Reckless through another world

Chapter 535 Disaster Mutation

Chapter 535 Disaster Mutation

"Assessment of combat power, the general level is in the primary to intermediate level of the first turn."

"Not up to the advanced level."

"It should be because the mutation level of the blood plague has not yet reached the third stage, so it cannot be upgraded." The white-robed man tapped the crystal panel in his hand with his fingers.

"Since the Tianshi Mansion is so lively, then our Hades will give them another firewood." The white-robed man picked up a token and said to the token, "It's time to start, we need to let this Jianghu feel the feeling of fear." Taste it, I hope they like it."



With this order to act, the mutation... began.

A young man in the crowd suddenly felt his nose was hot. He reached out to touch it, and there were two streams of nosebleeds. He wiped it off without paying attention.

"Wow!" a voice.

Who would have thought that it would be as if the faucet was turned on to the maximum, blood would flow out crazily, instantly staining his clothes red, and at the same time he felt very uncomfortable, retching, and the blood was vomited out of his mouth.

"Puff!" A bloody hand stretched out from his mouth.

"Hmm, help..." The young man looked around, but what they saw was everyone's panic. They possessed great power, but this was the first time they had experienced such fear, so they flinched, wishing to escape quickly. .

There was nothing but despair in the young man's eyes. He felt that something was about to come out of his mouth. The most terrible thing was not the tearing pain, but the fear that sank into his heart.

"Mother Xipi, what's going on!" No one dared to come forward to save him, but they all distanced themselves from the young man in fear.

The passerby who passed behind the young man just now has gone far away, and at the same time the needle tube in his hand is also empty, he took out a handkerchief from his sleeve robe, wrapped the empty needle tube, and put it in a mustard bag.

Among the mutated crowd, some mutated independently, and of course some were passively mutated by passers-by.

Another strong man felt some itching in his back, so he scratched it, and then his nails all left his palm, bloody paws, the pain was painful, but the pain was not as good as the fear.

Someone else felt something strange in his mouth, like a toothache, so he scratched it and pulled out the entire tooth, and the shredded flesh writhed strangely, as if it had come to life.

"Damn, what is this!" He was so frightened that he threw away his teeth.

The young man completed the mutation, a hunched body, like a skinned blood corpse, came out of his mouth, the hunched body was like a boiled prawn, it opened wide The mouth instinctively ate the young man's corpse, and after eating the corpse, it seemed to have finally remembered who it was.

It howled in pain, hugged its head, and clasped its blood-red head tightly with its sharp claws. Finally, it couldn't bear it, and cut its throat with one claw, and gradually lost its eyes. Glorious.

But it didn't die. Instead, it moved strangely and began to attack the people around it.

Chen Mo has already controlled Shen Guangxiu's mutated blood ghoul, but the surrounding situation is even worse. Among them, some ghost envoys have mutated, and their evil ghosts have revived.

After the dead, there was even more confusion, cries, roars, shouts of killing, and running for their lives...

Chen Mo looked at and picked up the token. "Longhushan, request for support, there is a large-scale abnormal situation, request for support."

"All martial arts, kill monsters!"

The figure of the old celestial master appeared above the dojo, and his voice echoed in the whole dojo. At the same time, ghost energy flew out one after another, quickly beheading batches of monsters.

"Join the battle!"

Following the appearance of Tianshi Mansion, members of the remaining seven major sects also joined the battle, quickly strangling and killing monsters one by one.

"The effect is good, there are actually two Class A." King Qin Guang looked at the chaotic dojo through the crystal in front of him. There were several more powerful monsters among them, even stronger than the blood ghoul that Chen Mo dealt with.

"'A-013 Butcher'"

"'A-082 Bloodthirsty'"


"There are still a lot of B-levels among them."

"The effect of the divine blood is remarkable, but I still have to thank King Chujiang for his great contribution in the research. Without them to balance the divine blood, there would not be so many sane fighters." Qin Guang smiled on his face, even Yin Yi There was also a smile in his eyes.

"It's just a pity. The results at this stage are not reversible. It would be great if we could control the reversibility." Beside King Qin Guang was a woman, a very beautiful woman, but the most beautiful thing was her hands, which looked like It is the Creator's preference.

Even Qin Guangwang was very envious of this woman's hands, and his eyes stayed on her hands most of the time.

"I'm going back first. If there is an unrecorded divine body, remember to bring it back to me." The woman stepped out, and the figure had disappeared in the box.

"Go slowly, my lord."

"Oh, God really appreciates the food." Qin Guangwang sighed, the adult's hands were born for dissection, and for an anatomy madman like him, having such a pair of hands is simply a dream.

King Qin Guang looked at his smooth hands, shook his head, put the gloves on again, and watched the chaos in the dojo.

With the participation of the eight peerless sects and the counterattack of the martial cultivators after experiencing fear, although there are still a large number of people changing, the situation has been brought under control.

Shooting shuttles descended from the sky one by one, and they were ghost emissaries one by one. After receiving Chen Mo's call for help, Qin Tianjian directly dropped a large number of ghost emissaries. Without knowing how the other party was infected, , can only be culled quickly first.

"I can't survive anyway, so why not kill me!" A black-skinned guy showed his fangs, and bit off the neck of a Wuxiu, and blood poured into his body. Become stronger.

"What the hell are these monsters?" Chen Mo slashed and killed them, but none of their characteristics poured into Chen Mo's body, but if they were human, it couldn't be said that way.

There are small ones, like a lamb, but their combat power has not decreased at all, but has been greatly improved. Of course, there are also big ones, covered with white hair, like wild beasts, a full five meters high, and even some Some humanoids are as high as seven or eight meters.

Some of them have eyes all over their bodies, some have mouths, several heads, all kinds of strange shapes, and of course there are things that are crooked like moving meat piles.

"They look like humans, but they don't look like ghosts. On the contrary, they look like... ghosts." Chen Mo frowned. If they ran away, they would die. They really looked like ghosts, but the other party seemed It only has the appearance of a ghost, but does not have the characteristics of killing and immortality.

"Catch the living!" All ghost emissaries received this order, and they wanted to take the living things back.

(End of this chapter)

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