat power of the evil spirits present +15%]


【Manifest the pattern of evil spirits】

The clothes on Chen Mo's body suddenly burst, and the ghost energy rushed out of his body, but this was within Chen Mo's perception range, all the ghost energy was in the ghost domain, and even Chen Mo himself was in the ghost domain among.

Of course, the head of the three-eyed Yama's evil spirit would not let it appear on Chen Mo's chest. The scarlet ghost eyes were lifelike, and the rest of the evil spirits were not to be outdone. The five evil spirits intertwined and covered Chen Mo's body. Like a ghost, it brings real fear to people.

"Go back." Chen Mo groaned, all the ghost lines in his body sank into his body, it didn't matter if he fought for territory, Chen Mo didn't care, anyway, everyone had something to eat.

【Template Improvement】

【Extraordinary BOSS】

Good things come in pairs, Chen Mo not only suppressed the knife-breaking ghost, but also improved his own template, from a big boss to an extraordinary boss, and now he is not afraid of ordinary gang fights.

With five big ghosts in hand, Chen Mo alone is a squad with sharp knives, capable of piercing through the enemy.

If with his current strength, he fought another battle against the Sea of ​​Sky, Chen Mo felt that he could penetrate the opponent's giant ship.

"Let's see the strength of Jedi Sword Lord first." Chen Mo opened the Jedi Sword Lord's attribute panel.

【Name: Divided by Earth Mother and Ghost】

[Title: Jedi Sword Master]

[Template: Extraordinary BOSS]

【Quality: Perfect】

[Growth Status: Youth]

【Repair base: 170 feet】


[Available ghost energy: 175 notes]

[Skills: Bloody Butcher Knife, Shadow Control, Ghostly Shadow]

[Status: Awakened (intact)]

【Fusion Status: Fused Mosaic】

[Fitness: 51%]

[Strength: Samsung is strong]

[Let's play the game of stepping on shadows together. 】

[Evaluation: Have you ever played Shadow Stepping? Maybe ghosts are among your friends. 】

"Evil taste evaluation." Chen Mo shook his head slightly.

"Modify the name 'Broken Sword Ghost'"

After the evil ghost is inlaid into the body, its own strength will drop significantly. Chen Mo has already foreseen it, but the knife-breaking ghost is worthy of being a strong ghost that can disintegrate heaven and man with a single knife. Its own strength is definitely between the four-star perfect and the supreme. between.

However, Chen Mo miscalculated a problem. The Broken Blade Ghost is not an attacking evil spirit, but a controlling one. It can control people by controlling their shadows, which varies from person to person. It's Shadow Control.

All shadows marked by the Broken Knife Ghost cannot escape from the Broken Knife Ghost.

The moment Chen Mo left the field, he was obviously marked, so he couldn't leave, couldn't escape, he could escape to the ends of the earth, but no matter how difficult this place is, the ghost must be able to reach it, not like Huangquan, where Chen Xianzhi can't be touched at all. .

[Ghost Shadow: Field control skills, Ghost Shadow, activates the shadows of all the people who were hacked to death in his field control skills (the combat power of the slain is fully copied.)】

[Attachment: only has combat awareness]

This skill is ridiculously strong. It is the second strongest field control skill that Chen Mo has seen since Ghost Domain. It can completely replicate the combat power of the slain, and there is no upper limit on the number of people, which means that Chen Mo alone, With this one ghost, a large army can be summoned.

This matter is the enhanced version of the ghost slave skills, and it's not even a little bit stronger.

"Sent it!" Chen Mo was confused and grinned.

Of course, it's not without its shortcomings. One is that it only has the fighting spirit. In addition, once the general dies, all the ghosts will return to ashes.

But Chen Mo himself is strong enough, and there are other big ghosts in the battle. As far as the potential of Shenzhou's ghost control level is concerned, Chen Mo is called the second, and no one dares to be the first.

Even if they have some great powers, great sages, their ghosts may be amazingly strong, that's because they all use their own strength to drive the promotion of evil ghosts, but the further they go, the slower the promotion. Chen Mo is different, with the blessing of the system panel, as long as With sufficient blood and experience, anything is possible.

"It's been renamed, it's not called Ghost Shadow Sensen anymore, it will be called... Ghost Shadow Corps from now on." Chen Mo changed the name on the property panel with a wave of his hand.

"It's a pity, I don't have a sense of personal independence. If there is a sense of personal independence, this skill is definitely a magic skill." Chen Mo murmured.

"Let's find a chance to perfect this skill in the future." Chen Mo grinned, since the big ghost belongs to him, all the ghost skills also belong to him, and in the future, he will find a ghost that can give ghost slaves consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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