Reckless through another world

Chapter 516 1 Sword Dance Epiphany

Chapter 516 One Sword Dance Epiphany
In a flash for more than a month...

Chen Mo's understanding of knives has improved to a higher level.

Slowly retracting the knife, the broken knife was straddled by Chen Mo in the scabbard on the right.

This broken knife is the one in the hands of Jedi Sword Lord Ghost, and Chen Mo can also use it. The specific material is unknown, and it has no other characteristics, but it is hard enough. Marks are left on the knife.

"A soldier is a murderous weapon, but whether the weapon is fierce or not depends on the person who uses the weapon." The empress stood opposite Chen Mo, and the eight-foot water moon in her hand dissipated in the empress's hands like water.

"If you want to enter Wangdao, there is still a long way to go." Chen Mo sighed.

Hearing Chen Mo's exclamation, the Empress couldn't help but smile. Chen Mo's Dao of Swordsmanship is not weak at all, and can even be said to be the strongest among his generation, but he is still far behind when compared with the Empress, not only because of time There are also reasons for personal comprehension.

Geniuses can achieve epiphany overnight, but it also takes time to accumulate.

"If you count the days, it's time to go, right?"

"Three days later, set off for Tianshi Mansion." Chen Mo originally thought that he was going to the Taishang Taoist Sect, but later Zhang Laodao wrote and changed the location to go to Tianshi Mansion. After all, he was officially returning to Tianshi Mansion, so the location was also changed Arrived at Tianshi Mansion.

At the same time, all the people with a head and face from all over the world have received invitations from the Tianshi Mansion, and the ten kings have also received invitations.

Looking at the battle, it seems that something big is going to happen.

But even if something big happens, it has nothing to do with Beiyunzhou. Whether the thing is correct or not should be considered by Qin Tianjian. The gods don't care about it, let alone Chen Mo. He only cares about killing people, killing ghosts, and killing demons.

Riding a flat boat, leisurely in the lake, the empress half leaned on the side of the boat, watching Chen Mo start a fire and warm the wine.

"With the power of Yunding Tiangong, you haven't found out what the eight peerless sects are doing?" Chen Mo said with a smile, but he was not in a hurry, and the white mist from the transpiration smelled like wine.

Logically speaking, Yunding Tiangong is a unique existence in Beiyunzhou. With such a huge force, they don't even know what the Eight Great Masters are doing.

"I'm too lazy to talk to them." The female emperor's phoenix eyes flashed disdain, no matter what the eight major sects are plotting, Yunding Tiangong is too lazy to get involved, if it is not because of Chen Mo's relationship, the female emperor will not go to the meeting at the Tianshi Mansion this time .

With slender hands, he picked up the glazed teacup in front of the low table and drank it down in one gulp.

The female emperor's eyes lit up slightly. It doesn't matter how good Chen Mo's wine warming is. The most important thing is to see who is warming the wine. If you get the order wrong, you won't lose your interest.

Chen Mo calmly looked at the amber liquid in front of him, smiled, turned to look at the vast sky and earth, and groaned

"Green Ant New Brewed Wine, Red Clay Small Stove."

"If you come here in the evening, can you drink a cup of snow?"

After speaking, he drank it down, frowned slightly, hesitated a little, sipped slowly, seemed to organize his words and diction, and then laughed dumbfoundedly: "Wine is good wine, it's a pity, my level is not very good. "

"Wine is not important, and the method of warming it is even more unimportant. It depends on who you are drinking with." The empress said the same thing as Chen Mo, and raised her glass.

"Yes, yes, yes." Chen Mo hurriedly responded, and at the same time raised his glass.

Hearing Chen Mo's accompanying laugh, the empress frowned slightly, "It's enough to just respond, but it's too much, and it seems insincere." There seemed to be some magical power in the voice.

"it is good."

Chen Mo was slightly taken aback, then dumbfounded, suddenly felt, shouldn't it be the kind of gluey love, why suddenly there is a feeling of an old couple, although getting along is plain, but it is very comfortable and peaceful.

There is no such hot feeling.

"Since the immortal uses poems to reconcile with him, then the concubine can add to the fun with a sword dance."

Flying in the air, with a swipe of the jade hand, a pool of spring water in the lake fell into the hands of the empress, turning into a water moon sword.

One weapon, one method, ten thousand methods, can use the sword to forget the sword, and the swordsmanship is naturally easy to grasp. After all, this means that the real master is not the kind that relies on the blessing of the cultivation base, but It is the talent, as well as the precipitation and accumulation of time, to create a powerful background.

Just looking at the sword dance in front of him, Chen Mo knew that the empress's control over weapons and her body had become a small world.

"This is?"

"The road after one turn?" Chen Mo murmured, his eyes lost sight.

The power without realm will collapse. If the soul is not condensed to suppress the body, the strength in the body will continue to increase, but it is not a benefit, but a weakness. If the power is not integrated by the soul, it will be a mess, or even a little careless. will crash.

The Yuanshen is like a general leading an army, and all the comprehensive forces in the body are soldiers. The defeat is not terrible, but the mutiny and the bombing of the camp are terrible.

"Good qualifications, this is an epiphany!" The female emperor's sword dance, naturally incorporated her own perception of the first turn, that is, the understanding of the land gods, and when she reached the level of the first turn, she truly possessed the power to overwhelm mountains and seas .

Overturning rivers and seas, breaking mountains and subduing demons, all within one finger.

Falling back on the boat again, the empress did not disturb Chen Mo who closed her eyes to perceive herself, but poured a cup for herself, quietly waiting for Chen Mo to realize.

"It's best when it's quiet." The empress looked at Chen Mo's face, with sharp edges and corners, and a pair of red and phoenix eyes with a sense of arrogance, but now she tilted her head, as if she was asleep. cute.

When Chen Mo opened his eyes, it was already late, and the empress was sticking in front of him, as if observing Chen Mo's state.

"Two hours have passed." Empress Shi Shiran leaned back again, nodded slightly, very satisfied with Chen Mo's state.

"It's so late." Chen Mo was astonished, he just felt a few breaths of time.

"Opportunities for epiphany are hard to come by. I didn't expect that with a sword dance, you will be able to have an epiphany."

"I have benefited a lot, I have benefited a lot!" Chen Mo sighed, at that moment just now, the world seemed to be clear in front of his eyes, as if seeing the net, Chen Mo was walking on the net, but he felt, It seemed that he couldn't mobilize too much power of heaven and earth, so he walked out.

"But I have less power to mobilize the world." Chen Mo asked.

With such a good teacher, it is natural to inquire carefully. Chen Mo has been crossing the river by himself until now, relying on the original information explosion and the state he has summed up through so many years of experience. Of course, the most important thing is Still relying on the property panel to support it.

"Because after one turn, you are not integrated into the world, but separated from the world, forming your own small world inside the body."

"In short, it is the power to completely become an individual." The empress pointed out that the power of heaven and earth is vast, and heaven and man can use it, but it is not their own. , True Qi circulates, endlessly, and the power is naturally stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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