Reckless through another world

Chapter 528 I am a scholar

Chapter 528 I am a scholar

"I understand the rules, but if you have any difficult things, you can ask me to help you, and I can't help you." Fu Juejing glanced at Chen Mo, his expression became a lot more indifferent, and he seemed to be alienated , not as gentle as when we met.

Although he didn't show it obviously, but Elder Fu obviously underestimated Chen Mo by two points in his heart.

Of course, putting on such a posture is also to prevent Chen Mo from begging her for any major matters. If everyone comes to beg her, will she still practice Taoism or practice?Don't you want to be troubled to death by these mundane things.

It's too much for San Mien to fight Mi Qiu.

"Hehe, it's nothing serious, I just miss my sister, so I want to take her back to God City, it's best to leave today, and come back in about three to forty years." Chen Mo grinned and said in a very calm tone, It seemed that he didn't feel the strong pressure Fu Juejing exerted on him at all.

"Senior, don't you want to use force to force?" The scarlet in Chen Mo's eyes flashed, and the scarlet mist gradually rose from the corners of his eyes, the corners of his mouth became wider, and his eyes gleamed fiercely.

Fu Juejing stopped walking when he heard the first half of Chen Mo's sentence, and twisted his eyebrows into Sichuan characters after hearing the middle part, and after hearing Chen Mo finished speaking, all the powerful pressure of the earth immortal fell on Chen Mo's body on the body.

Fu Juejing stopped and looked at Chen Mo, she was startled suddenly, the young man in front of her looked fierce just now, obviously if she didn't agree, this person would definitely do something.

"What a wolf cub, he is rampant when he succeeds. For so many years, no one of the younger generation has dared to be presumptuous in front of me." Fu Juejing smiled lightly, flipped his jade hand, and the huge earth fairy true energy fell on Chen Mo's body. It seemed that he wanted to push Chen Mo to his knees on the ground.

The sound of crunching flesh and bones rubbing against each other sounded from Chen Mo's eyes, but Chen Mo's face never changed, he bowed his hands and smiled.

"Senior, don't waste your thoughts in vain. The Sea of ​​Sky, the Earth Immortal and Heavenly Demon I killed should be counted in one palm. Unless the senior turns two, otherwise..."

"It's better to talk about the conditions, otherwise, no one knows what I will do." Chen Mo's face gradually became serious, and the five evil ghosts rushed out with a solid fear and pressure, and there seemed to be a bang invisibly. , Dispelling all the pressure around Chen Mo.

"Dangerous?" Such a thought arose in Elder Fu's heart, she couldn't see through Chen Mo, the gentle and elegant junior just now disappeared, and the person who appeared in front of her was like a devil.

There are "dangers" all around, and the young people in front of them have changed from docile sheep to ferocious beasts that devour people.

Do not!
is a monster.

Behind Chen Mo is the deep darkness, the best shelter for monsters in the darkness, looking at her with malicious eyes in the scarlet, it seems that the next moment will pounce on her and tear her to pieces.

"Okay, we can talk about it." Fu Juejing frowned slightly. Obviously, the young man in front of him was too dangerous. Years of experience told the horror of the person in front of him. Because, I am not sure to win it.

Even the heart trembled twice.

"It's good to be able to talk, it's good to be able to talk, the boy is also a scholar, not the kind of person who doesn't understand." The blood in Chen Mo's eyes faded, the ghost eyes on his forehead also quietly disappeared, and his temperament changed from a bloody devil In an instant, he became that young man with a bit of bookishness and shyness again.

The shy smile made Fu Juejing feel unreal, so she froze for a moment, but said in her heart, "Crazy."

"Your mental state is not very good. Is it because of controlling the evil spirit that your soul has also been affected?" Fu Juejing asked with a frown. She remembered that she was not like this when she saw this young man. Look, the young man in front of him seems a little crazy.

"Thank you, elder, for your concern. I know my body." Chen Mo shook his head. This was just his expression that radiated from the inside out when he was about to fight. Although the influence of evil spirits is also there, the proportion is not large.

The five evil spirits were all subdued by Chen Mo with a near-perfect method, with the suppression of the attribute panel, and the use of ghost energy was also very cautious. Chen Mo himself insisted on the principle of never turning himself into a ghost, so the proportion of the impact was not significant. big.

"Let's talk about the business. I'm more concerned about this." Chen Mo rubbed his hands, although he was expecting but not eager.

"You already know? All? Or some?"

"It should be part of it. I don't know the specifics. I only know that my eldest sister is involved." Chen Mo didn't even need to think about it. Although Zhang Laodao said a lot, Chen Mo didn't know the core of it. He just roughly knew that there was such a plan. That's all.

Chen Mo didn't need to seek proof, and he didn't intend to seek proof, as long as his eldest sister was picked out, it was enough.

Fu Juejing looked at Chen Mo, with surprise in his warm eyes, he seemed to find it quite funny, after a long time, he pursed his lips and smiled, "You came to me in a hurry because you only know these things, the things in it are far more important than You have complicated thoughts, and I can assure you that Chen Xiang is not in much danger."

"No, no, your plan is to play with fire. If a dead person wants to be resurrected, the probability is low, and it is more likely to cause chaos. There is a high probability of life, and there will be problems if there is a slight touch. I dare not bet." Chen Mo shook his head again and again.

It's not that Chen Mo doesn't trust the eight peerless sects, it's that their plans are crazy and dangerous.

"Xiang'er agreed to it himself. Even if I am the elder of the inner sect and his master, I have no right to stop it. If you want to stop it, it is not me, but Xiang'er." The elder Fu Juejing shook his head with a smile Shaking her head, she finally figured it out, and even she, the master, didn't persuade Chen Xiang, so should Chen Xiang be imprisoned?
Chen Mo stood still, thinking about the probability of persuading Chen Xiang, and searched all the memories, Chen Mo suddenly realized.

Ever since he was a child, Chen Mo was unable to intervene in Chen Xiang's affairs.This is true of all the things that Chen Xiang decides, even Chen Mo is influenced by Chen Xiang, he does things "independently", arbitrarily, and does not allow others to intervene.

Chen Mo rubbed his temples, and sighed in his heart, "This matter is troublesome!"

Chen Mo is "independent", and her sister Chen Xiang is also "independent". When two "independent" husbands meet together, if it is an ordinary small matter, there will be a setback, but if it is such an important event, the two must be inseparable from each other. give way.

"Headache? I also have a headache, but it's not in a hurry. It will take at least three to five years to start this plan. Please persuade slowly." Elder Fu Juejing laughed loudly regardless of his appearance. The exquisite figure trembled accordingly, and the charming beauty could be seen.

"Oh, it turned out that the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple. The family didn't know each other. It was the immortal who took the liberty just now. I ask the elders to forgive me." Chen Mo's face changed, but he still couldn't stop the embarrassment on his face. , smirking and cupping his fists.

"Forget it, if there is nothing else, I will go back."

"Look at what you said, how dare the boy stop you, you go first, you go first." Chen Mo touched his nose.

Fu Juejing nodded in satisfaction and turned around to go back to the box in Shenxiufang, but after taking a step, he turned around and asked rather mysteriously, "If you can't reach an agreement, you just... know how to do it. "

"I'm a scholar. Even if the talk is inappropriate, I still understand the principle of repaying your kindness. Even if you do it, it won't hurt you." Chen Mo shook his head, and it was indeed as Chen Mo said.

(End of this chapter)

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