Reckless through another world

Chapter 527 Looking for You

Chapter 527 Looking for You

Chen Mo leisurely sat beside the huge chair, while the Empress lay beside him, Chen Mo could even smell the fragrance of the Empress.

"It's lively, but when will the main dishes be served!" Chen Mo licked his lips, his long and narrow Danfeng eyes moved back and forth, standing on such a high stand, he had a clear view of the scene below.

"Sister, I'll go out." Since the celebration will take some time, Chen Mo plans to take advantage of this time to go out.

"Go, don't leave too far away." The empress waved her hand, and she took a bound book from someone who didn't know where. Of course, it wasn't some martial arts secrets or inner skills, but rather a popular one in the market. Yes, a romance novel written by a down-and-out scholar.

"What's the point of this, wait until I write some better ones for my sister." Chen Mo muttered and walked out of the room.

"Excuse me, which number is Shenxiufang?" Chen Mo asked a young Taoist priest.

"Shenxiufang, it's at No. [-] Jiazi." The little Taoist didn't think too much, and Chen Mo didn't look like he was going to Shenxiufang to make trouble, so he told the truth.

"Thank you." Chen Mo went straight to No. [-] A Zi.

"My lord, do you want to send someone to follow Your Highness?" Elder Xing asked in Zhili.

"No need, Xianzhi's strength is enough to deal with it, and this is the Heavenly Master's Mansion." The Empress waved her hand, but didn't let the elders follow Chen Mo. The Empress didn't want to tie Chen Mo by her side, she always needed some space.

Besides, it's not going to fight, why bring so many people, it's better to let Chen Xianzhi go by himself.

"Yes." Elder Xing replied, and then stepped aside.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?" Chen Mo knocked on the door of Box No. [-]. The walls of all boxes are made of crystal, and the inside can see the outside, but the outside can't see the inside, so Chen Mo's appearance has been blocked. The people from Shenxiufang found out.

"Who is this?" the disciple of Shenxiufang asked.

Even though he asked this question, some disciples still opened the door for Chen Mo. Chen Mo took a look and found that there was indeed no man, "As expected of Shenxiufang, it never recruits male disciples."

"Xianzhi?" Chen Xiang at the side naturally noticed Chen Mo's arrival, took a step forward, and shouted.

"Sister." Chen Mo smiled and bowed his hands.

"Master, this is my younger brother, he is here to look for me." Chen Xiang explained to the charming woman in her 30s in front of him.

"Is it him?" The charming woman looked at Chen Mo with interest, nodded slightly and said, "Sure enough, you are a genius, but why haven't I heard of you in the Taishang Dao Sect? Could it be that you were cultivated secretly by the Taishang Dao Sect? gone?"

"I've met the elder." Chen Mo cupped his hands, he knew who the charming woman in front of him was, it was Fu Juejing, the great elder of Shenxiu Square who took Chen Xiang as his apprentice when he passed by their Chen family.

Time doesn't seem to have left traces on her body. When Chen Mo saw the other party back then, the other party was like this. Goodbye now, the other party is still like this. I didn't understand before. Chen Mo thought that the other party was a celestial being. Now that I saw it again, I realized that the other party seemed to be a land god.

"The boy did not join the Taishang Taoist sect, but chose to become a casual cultivator, and now he works in the Qintian Supervisor God Catchmen." Chen Mo still has great respect for the person in front of him, not only because the other party is the elder sister's Master, also because she once gave Chen Mo a recommendation letter from the Supreme Dao Sect.

The millennium record of winning someone's kindness, not to mention such a big kindness, if it wasn't for the arrival of Chen Xianzhi, Chen Mo was destined to go to the Taishang Daozong.

Maybe for Fu Juejing it was just a letter of recommendation, but for Chen Mo, a poor kid like this, it was a huge opportunity and a great favor that could change his own destiny.

"God catcher, no wonder you feel the breath of evil spirits from your body, that's how it is." Fu Juejing nodded, with a peaceful and graceful face, not annoyed because Chen Mo rejected her recommendation, but with admiring eyes Looking at Chen Mo.

To be able to go to heaven and man as a casual cultivator can no longer be described as a genius, but a top genius.

Fu Juejing introduced Chen Mo to the elders who were sitting there, but the workshop owner was not here, Fu Juejing didn't say much, and Chen Mo didn't ask too much.

Of course, even if Fu Juejing didn't say anything, Chen Mo would probably know about it.

Fu Juejing nodded secretly to Chen Mo's understanding of etiquette. At least in her opinion, Chen Mo is not a rampant person, not an arrogant person, and he does not feel that he is superior to others because of his talent.

"Xiang'er, since your younger brother is here to look for you, you don't have to stay here, let's go for a walk with your younger brother." Elder Fu said with a smile, secretly considering whether to arrange a marriage for Chen Mo, although he said They Shenxiu Workshop does not accept female disciples, but female disciples can marry off.

The status of Shenxiufang is stable, and it has a lot to do with those female disciples who marry. Those who marry are all major sects, even families, etc., and the network of relationships is getting bigger and bigger. Coupled with its own strength, Shenxiufang Can safely sit in the ranks of peerless sects.

It was only when everyone regained their composure that they discovered that the disciples of Shenxiufang had formed such a large network of relationships before they knew it.

"No, the boy is not looking for my elder sister, but you." Chen Mo looked at Elder Fu, and there were several elders among them, whose status seemed to be higher than Elder Fu, but Chen Mo did not look for them.

After all, he has a relationship with Elder Fu and has nothing to do with others.

When Chen Mo came, he planned to find his elder sister, but when he came, he realized that the atmosphere seemed a little different, and it was very likely that finding his elder sister would be fruitless, so Chen Mo turned his attention and looked for Fu Juejing.

"Looking for me?" Fu Juejing was a little surprised. Although the relationship between her and Chen Mo was closer because of Chen Xiang, in the final analysis, it was just a one-sided relationship. Make her unhappy.

Because he didn't know about Chen Mo's affairs, Fu Juejing was a little uncertain. He looked at Chen Mo and couldn't see anything, but felt that Chen Mo's smile was a little weird, especially the pair of smiling red phoenix eyes. If you really look into it, you will find that there is no smile in his eyes.

"Let's go out and talk." Fu Jue nodded, the smile on his face subsided a lot, and he stepped out first.

Chen Mo followed behind the other party. I have to say that even wearing a long robe, it was still difficult to conceal her charming figure, but Chen Mo didn't pay much attention to it. Elder Fu's photo was worse than that of the Empress, and the business was more important. .

Chen Xiang wanted to follow her, but Chen Mo stopped her with his gaze, and even the elders in Shenxiu Fang were a little confused.

After walking out of the crystal wall of the box, the smile on Chen Mo's face gradually faded, and he took half a step back, not walking side by side with Elder Fu.

(End of this chapter)

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