Chapter 523
"No agreement?" Appearing opposite Zhang Laodao was an old man in a plain robe with a smile on his face.

"We haven't talked about it at all, but that kid has sensed the danger. How can we have a chance to talk about it?" Zhang Laodao shook his head. Zhang Laodao also knows what kind of person Chen Mo is. Otherwise don't try to make him change his mind.

If Chen Mo is hesitant, there is still room to talk, but everyone has already decided, so there is no chance of a deal.

"It doesn't matter if we don't agree, after all, we don't need a little doll to do it. Doesn't Daozong still have an evil ghost who can use the ghost domain, and he can also top it. Chen Xianzhi is just a second hand." The old man nodded slightly.

Zhang Laodao was noncommittal, since these old guys wanted to plan, they would definitely not place all their bets on one person, let alone this person is an outsider.

"I always feel that inviting the Demon Gate is like luring a wolf into the house." Zhang Laodao hesitated for a long time, but still felt that the Demon Gate was useless, and if the Demon Gate found their demon master, it would be even more troublesome.

"It's been a long time since I played chess, how about playing chess?" The old man waved his hand, and the chessboard appeared.

"Where do you want to play chess?" Although Zhang Laodao said, he still insisted on going first.

"Qin Tianjian is busy dealing with the outside world, and they will not agree with our plan. On the surface, the plan is like this, but the secret plan needs to be displayed by the Demon Gate, otherwise it will always be a matter of World War I, so the Demon Gate is imperative. "

"There are very few forces that can cooperate with us, so we can only cooperate with Momen."


Chen Mo didn't know about their discussion, and even if he knew, he didn't care too much. No matter how much these people toss about, can they still toss Shenzhou?
Since Qin Tianjian didn't speak or greet him, let them toss.

"Who is this?" Chen Mo frowned. He had such a bad day. He thought he was here to watch the ceremony, but he didn't expect someone to plot against him. Then he was followed by the Demon Gate, and now someone is blocking him doorway.

Blocking Chen Mo's way is a group of chariots, the guard of honor is not small, and the followers are also good, but these are the reasons for blocking Chen Mo.

"Let it go." Chen Mo said and was about to walk into the courtyard.

"Go away, don't disturb my eldest son's visit to the Empress." The person who looked like a dog leg kicked her out.

"Boa robe? Who are you?" The boy at the side saw the clothes on Chen Mo's body. The clothes did not belong to the python robes under Dagan's jurisdiction, but the patterns on them looked a bit like python robes, so they were a bit wary for a while.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, the empress already has a fiancé, it's me, if you have nothing to do, you should leave quickly, I'm too lazy to talk to you." Chen Mo was enveloped in true energy, none of these attendants could get close his body.

And because Chen Mo released all his fear and coercion, no one dared to bark his teeth at Chen Mo.

"Nonsense, how could the Empress have a fiancé?" Another older middle-aged man reprimanded. Although it was a reprimand, he believed it three-pointedly. Chen Mo's clothes were only seen on the Empress's body. Wang Ai Wear whatever you want, the empress only loves black.

"Cough!" The person in the chariot coughed.

Those dog legs stopped, and even those attendants who wanted to draw their swords were much more at ease, and they were already afraid. The fear and coercion released by Chen Mo was a collection of five big ghosts.

Chen Mo could tell that the people in Che Niannei were not very old, they should be older than him, but not by much.

"I don't know if Xiongtai can sit on it." The person in the chariot asked.

"No." Chen Mo refused straight away, making a joke, coveting his wife, how could he still give people a good face, he didn't do anything just because it was the home of Tianshifu, so he wanted to give Tianshifu a face, otherwise he would follow Chen Mo's order Temperament, definitely beat these people out.

"Your Highness, you are back." Elder Ming walked out of the courtyard to invite Chen Mo.

Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and said, "Go back."

"Let's go." As he spoke, he walked into the courtyard. Chen Mo was very satisfied that Elder Ming could come out to pick him up. Unfair treatment, so I came out to support the scene.

Chen Mo walked into the courtyard in such a grand manner. As for the subsequent matters, the elders of Yunding Tiangong will handle it, and Chen Mo does not need to intervene. If Chen Mo, the half owner of Yunding Tiangong, is to go into battle shirtless, then these elders can be dragged into battle. In front of the empress, she committed suicide and apologized.

So after knowing these things, you must deal with them personally. If you need to be expelled, if you need to take action, you will not show any mercy.

Yunding Tiangong is not even afraid of Dagan, how can it be afraid of a prince.

"The benefits of a feudal society." Chen Mo walked towards the back room with a smile.

"If there is something happy, share it with the concubine." The female emperor's faint voice came, and there seemed to be a little dissatisfaction in the voice.

Chen Mo did not hear the dissatisfaction of the Empress.

His face became serious, he walked to the empress's side, poured himself a cup of tea, and after taking a sip, he said, "Something has happened!"

Chen Mo told the empress everything he knew from seeing Zhang Laodao, and the lazy empress gradually showed a dignified look, as if she was thinking about countermeasures.

"What I mean is, bring my sister tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and then we'll leave, don't go in this muddy water."

"Don't panic, the eight peerless sects haven't directly completed the plan yet, so even if it is, it's just an attempt and won't go too far." In this way, the eight major sects dare not open rashly.

Hearing what the empress said, Chen Mo also felt that he was too sensitive. Such a big event would definitely not happen in this "Zhaijiao" ceremony organized by Longhushan. At most, he would decide the matter and then make plans.

As Chen Mo said, the current Shenzhou does not have the environment to accommodate masters with a rank of three or more. Even if they are brought back, they will be suppressed. Not worth it.

"Indeed." Chen Mo nodded, saying that Chen Mo looked at the Empress differently. It is indeed a very happy thing to have such a good wife.

"However, we still need to inform the person in Shenxiu Fang not to get involved, and we will wait and see."

"Well, we will leave after we find the eldest sister, and we won't stay in Longhu Mountain anymore." That's what Chen Mo originally planned. Zhang Laodao just wanted to persuade Chen Mo to stay, and Chen Mo would not stay.

A friend is a friend. Now that the visit is over, it is natural that the farther away from disaster the better.

It's not that Chen Mo doesn't pay attention to loyalty, this matter is too big, Chen Mo can't bear it, and he can't afford it.

Chen Mo could also sense that what Zhang Laodao meant inside and outside the words was all about the danger of this matter, so he asked Chen Mo to leave as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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