Reckless through another world

Chapter 519 The Law of Inheritance

Chapter 519 The Law of Inheritance
"Uncle Master, please come here." Zhang Changqing hurried to this exquisite hall, he only knew that the person he wanted to invite was Chen Xianzhi, but when he really saw Chen Xianzhi, Zhang Changqing was surprised at Chen Mo's youth.

When Zhang Junheng said that he wanted to invite someone, his tone and demeanor clearly indicated that he wanted to invite someone of the same generation.

In Zhang Changqing's view, such a peer should at least be an elder of a certain peerless sect, and he is also an elder with a high status.

But if he felt that Chen Mo was weak, Zhang Changqing shook his head again. The danger he felt from Chen Mo was even stronger than that from his senior brothers. Although the senior brothers were generous, it didn't mean they were not strong in battle.

"Master Uncle? Which one?" Chen Mo was also a little strange. As soon as he sat down, someone came to look for him by name. At first, Chen Mo thought it was Mr. Zhang who sent someone to come, but this person called him Master Uncle. It is the Taoist robe of the Heavenly Master's Mansion again, it should be another Heavenly Master.

"You are young, and you are wearing a mang robe, but this mang robe seems a bit strange, Wang with a different surname?" Zhang Changqing looked him up and down, and had a preliminary observation of Chen Mo.

His face is as white as jade, with sharp edges and corners. It seems that because of his tall stature and his pair of red phoenix eyes, Chen Mo always feels that Chen Mo is looking at people with squinted eyes, with a kind of arrogance. A taste of madness.

"Some fierce people, but they should also be a powerful ghost controller." Zhang Changqing didn't make any comments. He had just started the qi-watching technique of Tianshi Mansion, so he couldn't see through more things.

"Uncle Zhang Junheng." Zhang Changqing responded. "I'm next Zhang Changqing."

"I'm Chen Xianzhi, let's go." Chen Mo didn't care too much, it seemed that Zhang Laodao was doing well in Tianshi Mansion, so there was no need to worry about the rest.

"Seniors, do you know Zhang Changsheng?" The two of them flew out in Hongguang. They were already heavenly beings. If they could fly, they would never walk. Their true energy was enough to support them and escape for thousands of miles, so why bother to use their feet slowly? Procedure.

"Chen..., do you know my senior brother?" Zhang Changqing just wanted to address Chen Mo, but suddenly realized that he didn't know how to address him. He called him by his name directly, which was impolite, and called him brother Chen. Wouldn't he be equal to his senior uncle? After a pause, he simply stopped calling.

"Just call me Chen Xianzhi. I'm not that old. We're of the same generation." Chen Mo explained that he's really not that old. The total is less than 60 years old. In the original age, he was a bit older, but here The place where Zhongtianren lived for five hundred years is still just a teenager.

What's more, the current physical age is indeed less than 20 years old.

"Brother Chen knows my elder brother?" Zhang Changqing asked instead.

"Haha, I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it." Chen Mo laughed. He had indeed never seen this little celestial master, but he was very strong, and he might be the celestial master who would succeed the celestial master ghost in the future.

"Eldest brother has been in seclusion for a long time. We senior brothers have seen it very rarely. We thought Brother Chen had seen it." Zhang Changqing nodded. Hushan, how could I have seen it.

"Perennial retreat!" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, he probably knew something inside.

The background is accumulated. It doesn’t mean that a powerful saint with a few turns will really become a peerless sect. Without a strong foundation of suppressing the sect, when this great master leaves or dies, the sect will be destroyed. Like a castle in the air, it collapsed with a bang.

The background of Tianshifu is undoubtedly the ghost of the celestial master, and the celestial masters of all generations have to control the ghost of the celestial master and feed the ghost of the celestial master.It's like people of all ages have practiced the same account. Who can stand up to this damn handed down? This is the foundation of the Peerless Sect.

Of course, it is undeniable that there are many masters in Tianshifu.

And because of the blood relationship, the direct descendants of the Tianshi Mansion can basically control the Tianshi ghosts, so there is no generation gap.

This is very scary, as long as the celestial master dies, someone will pick it up, and then continue to increase the strength of the celestial master ghost, increasing one after another, how strong the celestial master ghost is now, maybe even the celestial masters in the celestial master's mansion don't know.

Of course, it's not just the Heavenly Master's Mansion that does this, the eight peerless sects all do this, inheriting evil spirits and practicing numbers from generation to generation.

The horror did not come before, although the practice was difficult, but it couldn't stand the accumulation of so many years.

Some people are born with things that others can't even reach, such as a full-level big ghost,...

Chen Mo shook his head slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Individuals have their own way of life and opportunities, and there is no need to envy others. Chen Xianzhi himself even has an attribute panel that others will never get.

"Brother Chen, we're here, please come in." Seeing that Chen Mo was distracted, Zhang Changqing reminded him.

"Thank you." Chen Mo clasped his fists and nodded, walking into the hall at the same time.

"Huh? It's going to be the second turn. The last time I saw you, Zhang Laodao, you were a genius!" Chen Mo was stunned for a moment. How long has it been? Did the rocket take off?

"The old man's cultivation was already suppressed, but now it's just liberated, what's the fuss." Zhang Laodao laughed, and ignored Chen Mo's joke, but gave Chen Mo a cup of tea and pushed him over.

Chen Mo sat down on the seat, picked up the tea bowl, and took a deep breath.

"I was thirsty when I came here, so I'll have another bowl." Chen Mo said, raising the empty bowl in his hand to signal.

Zhang Laodao just looked at Chen Mo with a smile, and poured another bowl for Chen Mo.

"Niu Chew Peony, Lao Dao's pot of good tea is entrusted to no one!" Zhang Lao Dao joked with a smile.

"Drinking tea along the way made me want to throw up." Chen Mo said helplessly. Chen Mo, who was tasting tea along the way, didn't want to drink tea anymore.

"Let's get down to business, what do you mean by looking for me?"

"You are just invited to watch the ceremony. Although the old Taoist has some apprentices, he has few friends. You count as half of them." Zhang Laodao looked very calm, as if he wanted to see his old friend when he asked him what happened behind him. .

"Coincidentally, you are also my half friend." Chen Mo has very few friends, so Chen Mo came when Zhang Laodao invited him.

"Your state is not stable?" Chen Mo frowned slightly. Although he didn't know what happened to Zhang Laodao, Zhang Laodao's current state was unstable, and the fluctuations of true energy and ghost energy in his body were not small.

"I heard that you killed all directions in the sea of ​​sky?" Zhang Laodao didn't answer, but changed the topic, he seemed very interested in Chen Mo's experience.

"Then you haven't seen it. It's different from the East Front Battle back then. I fought the East Front Battle with all my strength, but the sea of ​​sky... cut it with absolute joy!"

"At that time, I was holding two watermelon knives, cutting all the way from the main entrance of Qintianjian to the sea of ​​clouds,"

"Blood flowed like a river, limbs and arms were broken, and I didn't blink for a moment."


Zhang Laodao listened, Chen Mo blew it alone, the situation at that time was the same, if the empress hadn't arrived in the end, she was almost hacked to death, how could it be as chic as Chen Mo said.

(End of this chapter)

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