Reckless through another world

Chapter 520 Recovery Plan

Chapter 520 Recovery Plan
"It's not easy." Old Zhang said when he saw that Chen Mo had stopped listening.

"It's really not easy, and I don't know how long this battle will take. It may be half a year, it may be several years, it may even be decades, hundreds of years, or thousands of years." Chen Mo pursed his lips, A small military-level demon almost wiped out their group of newcomers.

What's more, there will be generals in the future...

After all, no one knows how long this battle will last, or even how many people will die.

"Please come, there is indeed something I want to tell you." Zhang Laodao said.

"What's the matter?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows.

"Have you heard of the 'Resurrection' plan?" Zhang Laodao rubbed his hands, looked Chen Mo up and down, and said with a smile on his face.

"I've never heard of it. I don't like to care about other people's affairs, and I don't like to explore other people's secrets." Chen Mo shook his head slightly. He really doesn't like to care about other people's affairs. I didn't ask, let alone these messy things.

Chen Mo is such a person, he has no curiosity, soldiers come to block him, water comes to cover him, no trouble comes, and Chen Mo doesn't look for trouble.

There is only one belief, that is to become stronger, and the rest is ignored.

It can be regarded as a relatively pure martial artist.

Of course, the implication is "I don't like others to explore my secrets."

"Why? Tell me?" If Zhang Laodao wanted to tell him, Chen Mo would not dislike it.

"The Awakening Project, as the name suggests, now that the plane of Shenzhou has been revived, it has the ability to communicate with the supreme power. If those masters from the past can be fished out from the long river of time, their strength will definitely increase!" Zhang Laodao's eyes were very calm.

"Boom!" Chen Mo crushed the tea bowl in his hand.He stood up abruptly, his eyes full of horror.

This is the first time Chen Mo has lost his composure. The plan is really too crazy. He actually wants to use the supreme power to wake up the powerful people in the long river of time, and then resurrect them.

"Are you crazy? The eight peerless sects are playing with fire and self-immolation. The long river of time is not a place you can open if you want to. You will kill everyone in Shenzhou, and time will kill you all!"

In the end, Chen Mo even gritted his teeth, which is simply ridiculous. With the growth of his cultivation, Chen Mo was able to discover that time is something that cannot be touched, and it is a taboo thing.

"Yes, they're already crazy, and I don't agree with it, but they came up with a way." Zhang Laodao didn't expect Chen Mo to have such a big reaction, and he opposed the plan at first sight.

"Crazy, you are really crazy." Chen Mo sneered, "The heads of the eight peerless sects are mentally ill. I can see that. If they want to die, let them die by themselves."

Speaking of this, Chen Mo's face changed, very gloomy, "Don't tell me, you participated in it?!"

"Hehe." Zhang Laodao nodded, the smile on his face was very bitter, even dry, but through this nod, Chen Mo also knew that Zhang Laodao participated in it.

"Don't tell me, the main hall of Longhu Mountain is for this this time?" Chen Mo's heart skipped a beat, he swallowed, and then looked at Zhang Laodao in disbelief.


"Yes!" Zhang Laodao nodded again.

Chen Mo froze for a moment, then grinned, and fell silent for a long time, throwing the broken teacup in his hand on the ground with a crisp sound, while Chen Mo himself had a gloomy face, and cursed forcefully and shortly

"I'm gone, what do you guys like to do!" Chen Mo stood up and was about to walk out the door. The eight peerless sects risked their lives, and Chen Mo didn't want to go into this muddy water. This kind of horror is basically the same as facing ghosts and gods. There is no difference between evil spirits, if they stay any longer, they are waiting to die.

"This matter has something to do with you." Zhang Laodao was not angry at all, but said calmly when Chen Mo walked to the door.

Chen Mo paused and frowned, "What does it have to do with me?"

"It's not related to you, but related to your sister." Zhang Laodao was quite helpless, but he had to tell Chen Mo about this matter, otherwise Zhang Laodao didn't know that it would always end up like this in the future.

If Chen Mo was just an ordinary martial artist, or a simple chief arrester in purple clothes, it would be fine, but this is a master of many ghosts. Zhang Laodao only recently learned about it from his elder brother in charge. After thinking about it, he finally I still plan to inform Chen Mo and make a test at the same time.

Chen Mo's eyes were instantly covered in scarlet, and the fear and coercion all over his body exploded with a "boom", crushing all the vegetation around him into pieces.

"You guys are looking for death!" Chen Mo said every word, almost gnashing his teeth, this plan is too crazy, it doesn't matter if it's crazy, Chen Mo doesn't care about it.

But to drag his eldest sister into the water, this is fucking murder!

"Calm down, if it can be done, there will be no danger of life, and they have found a way."

"But put it in your mother's trousers pocket, the ghost of time, or the ghost of longevity, which one of you can offend, the big ghost of the ghost level, the celestial ghost of the celestial master's mansion, at most one blow will be broken up Ghost Qi, the eight peerless sects have gathered together, and they can carry eight blows."

"But?... But, except for these eight big ghosts, the rest of the people will die... I am too lazy to tell you, I will find a way to take my eldest sister away, you can do whatever you want if you want to die, anyway, I I can't stay any longer." Chen Mo was too lazy to talk to Mr. Zhang.

"Actually, there is a way." Zhang Laodao opened his mouth.

"I don't want to hear it, Lao Zhang. If you want to drink tea with me, I will drink. If you want to drink, I will drink too. If you want to hear stories, I will tell them too. If you are a lobbyist, then forgive me."

"And it's best to tell them, my sister, they can't move, otherwise, I will kill someone."

"If you want to ask me why..." Chen Mo paused.

"Ghost Realm!"

The ghost domain instantly enveloped the entire hall, leaving only Chen Mo and Zhang Laodao in the hall.

"It's them!"

While waving, four big ghosts appeared behind Chen Mo.

Zhang Laodao stared dumbfounded at the big ghosts that appeared behind Chen Mo. After a long time, he seemed to be organizing his words, or maybe he was too surprised to speak, so he said after a while: "It's really surprising!"

"And you know a lot. I thought you were a reckless man, but I didn't expect you to have a tiger in your heart, sniffing roses." Zhang Laodao smiled, and did not bring up the topic just now.

"Pull it down, what am I supposed to be sniffing roses, if I really sniffed roses, I wouldn't be here anymore." Chen Mo waved his hands back to take back the evil ghosts and scattered in Huangquan.

The main reason is that he is afraid of provoking Chen Mo. This matter needs to be figured out slowly. Of course, even Zhang Junheng was prepared to die before he participated in it.

"Old Zhang, why did you participate in it? Do you know that this is not as simple as death, what you are facing is something more terrifying than death." Chen Mo frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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