Chapter 518
The docking of the giant ship went very smoothly, no matter what the empress's status was, she was always a guest, and Longhushan would not invite people to come and make things difficult for these guests.

"Huh?" Chen Mo looked at the sound transmission number displayed on the sound transmission token in surprise, but it didn't show who the sound transmission was.

"Chen Xianzhi?" After Chen Mo connected to the voice transmission, a girl's voice came from the opposite side, as if to confirm whether it was right or not.

"Gui Yuanzong's?" Chen Mo looked up, not far away, it was Gui Yuanzong's giant ship, and standing on the deck waving at Chen Mo was Gui Yuanzong's little princess, Li Junying.

"It's really you, I thought I was wrong, and I was shocked."

"You're the one who surprised me. Where did you steal my voice transmission?" Chen Mo frowned slightly. She didn't remember giving her voice transmission to Li Junying. The other party was obviously someone spoiled by the sect. Chen Mo has no interest in big loli.

"I'll talk about it after I go up the mountain." Chen Mo broke the sound transmission hexagram in his hand.

"Who?" The Empress naturally saw Princess Li on the giant ship of Guiyuanzong, but she didn't know her. The voice transmission Chen Mo called just now was her own sister. The Empress knew it, so she didn't ask. , so ask some questions.

"Knowledge, that's all. It's Princess Li of Yuanzong." Chen Mo explained.

"This time, I have a lot of acquaintances!" Chen Mo glanced at them. Although he has not met many people now, he knows many of them. I won't mention the eight peerless sects. There are even people from the magic sect mixed in. .

The empress didn't say much, her phoenix eyes swept away, her eyes were very flat, she didn't take this person to heart at all.

The deck on the side palace slowly opened, and eight dragon horses came out pulling a huge chariot, and the chariot team that followed.

The empress stepped into the chariot first, and Chen Mo also stepped onto the chariot. The empress doesn't like to show her face in public, not only to lose her identity, but also to avoid unnecessary troubles.

As far as Chen Mo is concerned, he has already put on the mang robe. Isn't this an admission in disguise, and there is no need to avoid suspicion towards his fiancée.

The accompanying elders, who were qualified to enter the chariot, didn't even want to come in, they still didn't like Chen Mo.The rest of the entourage only consisted of a hundred people, so it could not be called grand, but it was exquisite.


"Longhu Mountain, Heavenly Master's Mansion, I didn't expect that one day I would have the opportunity to set foot here." A tall and thin man smiled, standing on the giant ship and looking at the entire Longhu Mountain, with a little yin and yang in his voice .

"Be more polite, this is not another place. If you spoil His Majesty's important event and attract those bull-nosed Lei Fa, our family will chop you up and feed them to the dogs!" The voice of the speaker was a little shrill, but he didn't listen carefully , can't hear it.

A pair of eyes were cloudy, his complexion was pale, his chin was clean and beardless, and he wiped the corners of his mouth with a brocade handkerchief.

"Yes, father-in-law." The tall and thin man hurriedly kept quiet and didn't dare to say more.

It turned out to be the father-in-law of Dagan, but they were hidden in the entourage sent by Dagan. Since the Tianshi Mansion issued invitations widely, it is natural to send a copy to the imperial court. Rebellion happens.

Therefore, in terms of emotion and reason, we must give the imperial court a face, and as a Taoist leader recognized by the imperial court, Tianshi Mansion must also give the imperial court an invitation.

As for what this great father-in-law said when he came to the Tianshi Mansion, in fact, many people who have heard the news have some guesses...


Looking at Longhu Mountain from the outside, you can know how huge Longhu Mountain is. After entering Longhu Mountain, such emotions are even more spontaneous, and since entering Longhu Mountain, even the concentration of spiritual energy has increased by two or three levels. It has been able to be on par with Qin Tianjian in the sea of ​​​​the sky.

"As expected of a blessed place in the cave, it is indeed worthy to be used as a mountain gate." Chen Mo sighed in admiration, even the aura concentration of Yunding Tiangong was a level behind that of Longhushan.

"I just don't know how strong the Celestial Master Ghost is!" Chen Mo didn't say the second half of the sentence. It is important, and it is related to the inheritance of Longhushan, and it must be the Zhang surname of Longhushan's direct line.

Ever since he entered Longhu Mountain, Chen Mo felt a faint ghostly aura in the sky, and he didn't deliberately target everyone, but for a powerful ghost guard like Chen Mo, even if he didn't target them, he could sensed.

It's like an indescribable powerful monster that can only be seen by specific people, and this kind of monster is shrouded in the sky, and others don't know it yet. Of course, this is not indescribable, it is a "ghost"!
It is precisely because it is a ghost that it is even more terrifying. Chen Mo estimated that the Tianshi ghost in Longhu Mountain is basically a world-class ghost.

As for whether there is a template for ghosts and gods, Chen Mo doesn't know, and he can't be sure. Chen Mo has only seen world-class boss ghosts at most. powerful.


"What a pity?" Looking at Chen Mo in a daze, then thinking, then shaking her head and sighing, the empress couldn't help asking.

With a wave of Chen Mo's hand, Ghost Domain enveloped the two of them. Chen Mo made sure no one was eavesdropping before he said, "Empress, do you feel the faint ghostly aura in the sky?"

"Yes, there is a big ghost in Tianshi Mansion. This is a well-known thing." The empress was not surprised that Chen Mo could sense the ghost aura above her head. It would be strange if Chen Mo couldn't sense it. Ghostbusters must be able to sense it.

"It's a pity that this ghost can't be with me." Chen Mo shrugged and laughed.

"How about..." The look in the female emperor's phoenix eyes flashed, and she picked up the teacup.

"Steal?!" He said and looked at Chen Mo.

"Don't! Don't do this. It's up to you whether you want to grab it or not. If you get it, the Tianshi Mansion will go all out." Chen Mo was startled by the empress's words, and hurriedly waved his hands. So a little idea, but that is someone else's stuff after all.

It is wrong to rob, and the consequences are too serious. The background of Tianshi Mansion is not comparable to Yunding Tiangong and Chen Mo.

"It's just a joke." The empress glanced at Chen Mo with interest, with a faint smile on her lips. Even if Chen Mo wanted it, the empress would not give it to Chen Mo. After all, she was also responsible for Beiyunzhou and the entire Yunding Tiangong is responsible for all the weirdos and Wuxiu who follow her.

Sitting in the position of empress, she was more concerned about the overall situation, and would not act impulsively. Just now, she was just deceiving Chen Mo.

"It's good to have no idea, and I'm confident that the ghosts I cultivate will not be inferior to these great ghosts in the future, whether it's the ghosts of the Tianshi Mansion or the ghosts of the Taishang Dao Sect..." Chen Mo is like a treasure. He told all the evil spirits of the eight peerless sects.

"It would be great if we could integrate the eight great sects, as well as the great ghosts of Zhenzong from Tianwaitian into our body." Chen Mo did think about it, but it was just thinking about it. Chen Mo picked the evil ghosts by himself.Powerful and pleasing to the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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