Reckless through another world

Chapter 517 Towering Dragon and Tiger Mountain

Chapter 517 Towering Dragon and Tiger Mountain

In the morning, there was only one 2000-meter-long giant ship, followed by four elders, one with a second turn, two with a first turn, and one who was a celestial being.

The rest rely on the ostentation of thousands of people, and then thousands of entourages of the giant ship.

This is because Chen Mo repeatedly discussed with the empress to reduce the ostentation. It was not the empress palace, but the side palace, that is, the auxiliary giant ship. The main giant ship of the empress palace was more than 3000 meters long. There are thousands of ships in the fleet.

For so many years, it seems that it has not been moved. At first, the empress thought that the main battleship group should be used, but Chen Mo felt that it was too extravagant and too arrogant. I don't know if I thought it was going to attack the Tianshi Mansion.

Once the giant fleet moves, maybe the entire Yunding Tiangong will take action, which will really make people feel like a war is about to take place.

It would be fine if there was any unnecessary misunderstanding.

However, what made Chen Mo look weird the most was that the robe he was wearing turned out to be a copy of the empress Yuanlong's boa robe. He wore a black and gold flat sky crown on his head, and was dressed in a black background with gold rim inlays. boa robe.

People rely on clothes, and horses rely on saddles. After Chen Mo put on the Yuanlong python robe, his temperament seemed to be different.

And you don't need to carry the mustard bag by yourself, the weapon is held by a special person...

Standing beside him was the empress who was half a head shorter than him, and the robes of the two of them looked like couples' outfits.

Chen Mo is just an uncle of Lin Shan, wearing a mang dragon robe and arrogating properly, but Chen Mo is also the fiancé of the empress. Maybe they will help fight the country.

So Mangpao is nothing.

"Lin Yangzhou, Tianshi Mansion."

Of course, Chen Mo was not the only one who received the invitation from Tianshi Mansion. Those who were in the top ranks from all over the world had already received the invitation from Tianshi Mansion, and there was a lot of excitement in all directions.

"Longhushan, it seems that I haven't given up on that plan yet!" Old Master Sword Carrying pursed his lips.

"Let's go with them. If you have the background, just toss and toss. If it happens, it's a good thing. You have to throw some stones into this lake. Otherwise, what's the point of the stagnant rivers and lakes?" Laojun's body Beside him was an old man in fox fur, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, holding up the tea bowl in his hand, shaking it slightly, and the tea had slight ripples.

"Don't just drink my tea, what happened to the matter I asked you to check?" The old master who carried the sword didn't care much about what happened to the eight peerless sects, he was more concerned with Chen Mo.

"It's just the soul of Su Hui from another world, it's worth making a fuss about." The old man in fox fur handed a crystal panel to Laojun.

"Sure enough, it's the same as the old man guessed. It's fine if it's not the demon. We can't afford this kind of trouble." The old man nodded slightly and breathed a sigh of relief. If he dies, he will kill Chen Mo.

"By the way, Old Man Huang, don't tell about this matter. Since Chen Xianzhi doesn't want to talk about it, let's pretend we don't know about it."

"Who is it worth protecting like an old man like you?" Old Man Huang suddenly became interested.

The last time Laojun asked him for a fortune-telling fortune, his thousand-year-old tortoise shell was fucking blown up, and his face was covered with blood. When he figured out that he was a dead person, Laojun looked worried about gain and loss.

"Good man, it's the ghost driver, maybe Chen Xianzhi is the one who escaped!" The sword-bearer Laojun chuckled and crushed the crystal panel in his hand into pieces.

"The thousand-year-old tortoise shell exploded, and my crystal was crushed by you. I'll pay for it. If you don't accompany me with a hundred thousand catties of star gold, you don't want to leave, old man." Old man Huang put down the tea bowl in his hand and took it out. A small abacus, then slapped it a few times, and then handed it to Laojun.

"You fucking old man is crazy about money?"

"I still need funds for more than a dozen experiments, you..."


"Taoism is the ancestral court, Longhu Mountain, Tianshi Mansion!" Standing on the deck of the giant ship, looking at the towering Longhu Mountain, Chen Mo couldn't help but sigh.

As the saying goes, if a mountain is not high, there are immortals, but Longhushan is different, not only because of the immortals, but also because of the special terrain of Longhushan, which gathers the nodes of the dragon veins to town Linyangzhou. The uncanny workmanship of nature, It can be seen.

Danshan is the mansion of Tianshi for thousands of years, and the spring and autumn are not old. Dragon and Tiger Mountain.

"People from the eight peerless sects, hey, people from Shenxiufang are here too?" Chen Mo saw the giant ship of Shenxiufang not far away.

"Call the eldest sister to ask." Chen Mo picked up the token on his waist. Chen Xiang's voice transmission had already been stored in Shendu. This time he came to Longhu Mountain, maybe he just met It's over.


On the giant ship of Shenxiufang, there were not many disciples, and some elders, but mainly the owner of Shenxiufang, were also there. This time, it seemed that all the masters of the eight major sects had gathered in Longhu Mountain.

After breaking away from those junior sisters and elders, Chen Xiang connected to the voice transmission "Xianzhi?"

"Eldest sister, are you in the Heavenly Master's Mansion in Longhu Mountain?" Chen Mo asked.

"how do you know?"

"Because, I'm here too, haha, look at the back of your giant ship."

"Behind?" Chen Xiang heard the sound and looked, the queen's banner was behind her, but she also happened to see Chen Mo standing on the deck and waving.

"Huh?" Chen Xiang looked suspiciously at the person who waved at her, wearing a Yuanlong python robe and a black-gold flat sky crown. When Chen Xiang saw Chen Mo's face, he was surprised, "You fairy, why are you here?" On the queen's giant ship, and what you are wearing...?"

Although Chen Xiang already knew that Chen Mo and the empress had a marriage contract, but seeing her this time was too unexpected.

"Senior Sister, the Great Elder is looking for you."

Hearing her junior sister calling her, Chen Xiang hurriedly said, "I'll look for you when I enter Longhu Mountain. Eldest sister has something else to do. You follow the empress and don't wander around."

"it is good."

Chen Xiang gave some instructions and left in a hurry.

Chen Mo was also quite surprised that he actually saw him in Longhu Mountain.

"The empress's giant ship? Who is that person?" Naturally, someone on the passing giant ships noticed the flags on the empress's giant ship, and Chen Mo who was wearing Yuanlong python robe.

"Maybe it's the queen's guest of honor."

"Hahaha, I heard that King Yongning proposed marriage to Yunding Tiangong for his son."

"You don't understand the temperament of the empress? The one who proposed marriage had her legs broken and crawled out of Yunding Tiangong. This time there is another man standing there, and he will probably conflict with King Yongning."

There is a lot of fun in the Jianghu, but they are all inseparable from the treasures of martial arts and women. Because of the aura, there are many female cultivators, but the mainstream is still male martial arts, so any famous female cultivators who move the world, Naturally, it also aroused heated discussions.

What caused heated discussions was not only Yunding Tiangong, but also Shenxiufang, Ten Thousand Flowers Valley, and of course the witch of the Demon Gate. Hi monsters are dead.

In a clean hall, Zhang Junheng closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the futon.

"Chen Xianzhi, here we come." Zhang Laodao opened his eyes, with a long-lost smile on his face. If Chen Mo was here, he would probably be surprised, because Zhang Laodao's cultivation has reached the first rank, and even has a tendency to move towards the second rank.

(End of this chapter)

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