Chapter 522 Tracking
It was already evening when we left the main hall where Zhang Laodao was, and the setting sun was accompanied by remnant clouds, shining light on Chen Mo's side face.

Standing in place for a long time, Chen Mo's eyes were blank, and finally he sighed quietly, saying in his heart, "Eight great sects want to revive the ancient great sage. Although this method is whimsical, it still has such a one-in-a-million chance of survival."

"It's a pity, but I can't participate in it." Chen Mo lamented, if he was strong enough, Chen Mo would also participate if he had a strong ghost like a celestial master ghost in his body, but unfortunately, he didn't.

The strongest three-eyed Yan Luo, even if he was promoted, was only four-star tyrannical, capable of suppressing a turn, and even against those masters at a high level or even at the peak of a turn, but he had no chance of winning against those terrifying things.

"The eight peerless sects should have taken a fancy to my ghost domain ability."

Although Chen Mo didn't ask Zhang Laodao about the details, logically speaking, such a big event must have nothing to do with him. Tell him, it must be for plotting something, and they don't have such a thing, only Chen Mo has it.

He didn't stay any longer, Chen Mo had persuaded Zhang Laodao as a teacher and friend, and there was nothing he could do about it, and Zhang Laodao had already said that he participated in it entirely because of his obsession, and he couldn't stop the other party from destroying his heart. Devil.

Blocking people's way is tantamount to killing parents, so what are relatives and friends?

After rejecting Zhang Changqing's offer, Chen Mo planned to go back to the courtyard where the Empress was, and then make plans.

Of course, Chen Mo sighed, and Zhang Laodao, who was holding the teacup in the hall, also sighed. Chen Mo should not be involved in this matter, but some of them need Chen Mo's help, and at the same time, Zhang Laodao needs to tell Chen Mo about sister Chen Mo's movements.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, a person like Chen Mo will definitely trouble the eight major sects. It's not that he can't resist Chen Mo, but he is afraid of a grown-up ghost driver.


"Someone is following me?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, he felt as if he was being targeted by someone, but the tracking method of the person who was following him was not very good, and his cultivation level was not high, he was just a celestial being.

Chen Mo didn't even need the extension of his primordial power, just the ghost eyes hidden behind his neck were enough to spot the stalker.

"It's a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and I don't know which side it's from, but just invite them here to meet them." Chen Mo stepped on his feet, and his figure turned into a shadow, and quickly rushed up.

"Have you been discovered?" The person following Chen Mo was a little skeptical, but Chen Mo's speed was not fast, he could keep up with him, "Probably not, let's follow up first, the elder asked me to monitor Chen Xianzhi, so I must not lose him."

As time went by, the stalkers became more and more frightened. Chen Mo went to places with few people, as if he had chosen such places specially.

And when he caught up, he happened to see Chen Mo standing in the open space not far away, with his hands behind his back, and he didn't know what he was doing.

"Could it be that he was meeting with someone?" The person following Chen Mo also stopped, hiding in the shadows, the darkness was just covering him, and he didn't dare to use his primordial power recklessly. If he found out, he would be in big trouble.

Although the lights on Longhu Mountain are brightly lit, there are always places where people are sparsely populated. If there are places where no one visits on a large site, Chen Mo just lured this person here.

"Come out." Chen Mo turned around, waved his hand casually, his true energy condensed into a chair, and Chen Mo sat on it calmly, with a very indifferent expression, as if he didn't pay attention to the person who was following him in the dark .

"Not good!" The stalker's heart skipped a beat, and he wanted to leave.

But when he turned his head, a square wall of black crystals enveloped him.

"Do you still want me to invite you?" Chen Mo's voice was cold. He was already in a bad mood, but when he went out, someone followed him, which made his mood even worse. If it wasn't because Chen Mo wanted to know who followed him, he would have Cut down this celestial being by hand.

The stalker came out with his head drooping like a defeated rooster. Although he couldn't see the expression on his face because of the black mask, his eyes were much darker.

"Zou Yiping, the elder of foreign affairs in the lower body demon lineage, has met Mr. Chen." Zou Yiping took off the mask on his face.

He looks about forty, with a beard, and doesn't look like a magician at all, very ordinary, and even a little bookish.

"People from Tianwaitian?" Chen Mo murmured, without even asking, as Tianwaitian is the largest magic sect, it has 33 meridians of demon cultivators, among which the body demon lineage has declined, but it is still the third-rate one .

"Exactly." Zou Yiping cupped his hands in embarrassment, "We have absolutely no hostility towards Mr. Chen. On the contrary, the Great Elder of the Body Demon lineage admires Mr. Chen very much."

"What are you doing here?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, and waved his hand, he didn't like people from the Demon Sect.

"This one……"

"President Chen came out of Elder Zhang Junheng's hall, and he should already know some of the plans. I don't know the detailed plans, but it should be about that plan."


Zou Yiping told him everything he knew, including how many people there were, how many powerful characters there were, and even how many saintesses they had.

Naturally, Chen Mo couldn't trust him, but after opening his ghost eyes, Zou Yiping said the same thing, the rest was Zou Yiping's private matter, and Chen Mo didn't bother to know.

"I have to say that the Eight Great Sects are really bullshit. They are so determined that they even found the Demon Sect." Chen Mo was speechless for a while, so what if he didn't resurrect those ancient great sages? ?

"Get out, let me see you following me again, and I'll kill you." Chen Mo waved his hand impatiently.

"Thank you Mr. Chen for catching and not killing." Zou Yiping was overjoyed, he thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't want to kill him, and even let him go.

It is said that basically none of the demon cultivators that everyone Chen Mo met survived, and they thought they were a lunatic who slayed demons and defended the way.

"and many more!"

Zou Yiping's heart skipped a beat again, and he turned around, with a smile uglier than crying, and said with a smile, "Chen...President, what orders do you have?"

"Forget it, you don't know about some things." Chen Mo originally wanted to tell Momen through Zou Yiping not to play with fire and set himself on fire, but after thinking about it, Momen would definitely not listen to him, and would still go its own way, so Chen Mo had nothing to say that's it.

Zou Yiping breathed a sigh of relief when Chen Mo left, and his heart was still beating thumpingly until now.

"Chen Xianzhi, it's really scary, no wonder so many demon cultivators have been killed, but that's none of my business." Zou Yiping laughed, Chen Mo made him feel terrible, if he wanted to talk about revenge, then stop talking about it, Demon Sect There are intrigues between each of my veins.

And be more mature, everyone is so old, who will do the thankless things?Emphasizing love and righteousness in the magic cultivation is to die.

(End of this chapter)

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