Reckless through another world

Chapter 526 The Grand Ceremony Begins

Chapter 526 The Grand Ceremony Begins

There seemed to be a faint smell of blood in the air in the morning. There must have been a fierce battle last night, and many people died.

Chen Mo grinned and shrugged his nose, he was used to this smell for a long time.

"Since the Heavenly Master's Mansion is kindly inviting us, let's take a trip." The empress boarded a small chariot, and today's empress temperament has changed again, more like a contemptuous overlord, like a man holding a killing hand. The mighty emperor.

As for Chen Mo, he was very ordinary from the beginning to the end. There are not many things that can excite him now. Even a grand ceremony like Tianshi Mansion is nothing to Chen Mo.

Although there was a lot of voices, it was still not as good as the battlefield in the capital of God.

But it was still very lively, it seemed that no one disturbed Yaxing because of the noise last night or the smell of blood this morning.

The guards of honor around them were painted with spells that Chen Mo couldn't understand.

Although the time is not far away, Chen Mo found that he seemed to have not used the talisman for a long time. After all, his current cultivation base was considered a stage for mountain climbing, and with the evil ghosts all over him, there was no need to add icing on the cake.

Talismans were drawn on the huge ceremonial guard, and celestial masters in Taoist robes appeared around the dojo. With a pinch of the spell in their hands, the scene of the dojo in the entire celestial master mansion began to change rapidly.

"Box A NO.13."

Chen Mo flipped his hand, and the jade tablet in the sleeve robe appeared in his hand, and the Taoist priest who was guiding him checked it and led the chariot away.

It is said that it is a jade card given to Chen Mo, but in fact the owner is the empress. Otherwise, it is impossible for Chen Mo to get the first name. Regardless of the size, it is just a formality. After all, Tianshi Mansion cannot estimate the number of Yunding Tiangong comprehensive strength.

The construction of the dojo is similar to that of the battlefield in Shendu, and the A-ranks are all on the top floor, so there is no need to fight for anything.

"It's strange that three of the ten kings are here." Chen Mo looked around through the crystal French windows in front of the box, and he saw one just now. Look elegant and easy-going.

"It's just the old dragon Mo Hai who will pay, and the other two are trash." The empress said calmly, peeling off the orange in her hand and putting it in her mouth.

"Sister is so powerful?" Chen Mo looked at the empress.

Chen Mo does not reject this name, but he has no choice but to always address her as the Empress. The Empress said it was too natural, and calling her 'you' would be too distant. The Empress also forgot her own name, and Chen Mo didn't know how to address her.

So after much deliberation, I decided on this name.

"It's a little better than Xianzhi you imagined." The empress nodded slightly, lying on the huge seat, peeled the orange in her hand, and put it in her mouth.

Having been with the Empress for such a long time, Chen Mo finally discovered that the Empress can lie down and never sit, can sit and never stand, she doesn’t even bother to walk, if it’s not a chariot, it’s just flying, her feet don’t move at all. Stained.

Over time, Chen Mo was also changed so that he could no longer walk by himself, either by chariot or by flying.

"Why is that guy here?"

The one who spoke was a young hero with two dragon horns on his head, frowning as if he was a little puzzled.

"We came from Mohai, so naturally the empress also came."

It was the old dragon of Mohai that the empress said, the king of Mohai, the dragon king of Mohai on the top of Donglinzhou, the area between the East China Sea and the West Sea is called Mohai, and the Mohai tribe lives in the Mohai.


"Old Tianshi, as long as you agree to His Majesty's conditions, Dagan will fully support your plan with Tianshifu."

The white-faced Eunuch Chen cupped his hands in the direction of Shendu to show his respect to Emperor Daqian, then retracted his hands, and cupped his hands at the old celestial master, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Eunuch Chen is serious. The old man has stopped asking about the Tianshi Mansion for a long time."

"This matter is very interfering, and it's not just something that can be done with the consent of the Tianshi Mansion." The old Tianshi shook his head slightly, and there was no slight wavering in his hazy eyes. Even if you can resist it, you will be seriously injured.

Moreover, it is not only implicated in the Tianshi Mansion, but also the remaining seven sects, so the old Tianshi did not dare to agree rashly.

"This matter is actually negotiable. Our family has already approved the remaining seven major sects. Moreover, as long as you help His Majesty become the emperor, it will be beneficial to everyone. The imperial court will not eat alone, and it will definitely be divided evenly when it arrives." .” Eunuch Chen chuckled.

Originally, due to the mixed smoke and sunlight, the old Tianshi's eyes were covered with a layer of light dust, but after hearing what Eunuch Chen said about the delivery problem, it was like a dark cloud torn apart by the light. A little light.

The old Tianshi held a pair of sleeves in his arms, seemed a little hesitant, and smoked the dry tobacco, "click" for a long time, took the dry tobacco rod in his hand, knocked it against the sole of the cloth shoe, and started filling it again from the cloth bag tobacco.

"How about this, Eunuch Chen will stay here for now, the old man has to discuss it with the younger generation, just as Eunuch Chen also appreciates the Luo Tian Dajiao held once every ten years in our Celestial Master's Mansion." He greeted the disciples in the door, and at the same time brought the tea on the table.

"Then our family is waiting for the good news of the old Tianshi." Eunuch Chen accompanied him with a smile, but he did not feel angry at all because of the old Tianshi's tea and water, and walked out following the disciples in the Tianshi's mansion tactfully.

"Changsheng, what do you think?" The old heavenly master asked with a smile, smoking a dry cigarette.

A young man walked out of the shadows. Because he was facing the sunlight coming in, he couldn't see the appearance of the other person clearly.

"Chen Diao is quite a character. No wonder the Emperor Daqian sent him to Mount Longhu. It's just empty talk, nothing more than a big picture, and there is no sincerity at all." Zhang Changsheng pointed out the truth in one word, He was a little dissatisfied with Chen Diao's words.

"It's just a test." The old heavenly master nodded.

"The grand ceremony will begin, Changsheng, you go too, maybe you can meet a different person this time."

"Different characters?" Zhang Changsheng asked suspiciously, "Which one of the remaining seven major sects? The little Taoist priests who are too high may not be my opponents, and the rest of them have no chance, unless they abandon the sect." The identity of the heir to the door has controlled a powerful evil spirit."

Zhang Changsheng didn't think that anyone would do this, the price of doing so was too great, if he gave up his identity as the heir of the sect to control the evil spirits, he would have no chance to get in touch with the great ghost of the sect.

"Of course you will know when you are on the field, and you don't know if that young man will enter the field." The old celestial master waved his hand, stood up, and walked out of the hall. Zhang Changsheng followed closely behind the old celestial master. Walk out of the hall one after the other.

(End of this chapter)

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