Reckless through another world

Chapter 521 It's Just a Probe

Chapter 521 It's Just a Probe

"I made you laugh when I said that. Because of a private case, the old Taoist left the Tianshi Mansion and worshiped the Supreme Daoist incognito." Zhang Laodao didn't tell Chen Mo the details of the recovery plan, because Chen Mo didn't want to listen.

There are some secrets, if you listen to them, you will become a secret keeper. It's not that Chen Mo can't keep the secrets, but that the plot is too big, let alone one turn or two turns, even three turns can't stand it.

So Chen Mo didn't want to inquire. After seeing Zhang Junheng, Chen Mo planned to find his eldest sister, and then left with the Empress. The water here is too deep, it's not easy to participate, and people will die.

If you participate in it, no matter if it is the core or the periphery, you will be implicated, and the danger in it is ten times and a hundred times more terrifying than the battle of the sky and the sea.

"Private case?" Chen Mo asked with interest, changed another teacup, and Chen Mo returned to the appearance of the old god, the two of them were like two old friends, and everything just now seemed to have never happened.

Only then did Zhang Laodao start to talk about it. Back then, Zhang Laodao's mother was supposed to be his wife, but because of certain things, he eventually became a concubine.

After giving birth to Zhang Laodao, he died in depression. As a concubine, he could not enter the ancestral hall. The young Zhang Laodao was naturally dissatisfied when he knew about this, so he went to his biological father to question the theory.

After no results, Zhang Laodao left the Tianshi Mansion with his mother's rank and ashes, abolished his cultivation, and worshiped in the Taishang Daozong.

In a fit of anger, his father expelled Zhang Laodao from the family...

Counting it now, it has been more than 80 years, a private case of more than 80 years.

"I see." Chen Mo nodded slightly. There is no way for a concubine to be promoted to a wife. Although Zhang Laodao's father never married a wife in his life, it was still not enough in Zhang Laodao's opinion. He wanted his mother to enter the Tianshi Mansion In the ancestral hall.

The young Zhang Junheng decided to run away from home to learn art from a teacher, and then came back.

"You won now?" Chen Mo didn't ask Zhang Laodao's family affairs, but now it seems that Zhang Laodao should have won, after all, Zhang Laodao wants to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors.

"I didn't win, how could it be so easy to win? Tianshi Mansion, after all, has a big family and a great career. Even if it is the second round, it is still not the opponent of Tianshi Mansion. This time it was because of my participation in that matter, so I was granted a license." Zhang Laodao shook his head helplessly.

It is difficult to break into the Heavenly Master's Mansion, even the number one in the world, the Martial God of Martial God Cliff dare not arrogantly say that he can break through the Tianshi's Mansion, let alone Zhang Laodao.

"..." Chen Mo's face darkened, why did it get involved in this matter again, he originally wanted to talk about the past, he didn't seem to be involved in so many things, and this matter was too involved, Chen Mo didn't even want to listen listen.

Looking at the smiling Zhang Laodao, Chen Mo spread his hands: "Okay, you win!"

"Let's talk about it, what should we do with the eight peerless sects?" Chen Mo felt that at least he must know himself and the enemy, in order to know what the other party needs, and to be able to grasp the weakness of the opposition. Maybe someone sells it and returns the money.

Compared with the eight peerless sects, Zhang Laodao and Chen Mo are friendly after all, and the chance of cheating him is smaller, so Chen Mo intends to listen to Zhang Laodao's words.

"One is to catch people from the long river of time."

"The second is the resurrection power."

"The initial preparation is to resurrect the power, and what is needed is the blood of the same source, and then snatch the primordial spirit of the ancient power from reincarnation." Zhang Laodao is not afraid of others knowing that the entire Longhu Mountain belongs to the Tianshi Mansion The territory is even suppressed by celestial masters and ghosts, so no one can pry into these secrets.

"Admiration!" Chen Mo clasped his fists and said.

"It's really on the way to death, it's unattainable." Chen Mo had to say that the eight major sects might really have the means to open the so-called reincarnation and bring back the ancient and powerful primordial spirit, but that was also a provocation.

"The old Taoist also feels unreliable, but the head teacher of the sect seems to be very confident in this method." Zhang Laodao looked a little weird.

"It's okay. If you didn't choose the first option, you didn't have to die. If you dare to fish people from the long river of time, you should die." Chen Mo shook his head slightly. The higher the cultivation base, the more reverent he is for time. It's not enough to see the Land Destruction Realm, even if it's three rounds, it's not enough to see.

"Wait, don't you know, now in the Shenzhou Continent, everyone's cultivation has been sealed, up to three ranks, even if they find the powerful, their combat power will not be preserved." Chen Mo suddenly realized a problem.

"So, in fact, it has not been implemented yet. It is just uniting the eight peerless sects." Zhang Laodao smiled awkwardly. Chen Mo's words punctured his words at once. They really want to revive the ancient power True, but it is obviously not suitable to release those powerful people now.

And because of restrictions, there can only be masters who are rank three or below.

"Scared me." Chen Mo sat down on the seat again.

"You can't stab people now, and the power of evil spirits is obviously stronger. Now that the horror is coming, people can use this opportunity to become stronger, even stronger than the ancient Great Sage." Chen Mo thinks this method is the safest method, and this method is also the most gentle.

Although people will die, it is much more reliable than the recovery plan proposed by the eight peerless sects.

"That's right, the old man thinks so too. The recovery of inspiration is obviously a good opportunity. The power of evil spirits will become stronger and stronger. In the future, the mainstream will be ghost emissaries. Even if they cannot be defeated, after death, the ghosts in their bodies will also Being able to come back to life, killing and indiscriminately killing creatures." Zhang Laodao agreed with Chen Mo's opinion.

It's just that although Zhang Laodao said so, there was a little strangeness in his eyes. Of course, this time it was not just for discussion.

"Let them toss..."

Chen Mo originally just waved his hand impatiently, but then he remembered that it seemed to have something to do with his sister, "Could it be that my Chen family also has some masters?"

After all, blood is needed, so his Chen family may also have a great master.

"I don't know. The old Taoist is not very involved, so he knows these things. If you want to know more, the brother in charge will tell you in detail. So, in fact, I'm just here to explore the way." Zhang Laodao imitated Chen Mo and spread his hands, expressing that he didn't know anything else.

"What am I..."

"Old Zhang, I treat you as a friend, but you cheated on me."

"If the old Taoist really tricked you, he wouldn't tell you anything. Although he won't coerce and lure you, it's okay to cover up a part and lie to you." Zhang Laodao shook his head. He really didn't mean to lie to Chen Mo, otherwise Wouldn't say that much.

"I'm leaving first, I want to go back and think about it, and find someone to discuss with me by the way."

"Too many people know about it, it's fine for the empress to know about it, and other things..."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Chen Mo got up in a hurry. On the way, he wanted to call the elder sister. After thinking about it, did he call?

(End of this chapter)

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