Chapter 524
In a flash, time passed, and Chen Mo had already lived in Longhu Mountain for two days.

In the past two days, I wanted to visit my eldest sister, but I never found a chance. There was an endless stream of people coming to visit, some of whom were visiting the empress, and some were visiting Chen Mo.

He was blocked in the door and couldn't get out, and those who visited the empress were also assigned to Chen Mo. As the son-in-law of Yunding Tiangong, he didn't have to entertain in person, but Chen Mo couldn't walk around at will.

If things get worse while walking around, and the plans of the eight major sects are leaked out, there will definitely be an uproar. Even if Chen Mo doesn't want to participate, he will be coerced to participate in the subsequent events.

The Tianshi Mansion is not easy to mess with, and the alliance of the eight great sects is even more difficult to mess with, so Chen Mo also plans to wait a while, and simply relax and play at that time. Anyway, it is impossible for the eight great masters to fully launch the plan at this time, and everyone also Be safe.

"Mr. Chen, tomorrow will be the sacrificial offering ceremony in our Tianshi Mansion, named 'Luo Tian'." Zhang Changqing handed over the post and sign.

What is written on the post is cliche, and the sign is the seating order.

Everyone is a respectable person, and it is impossible to beat people to death because of some seating order like before. With the calculation of Tianshifu, even if they have opinions in their hearts, they will give Tianshifu some face and will not be in the fasting ceremony. Let's make a fuss.

"Tomorrow's Luo Tian Dajiao, our senior brother from Longhu Mountain will also appear. I don't know if Captain Chen is interested in doing a good job." Zhang Changqing asked, clasping his hands.

"What is Zhang Changsheng's cultivation level now?" Chen Mo was very curious about the cultivation level of this little celestial master in Longhu Mountain. If he could fight, Chen Mo would definitely make a move. This is also Chen Mo's hobby.

"Turn [-] peak, you should be on your way to the second rank." Zhang Changqing looked a little embarrassed.

Although Chen Mo's cultivation seems strong, and even he avoids his edge, it is indeed a bit bullying to fight against the peak of Yizhuan, but this is what Zhang Laodao asked him to ask, so although it is a bit embarrassing, Zhang Changqing I still asked.

"Of course, if Captain Chen thinks that our senior brother's cultivation level is too high, I can also fight against him." Zhang Changqing hastily added.

"You?" Chen Mo gave Zhang Changqing a lot, then shook his head and said, "There is no need to change people, I just want to learn the thunder method of Tianshi Mansion."

In the sea of ​​sky that day, Chen Mo was able to kill a land god who was a first-time celestial being. Although the opponents were all beginners, it might as well reflect Chen Mo's combat effectiveness.Now that Chen Mo is fighting ghosts again, he already has five evil spirits in his body, and the three-eyed Yan Luo has also been promoted to four stars. Chen Mo doesn't think he will lose.

"This is the battle jade card." Zhang Changqing took out another purple jade card from his sleeve and handed it to Chen Mo.

"I don't have to play, right?" The jade card was twirled in Chen Mo's hand.

"Yes, it's just a fun show. Everyone can come up if they want, and they won't force them if they don't want to. The heirs of the eight great peerless worlds should not appear. As for whether they will appear or not, I don't know." Zhang Changqing nodded, and Chen Mo said It's true that you got to the point, Zuo Zuo is just a show to add to the fun, there is no need to be so persistent.

"I see, I will be there tomorrow." Chen Mo nodded and sent Zhang Changqing away.

"Luo Tian Dajiao?" Chen Mo looked at the four big characters on the post.

There are many Taoist rituals, and this is one of them, but Chen Mo knows that this time it is only because of a name that the people are gathered together, and the actual situation is more complicated.

Zhang Changqing sent the post and sign and left. The population of Longhushan is relatively small, unlike the other seven peerless sects that developed in the Zongmen model, Longhushan Tianshi Mansion is a half sect The pattern of the door half family.

The number of people is small, so these disciples are needed to run errands.

There are so many and mixed people coming to Tianshi Mansion now, not only need disciples to run errands, but also need to maintain order, be peacemakers and the like.

So Chen Mo left him to drink an extra cup of tea, and it was easy for the other party to waste some time.Moreover, the two are just a one-sided relationship, and there is no need to do so.

Under the half-family and half-family model, if you want to worship Longhu Mountain, you will naturally have to change your surname, and the position of the celestial master must be Zhang's surname. All of them have the surname Zhang.

As for whether it is a direct descendant or a surname changed later, Tianshi Mansion doesn't care too much, as long as the surname is Zhang and maintains the status of Tianshi Mansion's lineage, it is enough.

Of course, even though they said so, there are still many of them who are directly descended from the celestial masters.

The theory of blood lineage has a large proportion in this strange world. Families that have been born into heaven and man are more likely to be born into heaven and man, while those who have not been born into heaven and man can go up step by step by themselves. will be more difficult.

People with good aptitude are more likely to produce people with good aptitude, and those with good aptitude can go faster and farther in practice.

Therefore, when the sect selects disciples with better qualifications, it is impossible to cultivate a student with poor qualifications.

The same is true for Longhu Mountain, those with poor aptitude will have lower status. Most of the disciples are orphans, brought into Longhu Mountain by disciples who went down to practice, and a few of them were sent up by their parents.

In this era, surnames are still very important. Because of this, Longhushan is more traditional and more united.

Therefore, although Longhushan has fewer people, its combat effectiveness is even better.

Just take Zhang Changqing as an example, this one is also a newcomer to heaven and man, and his age is a little older than Chen Mo. In the secular world, he can be called a genius, but in front of Zhang Changsheng, he can only be regarded as eye-catching.

According to what Zhang Changqing said, Zhang Changsheng has reached the peak of the first rank and is close to the second rank. Although he has not controlled the evil spirits, Chen Mo can't underestimate the opponent's combat power. Killing the demons of the same level must be as simple as cutting melons and vegetables. An invincible existence of the same level.

Chen Mo really wanted to meet this little celestial master for a while, of course, not only the little celestial master of the Tianshi Mansion, but also other disciples of peerless sects.

"Let's take a look tomorrow. However, tomorrow is Luo Tian Dajiao, so tonight will not be so peaceful." Chen Mo played with the purple jade card in his hand with a half-smile, the light in his eyes flashed.

The current Dragon and Tiger Mountain is also a demon sect, a sect, and people in the rivers and lakes. Chen Mo even saw the banner of the Dagan court. Chen Mo doesn't believe that the underworld will not get involved in such a big matter, and there will definitely be people touching it. Enter Longhu Mountain.

"Buzzing." Chen Mo's token on the waist of the gods rang, and after a glance, he found that it was a letter from Lu Suyao.

Connect the voice transmission token to "Is there something wrong?"

"Chief arrest, Qin Tianjian has integrated your meritorious deeds. I would like to ask when you will return to Qin Tianjian. According to your meritorious deeds, Ziyi will be granted the title and authority." Lu Suyao's voice even trembled a little .

The trembling was naturally due to excitement. She had been with Chen Mo for less than half a year, and Chen Mo's authority was going to be raised again, and she also read the battle file of Sky Sea. She couldn't believe that Chen Mo would kill so many demons.

Of course, she didn't know that Chen Mo was the master of many ghosts. Everyone who knew it had already blocked the news, so it didn't cause an uproar.

(End of this chapter)

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